Giving to GrowsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #money7 years ago

When I was younger, I never understood why companies spent so much money telling others about the good things they were doing.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is Image
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I always thought they could better use the money for whatever they were raising it for rather than spending it on mailers, marketing, commercials and ads.

Somewhere along the way, I learned that the reason they spend so much on telling people about what they are doing is so that they can raise even more than they would otherwise!

Fair enough.

But is that enough?

Cash Salad Image
Image From Cartoon Network

What if there were a way to raise money, but not only for the immediate needs, but future needs too?

“If you feed a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you give him a growing endowment, you feed him for life.” - @stan

Now this sounds interesting!

The thing is, I live in Texas, but not near enough to Houston to be impacted directly by Hurricane Harvey and the resulting flooding.

But I know people who are down that way and I want to do something.

There is plenty of ways to give supplies, money and other things, but what is something unique that I got that I can use to “do more”...

Some Notable Heros -
J. J. Watt and Jerry Jones

That’s awesome, but I don’t have that kind of cash… How can a normal everyday guy like me be a HERO?

More from @stan:

“So, if you donate $30, it could grow to $30,000 collateral in two years while Harvey victims get a steady series of HERO payments that add up to $10,000 - without touching the $30,000 endowment you have cleverly built for them.”

Now that’s impressive!

This morning I decided to donate some of my own HERO to the cause with the hopes that it too will one day grow!

My BitShares Decentralized Exchange account is strangerarray07 and as you can see I gave 1.5 HERO to Help with Harvey Recovery!

Strangerarray07 HERO Image
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I wouldn’t normally publicize my givings, but I want to raise awareness of this special way to help Rebuild Houston!

Whatda’say wanna join me and be a HERO?

Stay tuned.
Stay interesting.
Stay Strange.


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray or buy me lunch because I am hungry for helping Harvey Victims.

Join me on the BitShares Decentralized Exchange
in The Billion Hero Challenge!

BitShares Title Block
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Don’t Forget To Check Out My Last Post:

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The Recluse

It is an original poem I wrote while mowing my lawn the other day.


What an awesome idea :) Thanks for sharing. I'm reading all your stuff, catching up since accidentally vegan, I hope you're still going strong on the plant based path !

Thanks, hope something makes sense and is worth it!

Yes, it will take a while to recover and lots of help is needed. Simply writing about it raises awareness too!

That's so great that you are helping those affected!

Thanks, I hope we all can find ways to pitch in!

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