A Mellow Monochrome Monday


Welcome My Friends To A

Mellow Monochrome Monday

I love how the mist obscures what lies down the road...

Please feel free to place your link below! Of course Steem is so low and because everyone now needs to use a higher percentage, I cannot vote the comments and still have votes for your posts. But, if you do post here, I will surely visit your post and vote. Hopefully Steem will climb again and I can start then voting comments again. Please support as many other people posting to the comments as well. And know it means a lot to the Old Guy to see you guys supporting each other!


One more from my walk yesterday. That is actually the lake in the background but I like how it was blown out and creamy like.


Thanks for stopping by!

All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.



aww a mellow mono? I soo like the misty one you have here :D
il place myn here as ya told me toooo & your finally awake and posted before me ;) LOL & by not upvoteing me, il suport someone else💗

Beautiful mountain shot and the song is perfect for your theme. Love both!

I upvote your post, I just cannot upvote every comment till Steem goes back up.

WOW...looks like Spring hasn't arrived yet hopefully soon my friend well here is something you can laugh about till Spring arrives :)


Your post made me smile today, thanks!

Haha ...glad it made you smile we all need that good medicine now and then :)

Beautiful shots Paul, I really like the one with the misty road, it has a very mysterious feeling to it!

My entry for this week is here, thank you!

These were awesome photos @keithboone!! I love the motorcycle especially and your macro shots!

The reflection on that building photo you posted is stunning @pridefoltz.

Thank you, Deb:)

Hey, nice mellow monochrome Monday pictures. Here's a link to my effort, Monochrome Monday - Orchas Island Ferry Boat

I open a cafe business so friends ya kayak hangout place so how do yu according to your friends with my place @lightsplasher.


Always a pleasure to see your posts!

this is the afternoon weather where I live fella @lightsplasher, beautiful yes.!

Sometimes the mist can obscure the best of things, you know? Love the soft, mellow mono. Outstanding.

Upped and Steemed

Oh yes! There is always a fascination with mystery and things not seen...

Mist can hide wrinkles and cellulite too.....or so I heard. I wouldn't know anything about such things. :)

Hehe... Truth! I mean... I am sure.

Happy Monday y'all! It's a lovely day in the neighborhood....and all that.

So, you made some nice photos there sir. Is that a bell or a fishing weight in the first shot? It looks like it has a chain attached :)

Here's my post. Thanks for doing this challenge. It really helps keep me organized. :)

Yep its an old fishing weight. I think old mundane its can be interesting to shoot sometimes.

Yeah seriously the challenges help remind me what day it is lol.

lol...so true....after Tuesday, I'm lost. ;)

Nice shots!

Strange question perhaps, but do you also have the impression that your camera sees a bit further into the mist than your eyes?

YES!!! I was just arguing with my son about this. I know it happens because I think I have a really coll misty shot, but when I look at the pic, Im like where did all my cool mist go LOL!

I noticed this several times as well, but I'm not sure what causes it. Maybe it is because the camera can see into infrared further. Just a guess.

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