This "Managed" Stock Market: The VIX is Again Low, So is it Time To Go? By Gregory Mannarino

in #money7 years ago

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Well it seems that nothing will get in the way of the stock market moving higher, especially in an environment where the Federal Reserve continues to broadcast that it will support the price of stocks no matter what happens.

Today, we heard from Minneapolis Federal Reserve bank president Neel Kashkari, almost as if on cue after last nights terrorist attack in Manchester England which threatened to push stocks lower. Neel made several dovish comments regarding Federal Reserve monetary policy which helped to push the stock market higher in early trade.1.png

Well they say what goes up must come down, and once again the stock market fear index is scary low.
Now this does not mean that we are going to see in immediate spike in market volatility, especially in this Federal Reserve managed market environment- but it does mean that we need to keep an eye on the VIX.

In my opinion this market has become 100% reliant on support coming from the Federal Reserve and therefore has no bearing on reality, why? Because this is what the Federal Reserve has been unrelentingly doing since the stock market meltdown of 2008.

Most of you who are reading this article already know that I personally do not care whatsoever what direction the stock market moves, I just want us to capitalize on whatever move it makes. With that said, let's ride this overwhelmingly complacent "managed by the Federal Reserve" stock market higher while keeping a close eye on the VIX.

Gregory Mannarino
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Once we audit the fed, everything will go to fair market value. Untill then its all up to the fed how this plays out. Be your own central bank. Untill that day comes when the fed is out of the picture, I will keep stacking
Thanks for the info, full steem ahead.

unfortunately that will never happen...trump loves the fed

Today,,,, he may not like them tomorrow, he can change his mind at any moment, he has proven that. He's still trying to figure things out himself.

Maybe being solely reliant on the Feds movements is what they want. So they have the power to crash the market whenever they are ready to do so.

The stock market is manipulated and has been for decades. The federal reserve is an illegal entity that has taken over our money and our lives. The Creature from Jekyll Island. If folks have not read it they need to. We many never be smarter than the stock market, however we can be literate and educated to what to do to protect ourselves and even profit. It is a controlled manipulation and they have the puppet strings. Some folks call it the great casino and I wonder why. Going through life with eyes closed. Nothing is real lyrics - (Beatles) I digress. What will it take to wake up the sheeple? The wolf is guarding our money. Who is afraid of the big bad wolf? WAKE UP FOLKS!!!!! Get SOME SILVER, GOLD, BITCOIN, STOCKPILE AND DIVERSIFY WHILE YOU STILL CAN. I will share this video with you if you like it upvote. Again thanks Greg.

Thanks for the info. I think some caution is needed over the next few days as things do seem to be heating up around the world. I did a small thank you Post on my Blog Site and if you have time please go check it out. Thanks


They want to keep people in the game, it's as simple as that. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy in relation to the Fed and it's forward guidance policies impacting market sentiment and movement

Entered VIX straddle yesterday. Still holding both positions.

In my opinion, the Federal Reserve will print money until their plan succeeds or the system breaks.

The federal reserve is buying the rally. Why shouldn't we.

oh that look and i gave you a thumb's up

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