THE EVOLUTION OF MONEY: From Agriculture to Cryptocurrency.

in #money7 years ago (edited)

Universal Basic Income.jpg


upon a time the economy of our nation and the world was based on agricultural production. And Money was based on whatever was important to society at that time.

Check out the previous post in this vein. The preamble so to speak and you decide which came first...


As our nation transformed from agrarian to industrial, technology and machinery increased output and destroyed crop values.

Hence the need for subsidies to keep it profitable otherwise there would be drastic periods of feast or famine, due to natural and artificial causes and market swings.

Government intrusion and subsidies keeps food readily available when it's cheap because of overproduction or expensive due to shortages; and simply

because everyone can't be their own farmer for everything they eat.

The same problem is happening with advances in industrial productivity. And it's only going to get worse. Free trade agreements allowed companies to move to where the cheap labor is but that is short lived as we see in China (not so much in Mexico because these companies need skills combined with poverty). China while still chock full of slave like labor combined with their robot like skills is fast becoming inundated with so much work for their companies that they are looking to expand and outsource to other Asian nations who have an overabundance of available, cheap and skilled labor. This is why Obama was so keen on the TPP and excluding China from that deal so U.S. companies would have 1st dibs on outsourcing to those Pacific island locations.

As automation technology increases in robotics we may see companies come back and even foreign companies to locate to the U.S. With initial massive infrastructure investments but not the long-term jobs for humans. The human jobs will never fully come back and even get worse.

So to recap. With farming jobs gone and manufacturing jobs gone all due to technology, automation and robotics, Only the tech and service jobs will remain; but as Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) increases in stability and accuracy, even these jobs will get outsourced to the computers themselves.

We are only at the beginning of the jobs crunch and the companies who will be profiting from all of the automation today will eventually go belly-up as A.I. replaces the service Jobs and eventually the Tech Jobs themselves because no one will be spending what they do not have.

Currently there are many labor intensive jobs that are being performed by humans which will be replaced over the Next few Years, Decades, Hundreds of years… No one knows exactly how long it will take to Reach that “Star Trek” society; but it will happen but not exactly without money.

Humans love money, no one and I mean no one is whole heartedly altruistic enough to take a cut in stature and prominence and appreciation and not everyone is cut out for the military structure of Star Fleet Command.

This is where we are today. At a crossroads of politics and economics, where there are still billions of people without access to technology, working harder than ever, so a small group of people don’t have to.

Society has been here for a while but it is making progress. We have cast off feudalism for a large extent arguably in favor of Republics that respect human rights and private property being a far cry of living under the wonderfully tyrannical reigns of the Pharaohs, Genghis Kahn, Alexander the Great, the Caesars of Rome, and the Kings, Queens, and Emperors of Europe.

Society has created institutions and tax policies, dedicated to helping all of humanity move out of poverty but this is a daunting task. As long as Labor Intensive Jobs even exist it will be impossible to eliminate money all together, and the Global Lords are loathe to give up that level of control; but it won't happen anyway. No one wants a moneyless world. We'd have no way to measure our Talents.

It may take the second coming of Christ, or the First if you’re Jewish or the 5th Imam if you’re Islamic, but the point is…. That a Universal Basic Income has to happen; But only if we get to a point were robots and AI are excluding mankind from doing anything except performing his passions, and what-ever makes him happy.

The road to a labor-less society demands that a UBI be created, but it’s not going be the communism we’ve experienced heretofore, which a small group of elite at the top directing the meager resources to the ever waiting hatchlings and production drones, because there will not be any drones anymore. The drones will all be electro-mechanical self-starters.

Once we have an infrastructure set up that will provide for farming and food production, home construction, water purification, and manufacturing of consumer goods, etc., people will no longer need to labor, unless it’s a labor of love. Getting there from here, however, will be a far cry from loving it.

Mankind must first continue along the path of eliminating jobs, not creating them and we aren’t yet ready for that yet because this will have the net effect of creating mass tribulations within the labor community who holds on dearly to it political base. So tightly that it’s strangling entire cities.

So how do we get there from here? How do we fund a universal income that doesn’t violate peoples’ rights? Everyone is pointing to taxation. Heavy Taxation, but if less and less people are working and earning new money, it will become a giant syphon, sucking all the stored wealth across the globe before we even get to a point where robots are able to reduce costs to near zero.

But costs will never be zero and as I said earlier people will always “Feel” as if their education, breeding, charisma, talents, etc., demand more appreciation than the next guy and this attitude will kill the system.

There has to be competition and strife in everything we do to make things worthwhile and to prove ourselves to ourselves to gain acceptance of any given situation.


I personally think that this is where crypto currencies come into play, and this blogging scheme called Steemit that it’s connected to providing Income out of thin-air, as people power up and blog and like in this virtual society is a God Send. And this is only the beginning of how Crypto-Currencies will be taken into the Mainstream by the manufactures of fiat currencies; and this is how people will “Earn” and “Compete” and “Feel the Appreciation” for their work, to make the “Credits” that will continue to separate us along our natural lines of Talent and Charisma, all the while protecting the status-quo but keeping the standard of living like that shining city on the hill.

There are still many questions and situations to resolve but I think that Steemit and the Paradigm it has created will be expanded along global lines to provide for that universal basic income that has been evading us as we continue to research ways to ESCAPE FROM REDISTRIBUTION ergo to escape from taking from the haves to give to the have nots each according to his needs, to CREATE ways and means for everyone to Make Wealth and not Take Wealth and NOT to lose our self-worth and appreciations and life style in the process.



Everything you talk about is arbitrary. I mean we can set up our society in any way we want including the basis for currency and basic income or any other issues.. we can have the world we want if we use direct democracy to implement it.

I don't disagree with you but frankly I don't want that totally abused and bullied snowflake or the toothless moron from Appalachia voting for anything. I am against mob rule for that reason. We need representatives to weed the Morons but you'd probably make a good voter!

Of course it sucks to live in a society full of dummies but a real democracy includes most voting age citizens. Democracy is majority rules. Mob rule is a bunch of antifa or rioting democrats.. the two are not connected.

Direct Democracy.... Mob Rule with Rules.

Move to china bro. You will be taken care of by the state.. obviously you require authority figures so just move there and let real self determined humans direct their own lives here.. you will enjoy it. send some pics.

If the majority rules, what happens to the minority?

The minority is protected in general ways through the constitution.. the minority has the chance to re table the issue and try again to get their way.. its democracy in action.

We both know that is a poor answer. Some of the most oppressive leaders were democratically elected. Putting a monopoly on force into the hands of any group, regardless of the size, is dangerous.

You have no clue. totally unresearched repeater of tired old meaningless memes.. what a joke.. it doesnt take a genius to look up direct democracy.. its everywhere..

Like you, democracy, as a form of government, cannot stand up to criticism.

you might want to unflag me.. you are acting like a coward that cant win an argument and abuses their power..

I did not flag you, or anyone, ever. Never have.

sorry if i wrongly accused you.. perhaps i misinterpreted the steemd history.

No problem. You had me worried that I accidentally did it or something. But I didn't see it on the history. Sorry bro.

Drastic feasts? What's so bad about that? And the only time famines have happened is when government has prevented markets to function, ie. the potato famine Ireland.
Markets are what get products where they are demanded in correct quantity, not government. The worst artificial price swings and malinvestment are caused by government intervention and subsidies.

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