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RE: Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon

in #money6 years ago (edited)

What will happen to the United States if China's technology continues to advance?

I wrote a comment on that above linked answer:

Intel has lost the fab process lead to AMD and TSMC a Taiwanese company. That’s the sound of decadence that will be accelerating about now.

AMD is run by a female Chinese engineer who actually knows engineering and likes to delve into the engineering specifics. They’re kicking Intel’s arse. Intel recently had top executives who didn’t even major in engineering and who were more interested in promoting egalitarianism than actually keeping their focus on the engineering. This ideological suicide of the West is quite obvious by now. See the links I provided in my prior comments above.

The epitome of a Western maverick CEO now is Elon Musk who is criticized by his own engineers for not understanding the details very well. Musk is basically a political hack who knows how to gain government subsidies. He offered a high tech fantasy submarine to help out in the rescue of those boys who were trapped in a cave in Thailand and the Asians ignored his impractical, media circus insanity.

I also wrote:

Not only that Westerners can no longer challenge authority, but most don’t have a fscking clue of what is really going:

Jesus, Bitcoin is (somewhat) Sovereign, Democracy Not

Did The Plane Flyover The Pentagon?

Countries Vulnerable to Economic Devastation Soon

I also wrote:

Mike just like most Westerners, you have your head up your arse. Reality can be unpleasant. Westerners are decadent, spoiled, idiotic, and committing economic and political self-immolation. Get out and see the world a bit. From one former Westerner (U.S. citizen) to those who are still trapped inside their delusion.

I also wrote:

Nationality is almost irrelevant. The (white) Asians are collectively a technological juggernaut that will displace the West by no later then 2032. It’s just time. The West is shooting itself in the feet in every way possible as I explained in my other comments under this answer. You may want to find my comment with the links to my blog posts for more details. Network effects are a non-linear phenomenon. All the network effects (e.g. TSMC with the fab process lead over Intel and Global Founderies) is shifting East.

I also wrote:

Check out this interview of Lisa Su:

She turned AMD around from a total flop into the world leader.

First generation Chinese in the USA raise their kids with some of their home culture. Lisa obviously has some of that and is able to easily develop corporate relationships in Asia. She’s a bridge for the transition of the end of the US chip industry. Also ARM chips may challenge on the server-side and Chinese will be all over that as well.

Global Foundaries couldn’t keep up with the pace to 7nm so she’s transitioning chip production to TSMC. This means the Chinese are outpacing the Westerners in fab process technology. Taiwanese are Chinese. So much so that China does not recognize Taiwan as a country separate from China.

Basically this is beginning of the end for the US chip design industry as well, because as the Chinese learn they will gradually take over all facets of what AMD is doing. Eventually AMD will essentially be a Chinese company (or it will be replaced by one discarding AMD). Just as Lenovo used to be IBM Thinkpads, but now a Chinese company that makes the best laptops that businessmen can buy if they don’t want a MacBook.

The Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese, and Koreans all produce quality smartphones. In fact Apple’s global marketshare is has shrunk quite a bit. The world is pretty much dominated now by Android on Asian smartphones.

Are you blind to the shift? Living in some delusion hoping that the West isn’t going to collapse? Westerners better stop whining about politics and egalitarianism and get prepared to start begging and working hard and keep their mouth shut and head down.

I also wrote:

You seem to not understand that the huge markets of China (and Asia in general) that includes billions of upwardly mobile people with strong family values, strong education, no egalitarian ideological societalcide, and very low government interference in capitalism with much lower taxes than in the West (with a much lower welfare state burden), means there’s massive cross-investment and network effects across the (especially East, white) Asian region.

The question is about the juggernaut China which is best poised to leverage this network effects phenomenon because of their economies-of-scale and increasing economic and military dominance of the region. This is undeniable.

I also wrote:

I wrote lost the lead in fab process technology. Please pay attention to the specificity in posts. Intel botched the move from 14nm to 10nm. They’ll be stuck at 14nm through much of 2019, whilst TSMC will be shipping 7nm in 2019.

AMD will eventually leverage this fab process lead into dominance in everything including servers. The writing is on the wall.

I also wrote:

Lol Tahitoa Toefuata replied yet blocked me so I can’t reply under his response. Notice I haven’t blocked anyone on Quora (although several have blocked me when I poke holes in their logic) because I’m not afraid of debate. Anyway, we’ll put an end to this nonsense sort of Q&A site, when we put this on a blockchain where such censoring manipulation becomes impossible.

It’s true that white East Asian countries have an aging population but this issue will not put pressure on their economies (other than needing to move up the food chain from low-valued manufacturing to higher valued services, manufacturing, technology, etc) for many decades. And because also they have a huge surplus of brown South-East Asian migrants who have similar virtues w.r.t. family, education, hard-work (not the disrupt and destructive Rapefugees and radicalized nutcases that Europe is accepting). So the aging issue will not affect Asia until long after the West has collapse into the dustbin. Btw, China ended their one-child policy some years ago.

As for China’s investment by loans in Africa and all along the Silk Road, they’re indeed a juggernaut that is taking control by integrating economically over huge chunks of the world.

Japan was not significant by itself to supersede the West. But Japan’s 26+ year decline is bottoming now. And now Asian as a whole has the economy-of-scale to take the financial capital of the world away from the West. Japan’s youth is not so xenophobic. They’re ready to open to the other Asian countries and create the Asian Union juggernaut of which China is the leader and the major cog.

Armstrong is warning that the politics in the USA has crossed the Rubicon and there’s no going back to normalcy:

You are correct, we have crossed the Rubicon. There is no putting this back together. The November elections will NEVER be accepted by either side.

This is the Array on the Democrats. We are plagued by Directional Changes and Panic Cycles showing up in 2019 and 2021. This is all coming to a MAJOR head by 2020.

I sincerely fear that Trump will be the very last democratically elected president. They will from here on out alter the actual voting counts to support their desired outcome. This is game over! Turn out the lights! As they said of Rome: they will still laughing when the lights went out.

Also Armstrong has updated the news on the sunspot chart:

Solar Minimum – Biggest Decline Maybe Ever

The sun is entering perhaps one of the deepest Solar Minima in thousands of years. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018. This is really alarming. Since the start of 2018, there have been totally spotless days for weeks. The sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply declined and this is not going to end well.

We can see that this decline in Solar Cycle #24 has been a rapid decline that is twice as fast than any previously. Already the the upper atmosphere is losing heat energy. NASA has conceded that if the current trend continues, this could become a dramatic cold period far worse than many people suspect. The Global Warming crowd is leading the world down a dangerous path because they have been paid $1 billion to create fake research in order to raise taxes as they have been doing in Europe and Canada. Our computer us projecting a very serious decline in sunspot activity. This will be the backdrop to the rise in agricultural prices we see between 2020 and 2024. Of course, thanks to the Global Warming people, it will be too late to prepare.

Also Armstrong wrote:

Napoleon – War – Sunspots & Human Excitability

[…] There is also the Human Excitability Study where war was correlated to sunspot activity. The sunspot cycle is roughly every eleven years. However, this time it’s different. The sun is headed for a very rare, super-cooling period that threatens to topple civilization itself as it has throughout history roughly following a 300-year cycle […]

The eleven-year cycle in sunspots itself builds in intensity like the Economic Confidence Model (ECM) reaching “grand maxima” and “grand minima” over the course of 300 years. The last grand maximum peaked circa 1958, after which the sun has been steadily quieting down. Today, the drop in activity is at its steepest in 9,300 years, which is being ignored by the Global Warming propaganda.

The last Maunder Minimum, during which the sun languished for seventy years, took place from 1645 to 1715 when the sun’s brightness declined and the number of sunspots collapsed to almost zero. We are seeing almost zero so far in 2018.

See also The 8.6-Year Cycle in the Sun & Solar


The lies that George Soros is financing at TheGuardian.

The Trump administration has entered Stage 5 climate denial

If we’re already doomed to disastrous climate change, then there’s no reason to cut carbon pollution, argues the Trump administration

Types of bad science according to the Nobel Laureate physicist Giaever who says (anthropogenic) global warming (or man-made climate change) is a religion (because you can’t discuss it openly):

  1. pathological: where the researcher fools himself
  2. fraudulent: intentional deception
  3. junk: based on dubious foundations or methodologies
  4. pseudo: desired hypothesis obscures all conflicting data

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