Ready to Get My Steem-On!

First off, let me introduce myself. I’m @Bluerthangreen.


Well, I’m not really, that’s just my username. IRL (in real life) I’m a Husband, Father, Homesteader, Contractor, Seeker of Truth, and now a perspiring blogger. I love Chinese food and American Football. I’m a Leo and my favorite number is free. I am a fan of Superman and The Walking Dead. As a seeker of Truth, I am an avid reader and I like to listen to podcasts. I dabble in politics, economics, psychology, sociology, and theology. Lately, I’ve been intrigued by cryptocurrencies and the potential they have in liberating humanity from government monopolies. In particular, Steem and the phenomenon that is Steemit.

I joined Steemit last July because blogging is something I’ve been wanting to do for the past 4 years, but never made the time to blog. My friend, @papa-pepper, had just started Steeming and encouraged me to join as well. So I did. And so it sat. Life always seemed to get in the way. After watching and listening to @Papa-Pepper create content and have fun while doing so, he inspired me to get off the proverbial bench and to get into the game.

So, here I am coach, put me in! Ready or not, here I come.

I, like @Papa-Pepper, moved from Wisconsin to Arkansas not too long ago hoping to accomplish 3 main goals:

  • Gol numero uno: Live a life of considerate freedom.

  • Tor zwei: Build Legacies Utilizing Earth’s Resources.

  • Objectif trois: Slow down and enjoy life.

In future posts I will break down and explain the intricacies and implications of these goals. I will also create a mind blowing 1 part series on how @Bluerthangreen met @Papa-Pepper. You won’t want to miss that one for sure.

Content from here on out will include all the topics that I previously shared plus so much more. After all, this is an introduction, not an autobiography.

Thanks for reading my introduction. Here’s to starting new friendships and hopefully some encouraging, inspiring, educating and entertaining posts. Steem On!


Yay, you made it!!

Full Steem Ahead.

I couldn't have done it without your inspiration.

@bluerthangreen If you know Pappa, you'll do great! Welcome!

Hey, @papa-pepper said that he would give 5 steem to the first person to correctly deduce the meaning of my username.

Bluerthangreen means that you are familiar with the blues, and don't have a lot of money, right?
We can elaborate but you catch the drift, no?

That is all true, but no, that is not the meaning of my username. Thanks for guessing, take another shot at it.

Oh, thought I had nailed it. What's bluer than green? Teal?

Ha, ha. Clever. But, no. Try again.

You are more for Peace and Cooperation (Blue) than for getting money at all costs (Green).

Welcome @bluerthangreen!! I'm a Wisconsinite and friend of Papa as well.
Hope you are still a Packer fan!! I'll be following you!!

Packer fan for life. Thanks, @papa-pepper has told me about you. It will be nice getting to know a fellow wisconsinite and Packer backer.

Same here my friend! You will enjoy the community. Have fun and Steem on!!

Welcome to steemit @bluerthangreen. You will do great here

I hope so. Thanks.

Bluer than green.... The color of your thumb after hitting it with that fool hammer.

Nope, but oh so true. Guess again.

This one was from my wife...... Bluer than green..... Chosen because the earth's surface is covered by more water than land. That has to be it.

That's pretty good, wish I would have thought of it myself. Do you mind if I borrow it for another added layer to the real meaning? But, sorry, not the correct answer. Try again.

The color of your eyes, sweet irises that are bluer than green. Last guess, you better get this one right.

No, sorry. I got it wrong again.

It is because you are a true BLUE friend, not one who is GREEN with envy.

Really good guess. It is oh so true. But not the meaning of my username.

Welcome to the world of blogging. Based on your intro, I think you're stuff is going to be great and I can't wait to read it -- especially the intriguing one-part series you mentioned. 🙂

Welcome to Steemit :)

hello @bluerthangreen welcome to steemit 😁

You were the first to welcome me, I will never forget you. :)

when I joined here 5 months ago it was very difficult for me to understand what was going on with this I try to help and welcome new users :)

Amazing intro bud! Will be following and good luck!

Good to be on board, finally.

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