in #money7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever destroyed a $50 bill?

I'm not sure about you, but @papa-pepper certainly has. Was it because I believe so much in STEEM that I decided to destroy some USD as a small (and costly) protest?

Well, actually, no. I used a weed-whacker (AKA weed-eater) at work and shredded it because someone left it laying in the grass. Please keep in mind that this was not intentional. It was a missed opportunity. Honestly, I had no idea that there was a $50 bill laying on the ground. All of the sudden I just saw pieces of it laying all over the place. If I would have known that it was there, I would have just stopped and picked it up, getting $50 USD in the process.

After some thought and consideration, I believe that I actually destroyed the $50 bill two weeks earlier, the last time that @papa-pepper and @bluerthangreen cut the lawn at that particular store in St. Louis, MO. Last time, it was dark and raining, so the money would have been harder to notice.

Regardless of when it happened, it certainly did happen and no matter what I do, and cannot go back and do things differently. That $50 is forever gone now.

Of course, that is a real event that actually happened, but it is also an illustration. For many of our friends and family members who once heard us mention steemit, they missed an opportunity as well. Now that STEEM is rising, our accounts here are growing rapidly. Others look in at all the excitement and wish that they had listened. Did they miss their opportunity?

Well, they did miss an opportunity, but that does not mean that there is not another one. When I am weed-whacking now and see a $1 bill, do I remember missing out on that $50 bill and just keep working? No, I pick it up and get $1 for doing so. Just because someone has not already taken advantage of the fantastic opportunity that steemit offers does not mean that they still cannot take advantage of it now.

Enter @bluerthangreen

Much like @papa-pepper, @bluerthangreen created a steemit account last July. In that time, @papa-pepper has pretty much become a household name in the steemit community, and @bluerthangreen made one tiny post 10 months ago. My account became worth tens of thousands and his was worth a few dollars. @bluerthangreen will be the first to tell you, he missed an opportunity!

However, @bluerthangreen will also tell you that he still has an opportunity, and he plans of taking full advantage of it.

Proof selfie taken by @bluerthangreen

Yesterday morning I drove his truck to work so that he could make his introduction post while I drove. After seeing how much fun I've had here and hearing about so many of you, he is happy to finally be getting on board. Don't miss your opportunity to welcome @bluerthangreen to steemit!


As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with steemit.com



I love this post! Part of me is deeply hurt for all of those people I encouraged to join Steemit a year ago. They didn't listen and now they will miss probably one of the best opportunities ever!

I feel so grateful to be on this platform. And I feel sorry for those who didn't listen to us.

I agree. Thank you very much @kaylinart

I am South-African and $50 is a lot of money where I am from...

It is a good amount here, I was disappointed that we did not see it first.

I feel bad that I joined and got discouraged because there was so much to learn! Face Book is so easy but then, there is no reward there either, is there? I wish I had done things differently then but all I can do is start now. I try to tell my friends about Steemit and they are so skeptical! They all want to watch me and if I get money then they may join but there is still so much to learn! I intend to put myself out there and get involved this time! Thanks for sharing your insights and knowledge!

Be encouraged and go for it!

I knew nothing 10 months ago, and now, I am still learning.

The really great thing about cryptocurrencies is that there are still ground floor opportunities to be had. In spades. Of course Steemit still has wonderful opportunities. For a ground floor opportunity happening right now, check out the VIVA project started by a group of Steemians. Look for it in #viva

Maybe I'm naive but I was shocked the first time I tried to explain Steemit to someone close to me and they just didn't get it. I might have understood better if they said it sounded like a scam but it was pure disinterest instead. Most of us here are looking at Steemit and seeing THE FUTURE but a lot of people will just see 'a website'. And that's how $50 bills get shredded.

I joined over 7 months ago, poured my heart into a long post, and did not get a single vote. So I left kind of defeated. However, I came back about a month ago and I've been posting every day now. Some of my fiction stories have really taken taken off. 2 of them have earned over $20 one has earned over $50. Still, some of them only make like $0.50 or a dollar and since they take like 3 hours to write a chapter for, it makes it tough. I think I just need more followers.

More followers helps. Sometimes I post in different categories too, just too see whonis out there. If you average the post payouts, things may look better.

That's just bad luck. But you'll make it pretty soon here won't you? ;)

Looks like I just did!

Great post papa-prepper. I keeps telling my friends and family about steemit. A few have listened. You can lead a horse to water....😊

read his @bluerthangreen introduceyourself post,Resteemed and Upvoted/followed.....
if i don't do it for @papa-pepper ,who else i'm i gonna do it for?

Warm welcome dear @papa-pepper .........praying for @mama-pepper and the coming baby.

If you still have the pieces of the $50 I would take it to the bank, there is a small chance they can give you a new bill. Worth a try anyway.

A bank requires you have about 60% of the note and have at least one of the two serial numbers

Glad to know you at least looked into it.

Yeah, when my nephew was very little he decided to make confetti one day....out of uncle Chrome's money.

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