Monochrome Monday – Orchas Island Ferry Boat

For monochrome Monday this week I did a picture of the ferry dock and gangplank. I like the way these types of structures look in black and white and it is fun to try out different processing to see the way the water turns out.

We just took a short vacation trip to Orchas Island on the Washington State ferry boats. It was fun to explore the island although it was raining the entire trip.

Dock_ Agfapan25.jpg
Ferry boat dock using: Agafapan 25 film emulation and effects – click for viewing full screen

Here’s the hyper-real looking version with the effects by Google Pictures. It didn’t look like that, it was a bit more rainy and gray looking as I recall, but I do like the processing effects.

Ferry boat dock, effects by Google Pictures – click for viewing full screen

Below is the original picture (resized) as it came out of my Galaxy S9+. Perhaps it is more realistic, however, not exactly right either. Lighting and processing does make a difference in how the pictures come out.

Ferry boat dock, f/2.4 1/787 4.3mm ISO 50 – click for viewing full screen

Here’s a view of the boats coming and going from Orchas Island. It shows a bit about the size of the boats. On the way to the island we had a nice view from the car - in fact the first picture was taken from the car window. On the way back we were down in the middle of the hold between some rather large trucks and couldn't see anything.

Ferry boats on Orchas Island – click for viewing full screen

Here’s a view from the boat bow. There was a rope across this section to prevent you from going closer to the front. I suppose if someone really wanted to they could drive easily through the rope and wind up in the bay. (Maybe not the best way to get rid of your car though, LOL)

The water is pretty cold around here and most people would not survive for long if they fell into it. The waves are not very high so the ferry ride is pretty safe.

Taken off the boat bow, f/2.4 1/1238 4.3mm ISO 50 with color and levels adjusted – click for viewing full screen

Here’s a version of the picture that I did with Technicolor 3 color emulation. I think it fits well with the first black and white picture and gives an old time look. I like the blue color the mountains became and the way the rust color came out in this version.

Taken off the boat bow, with Technicolor 3 color emulation – click for viewing full screen

I hope you enjoyed seeing the different ways the processing can make the pictures turn out. I like trying different black and white and color effects. This ferry system has been around for so long the old time color effects seems to fit well with it if you ask me.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support! Special thanks to @old-guy-photos for hosting monochromemonday.


B&W look awesome with little incresed contrast but color always overcomes everything.

Yes, it is nice that we have the ability to take high quality color photos now. I do like trying out different photos in B&W for a different view on things.

It's amazing how green everything is over there. Here on the east coast the trees haven't even started to bud yet and it snowed last week. Hopefully we can catch up to the colors you guys on the west coast have already!

It seemed like it was a pretty mild winter this season, lots of garden plants, herbs, the fig tree, and artichokes survived. I think it snowed once or twice lightly but I didn't have to shovel it. It does stay green most of the year except at the end of the summer. Most people don't water their grass and just wait for the rainy season to start and green it back up.

I liked the original and the black and white version the best. You captured great industrial-like colour sans filter on the original and the black and white added some wonderful lines and texture. Love being by the see ... it does add something to photos:)

I do like different aspects of the images, it is fun for me to compare the results and try different things. Thanks for the feedback, it is always nice to know what you think.

My pleasure, lightsplasher:)

I am enjoying your photos, Happy holidays at orchas island @lighsplasher, you already capture the moments of your trip, it certainly will be a lot of other wonderful moments with respect to your goals, I wish you safe on trip and have fun

Thank you. It was a fun trip. I've just got back, hence the reason I've found some time to make a few posts, lol.


looks simple but there is hidden inside

An ant on the linoleum tile floor, right? ;)

Very nice smartphone photographt

Very Beautiful Photography I like that stuff @lightsplasher

The pixs were very enjoyable to watch, as much as you had fun taking them. happy monochrome monday to you.

Happy monochrome Monday! lol. :) (Actually it is Tuesday now, but who's counting.)

It is a fascination and very fun for me to see how edits change the tone and feel of a picture! Even with black and white, just changing light and contrast makes a big difference. And of course also cropping comes into it as well. Cool shots, my friend, and thanks for sharing your thoughts on the editing!

I have heard from guys that sail on the Puget Sound about places that when the ebb tide is going out really makes for some interesting conditions!

I think the editing really is a fun aspect of getting the images to show up how you like. Now that I have my new keyboard and easy access to my old computer I might go back to doing more of the editing in Photoshop.

The tides around the Puget Sound can be really strong in certain places. In Deception Pass between the islands there is a narrow passage that I've heard can have some strong whirlpools. I wouldn't want to take a smaller boat through there when the tide is moving fast. friend, your holiday would be great fun, here's what I'm waiting for, you always make different photography and I really like it, for this time I can not comment much, but this is very special for me. image
Thank you my friend...

I love you @lightsplasher

Thank you. Nice macro photography on the flower. ❤

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