2 SBD giveaway + New "Den of Thieves" Movie Trailer shows Multi Billion Dollar Heist of Federal Reserve, this is what Bitcoin is basically doing. + a Call to Animators/Video Artists interested in Contest to Explain how Steempower Works

in #money7 years ago

This ad came up on Youtube for a movie called "Den of Thieves involving a heist of one of the many federal reserve banks! and I found it very funny that Youtube thinks that I would be interested in taking hundred of billions of dollars from the federal reserve like discussed in the trailer with 50 cent and Gerard Butler (Leonidis from 300) but honestly that is exactly what Bitcoin has done when you think about it. That value had to come from people selling their dollars for Bitcoin and now the US dollar is just 100 billion dollars less valuable and no one notices because inflation is normal and the US dollar , if it had a marketcap as easily tracked as Bitcoin, would be somewhere in the 2 trillion dollar range for paper money and maybe 10 trillion for digital US dollars (that we know about) and many more trillions in US dollar value could be stored away somewhere where it does not effect the price of the dollar.. yet... but it will inflate the price as soon as people realize that someone is unloading massive amounts of previously unknown dollars onto the market to buy Real estate or Gold... or maybe Stocks... oh thats exactly what the "plunge protection team" does when they purchase stocks with digitally created money from the federal reserve in order to "protect" the stock market from a "plunge" at the end of the trading day (The existence of this previously secret shadow government entity was leaked during the George W Bush administration) . ...and this is about more than the PPT and Stock Market corruption and Fiat Paper currency corruption... This is about a fundamental shift in the way people look at money and banking because the sand castles of Jaime Dimon and Goldman Sachs and the Federal reserve are all built on nothing and no one can stop the dollar from loosing value and no one can stop Crypto from gaining value and it's as SIMPLE as that! This is not an IDEOLOGICAL argument it is a TECHNOLOGICAL and Economic argument!

it's SIMPLE Math and the MATH tells us that fiat paper money has a VERY limited lifetime and cannot compete with a currency that has a Limited supply, and to compare Crypto to Gold is not fair and not productive, people made the switch from Gold to paper backed by NOTHING decades ago! And it's worked well enough to get us to where we are today, whether or not we could have been even more productive today if we had stuck to the gold standard is neither here more there. Its irrelevant. What we need to argue about is why anyone would want to keep using fiat unlimited supply paper money when we FINALLY have a Non Metal based non paper non fiat way to store and transfer wealth, DIGITALLY while NOT requiring Precious Metals... so WHY would we EVER want to keep using our fiat paper money backed by nothing when we could AT LEAST use Cryptocurrency that is AT LEAST backed by Math and the network of millions of cryptocurrncy users around teh world....

the dollar will suffer a crisis like the euro and yuan and yen and every other big fiat currency... especially as soon as countries start using crypt currencies for their Oil trades. or maybe I am wrong and the US dollar fiat federal reserve scam can go on forever? Sure! why not? But for everyone in reality Crypto currency and finite money is going to work really well. and Reward people who save money.

Also I have an idea for a special video I am putting together, $100 is the budget so far, and I will either choose someone who has the skills OR offer a contest where you can submit a Video and if it's Good You'll win the first prize and even if you loose I will ensure that youre video will go on to making you as much money as you deserve .. it will be enough for you to feel you did not waste your time! Just tell me what you have

And before I end this post, I have to thank my friend @tytran for the 100 Steem Gift which i used to Power Up into Steempower because I believe in the platform and know that @fyrtsikken is right and steem will be worth so much more than what it is now, we will feel like fools for throwing away Gold for pennies when we could have held on to it... $10 steem $100 steem even $1000 steem and beyond is all coming just hold on and wait have patience and make money with author rewards and support new developers and third party features for the steem blockchain.

Here is the steemnow.com page for @tytran (with steemnow.com built by @penguinpablo to show you how much a user's upvotes are worth) and this is why you should follow @tytran and comment on his blog posts, because he just powered up AND rented 13,000 steempower so his Upvotes are now worth $1.80 AND he has been at 100% vote power! So leave GOOD helpful valuable useful comments on his newest posts and you just might find yourself with $1 comment rewards! There is almost nothing better in this world than getting paid over $1 each for social media comments that may end up being worth thousands of dollars when steem goes from $1 to $1000. This may take 5 years but in 5 years you're going to be so happy you invested in Steem. Steem may be unrecognizable in 5 years and you may be accessing steem blockchain through an assortment of other websites and apps but it will still be based on the same old steem blockchain and you're steem tokens will just become more and more valuable.

OH and I have to share some of the wealth! So I will give 0.5 SBD to 4 lucky commenters! But you won't even be getting an upvote from me anymore for two word comments like "Good Job!' I want real valuable comments from now on, and that is just my choice and its mot like I'm going to be flagging anyone, I just will withhold rewards from people now unless you leave a quality comment! Or you need to have built up a relationship with me and I will accept funny Gifs but if you use a stale common GIF I will not upvote.... if you use a lame celebrity GIF meme that is on the list of "Funny memes" on Google images, i wont upvote, i hate that! i hate when people use stale memes! We need at least rare memes, i am not asking for fresh memes here just dont post those lame shitty no effort images and GIFs that circulate around here like cancer, so if you Want that 2 to 10 to 20 cent Upvote and the 0.50 SBD then i wanna see GOOD memes GOOD comments GOOD GIFs!

For example check THIS out! THIS is not a stale GIF! THIS is a FRESH Gif!

Ahhh And heres is Another beautioful pyschedlic GIF!

Wow these Gif's Canadian Creator called Phazed is such a talented psychedelic artist!

More of his GIFs can be found Here on Giphy https://giphy.com/phazed/ and he also has a Tumblr but the GIPHY page is SWEEET and I highly recommend we kep using his GIFs in our posts since he publicly stated he wants people to spread his GIFs around and I tried messaging him to join Steemit maybe if we all start messaging him we could get him to join Steemit so he can post his new creations here!

Last one for the post... I think this is great! @stellabelle and @elgeko and @battleaxe will love this one!

Anyway thanks for reading! So TL;DR I have a contest coming up for next post, where Ill describe exactly what I want, a Animation in ANY style that simply describes how Steemit works from Steempower, curation to witnesses and Delegated Proof of Stake I think first we have to describe Bitcoin, and how that is proof of work, and explain how its not as complicated as it sounds, make people convinced that its simple enough for them to easily understand it, make it seem like Delegated Proof of Stake is just a digital Board room where people are Stake holders like owning shares in the company or Stake... and they vote on whoever gets the new money created by that proof of STake, since Proof of Work is creating new coins like Bitcoin and ethereum and litecoin through mining, and proof of Stake is where you hold coins and if you hold a certain amount you get more of them and thats the only want to mine them, and then delegated proof of stake is ho Steemit works and we ill explain how it all works how witnesses mine the new steem through consensus and how new witnesses are voted upon by stake holders with steempower and we will then describe how the upvoting works how transactions are processed and confirmed by witnesses how people get paid via posting comments curation and how delegation of steempower works and yeah, thats it! We also just wrap up the video
by explaining simple methods of converting steem to bitcoin either on exchanges or blocktrades and even explain how Golos is a hard fork of steem and we're done! We just make a whole video with ALL of that in maybe a couple minutes or however long it takes, and I just KNOW it will get popular on Steemit AND YouTube (I will pay to promote the video as a youtube ad) and if we make enough videos explaining how steemit and steem blockchain work in enough different styles, it can have more of a chance to sink in and resonate with more people.

( Steem to the Moon after we make this new Video to explain how Steem actually works! If more people understood Steem we would have more investors! I believe education about steem itself is our biggest challenge since the idea sells itself!) )

So please leave a comment if you are an aspiring video animator OR you can simply explain Steemit on a CHALKBOARD or Whitebaord! Or in a video using MS Paint! I don't care as long as the video works well and educates viewers on how Steem blockchain works! It doesn't have to be fancy so an animation is great but any method will work! I could even give out 5 SBD runner-up prizes to encourage more and more videos to explain Steemit on Youtube and other social media platforms (Videos uploaded to Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat will be important!) The key here is to have Videos of people who UNDERSTAND steemit actually explaining steemit to other people! I have seen many people trying to explain steemit who don't even understand it themselves. They hear words like Witness and Delegated Proof of Steak but don't actually get how it works which becomes a problem when those people start explaining shit they dont even understand themselves and I end up getting terrible explanations about what steempower even is when I joined in march! It took me a very long time to get a straight answer from anyone back then about what steempower even was and this is a major failure that we can fix! If you actually understand Steem Blockchain (and the difference between steemit and steem) and you actually KNOW how it works, then you can help thousands of other steemit users HOW it all works and help energize our existing base and get existing steem investors to invest even more! Many steem investors just invest without even understanding how steem blockchain functions so imagine if they could be educated and have their confidence in steem increased!

(This is the ONLY Video animation out there that explains Steemit! We need A NEW one! this is over a year old and stale! The animators probably had no idea how steem blockchain actually worked while making this and either did the Voice Actor Im guessing! We need a NEW one that actually makes sense because this animation doesn't do steemit justice and we need to actually show real life screenshots of steemit.com in the video and go over Witness nodes, inflation rate of steem, Delegated proof of Stake and how Stake in the network gives you Power (steempower) over rewarding of newly Mined steem.. etc etc we can make a new version of this video for 2018 and make it Up to Date art style too!)

The requirement for this video challenge is that you must already have a good understanding of how steemit actually works and you have to actually understand the difference between POW and DPOS and what witnesses do and then upload your video to Youtube and Dtube, and post a Steemit post about it, if it is god I will get you some multi dollar upvotes,, send you some SBD and even pay @booster (by @fyrtsikken and @inertia ) to Upvote your Video to the top of Steemit AND we will pay to have Youtube promote it as an AD to get Steemit Publicity! THAT will be have to be an Animation with slick graphics before I spend the money to make it a paid ad on Youtube facebook and Instagram but we will get there! We could can start with a simple hand drawn whiteboard explanation video it does not have to be a fancy animation, just make it CLEAR and EASY TO UNDERSTAND which is the challenge of steemit because steem blockchain is so complex but I believe we can make it easy for all to understand!

Foo Foo

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining or marketing, feel free to email me [email protected] or text 619 500 3748 and....

Follow @Ackza


Wow, that was funny, insightful and motivating at the same time. Love your passion for crypto. I am still too much of a newb to teach others, but I will be watching to see what the community comes up with. Good luck all!

hey man you won a $1.55 Upvote from my frined @tytran i mentioned! If I were you i would follow him and comment on his posts if you want to build a report with a future steemit whale! See how fast you made a dollar?

Nice! Ima save the 3 other 0.50 SBD prizes for some noobs who come in here who didnt get a chance to get upvoted by @tytran when he passed y haha he passes by and makes it rain money!

Very cool :) Thanks @ackza, I will be following both you and @tytran closely. As we say here in Hawaii, aloha and mahalo!

My Aunt is in Kona Big Island, I wana get her on Steemit so she can share photos of the natural neauty there and create a Network for me to link up all of hawaii to Steemit and link up with HAwaii's Bitcoin Networks because you KNOW there ust be a lot of people trading BTC Over the counter usin LocalBitcoin.com since coinbase was unfairly pushed out of t he market by RETARDED incompetent hawain government legislature who wanted coinbase to fucking Back up every dollar of Bitcoin with $1 USD in a separate bank account hahaha can you believe that shit? Its like they ave absolutely no idea how Bitcoin works but think they know enough about Finance to "protect" consumers.... Im sure being in hawaii you might know all about that>?

That's awesome. I live in Kona too and as you saw just posted today about the natural beauty of the Big Island. Small world :) I did have my coinbase account shut down because of the misguided government decision and have recently been trying to figure out the best network that accepts users from Hawaii. Uphold.com seems to be OK for now. It's my first time seeing/hearing about localbitcoin. Definitely going to look in to that.

it's crazy how the amount of stuff you can buy for $100 is decreasing while the salaries are staying the same or barely go up compared to the prices. Cryptocurrencies are the only thing right now that may balance this out if you can invest in them.Of course for that you actually have need to $$ to spare UNLESS you get into steem where you can earn it :-). I know you can mine coins but that's an investment too.

You won one of the 4 the giveaway prizes mang LOL 0.50 SBD for you!

LOL I should now give a GBG (golos version of SBD only worth 10 cents0 to a hungry golos user in need , like for every steem we donate a golos tokento a golos user in need lol

Keep postin you will end up makin may dollars worth of upvotes if ya keep vommenting on my posts and talk about me to other people! tell em ackza always gives upvotes to his followers! but its sustainable! i am able to sustain giving out upvotes to my followers as long as you guys all keep commenting i remember you guys, and if a buinch of peopel start commenting on my bloga nd im noyt able to upvote all of em, wlel i probly woll maybe just 1 cent upvtes wbut i have enough for hundreds of those and will be giving out $1 bills soon i,a be havin $20,000 instead of just $2,000 in steempower.... and then il have $200,000 in steempower and tyhen 2 million! and then 20 million in steempower! its gonna happen one dayman! i wish i could buy up ore of teh steem network NOW than later but i will be buyin some steem son

im glad i sold ny SBD at like $2 and saved some as BTC... now i have a few hundred bucks to buy more steem with... just thinking i could earn that new steem instead and i will be pushing myself to REALLy make some awesome posts and flesh out the ideas I already have like my steem video I wanna have made i describe in this post..... that video is gonna be so useful if we can make a really understandable explanation video of steempower and witnesses and the whole steem blockchain.../ we need a video to explain how steem works.... when we have that it will resonate through out steem and we will get so many new users ... so many new people will want steem once they can actually understand it!

thanks man. we're here at the start of it so at least we have that advantage. I'm following you and will spread word about your contests. You make nice posts so maybe you can monetize them beyond the 7 days here with some affiliate links when they start getting Google traffic. I wish there was a way to track traffic on here somehow.

Bro you ALSO just got $1.50 Upvite from @tytran and an 80+ cent Upvoite AGAIN from tytran! u should follow him man hes a new dolphin and a future steemit whale! and when u comment on his posts you be getting hooked up! He posts aboiut Esports and making winning predictions on prices of cryptocurrencies etc, so spread the word if you know anyone interested in that stuff!

Enjoy your almost $3 worth of prizes since you came hereto my post! And thank @tytran and consider following him now, i would if i were you ;)

wow thank you! I'm following both of you and added you both to my favorite user list on busy. org

@ackza all these psychedelic GIFs remind me of when I was a kid in the 60's. The Summer of Love...........

NICE man! yopu got a $1.30 Upvote from @tytran! see i told you everyone would be gettin PAID on the comments here! see consider following my friend @tytran he will make it RAIN on his followers man! hes just getting started too! he will be a steemit whale sometime next year and so wil I, we will be taking a lot of our followers with us since our upvotes just keep going up and up and up!

I realy love social media when it has money like this! its so fun to hand out money and get followers for my friends andgrow this way!

lmao those were definitely some wild gifs, I appreciate your desire for real comments! its frustrating to not get any real feedback on your posts, especially with as much thought put into them as you have. that picture comparing grocery carts and the inflation of usd vs the deflation of bitcoin is a great sum up of your argument from the beginning of the post, I'm going to save that one. thanks for sharing!

wow ..amazing information ..and the knowledge about bitcoind and US Dollar is also outstanding and The trailer also great....great post loved it ,,,wanna follow you 😍😍😍😍

thank you very much ackza...and tytran.

The whole world is dependent on hope, same is the case with steem, i m sure steem will touch the sky one day. Keep on motivating and providing good information on steem. Thanks

great post loved it ,,,wanna follow you,, and wow ..amazing information :) @ackza

Nice! and you got a 64 Cent Upvote from @tytran you should consider following him too! he will hand out more $1 upvotes AND SBD prizes when he does more giveaways liek he has done before! he will be making a lot more posts about Esports and he does GOOD predictions with a GREAT record of predicting prices in short term and long term.... just remmeber that he will be a Steemit WHale probably next year and so will I, and so its good to know us now! we will teach you how to grow your steem followers with simple social media marketing techniques like using Instagram poststo promote Steemit and getting new users to join steemit on facebook twotter reddit, you got this man! youll have 1000 steem by end o the year and 10,000 steem by Spring tme! just work hatrd and start joining the steem marketing club and following the examople of @jerrybanfield to promote steem with free and paid traffic

ill explain latr but theres lots of possibilities to make money promoting steemit and reporting back to steemit with results to get steem rewards for your efforts...

Im tellin ya, steem is gonna hot $2 then $5 then $10 then $100 then $1000 and i am serius in lets say... 5 years $1000 steem is a ral possibility!

Thank you @ackza.

First of all I hope that you are enjoying there at Golos @ackza

We do need some new video for steemit.
A video that explains where the money we earn from it comes from and why we should use steemit instead of facebooo or other popular platforms that doesn't pay even a cent to its users. @ackza

Excatly we have an easy salespitch, peope are already using social media and getting ripped off and facebook is worth half a trillion and steemit less than quarter Billion so we have major growth and steem can be teh replacement or facebook when people realize they are working for free... people are caught in a trance , total trance and its fun y how facebook has to run ads to get peopel to keep using their servcie sto REMIND people to open their facebooks, eventually facebook WILl have to start psying oir rewarding itw users or at least the ones who upload the most contenta nd getthe most veiws like how youtube has partnerships and pays its big content creators... facenbook and even instagram will AHVE to start paying its big users to compete with steemit

Im an aftereffcts animator and Dude I have been wanting to do a new steemit explanation project for months because of the exact reasons you have described, the existing videos suck and even this week jerrybanfield put out a god awful one that does more harm than good. Really considering putting a great effort into it this week as I have some time off of work!
Also those gifs are sick!

Here is 0.5 SBD for you man,

I followed you too s i can track ur progress, yes if u wanna start the video up and show me like what u can do, i will get u upvotes and if you let me pOst it ion my blog, I will split the rewards with you, i mean you could try posting it on your blog but it wont get the traction s myblog with my 3200 followers and i can use my connectios to get it upvotes, and then also ill hlink back to urpost to get u folower afte rthat, you do thios and its your In to steemit community, work woth me onthis and youll get thousands of follwers and be able to start making hundreds of dollars a day and we can nevr have enoygh of these videos tormoting steemit

yeah man just start working ion the animaton, make a post about your progress like before u go to bed the firts night u wokr on it, and send me the progress [email protected] and ill aek a post after u post about it, to promote your postm explaining how we ahve someone working on te video, and ill share those rewrda with ya man, and ill get the community ready for your new video animation explanation fo steemit... yah i agree jerry's video kidna didnt help and he probly didnt even fully understand it all himself honestly lol few whales actualy get hjow it realy works! its funny! but thats atcaly great when u ave people invested thousadn and milions in systems they barely understand but still belive in!

Anyway start on that video when u can! show me progress! report back to me bro! Lots of Steem and money and followers in this for you!

Thats awesome i will create a post about it with a rough draft this week, thanks for the SBD

Thanks for your valuable post. By the way, your tatu is spanking.

Oh dont thank me for that animated signature! it was made by @skeptic who kindly made it for me!

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