Advice from one minnow to another - part 3

in #minnowadvice6 years ago (edited)

Like most other fish and mammals in the Steemit ocean, I have often wondered how frequently should we post on Steemit?

I don’t like to clog the feeds of people who are kind enough to follow my little blog but I don’t want my friends on the platform to forget me either :) So what should minnows (and planktons) do?

I got this one piece of advice on my last post from @pennsif and here it is:

keep posting regularly. Every day if possible. Steem is all about visibility. And it is all about networking.

I really think this is a great piece of advice and something I have noticed a lot of my favourite Steemians do.

I know it is not easy to create content everyday and I am really concerned if I can do it myself, but I will try it at least for the next seven days and I encourage all my fellow little minnows and planktons to give it a shot too!

I don’t want to make this post very long as there are other things that I have learnt over the last 2 weeks which I want to share with you guys in next few days.

For now, all I will say is: "Don't look at your wallet before you start this practice" - The current price of Steem might not be the inspiration you need! ;)


If you created a post today please leave a link in the comments below. I will try to come visit you :)

Also, If you just stumbled upon this post and want to know where it all started, please feel free to browse through my previous posts:

1. Advice from one minnow to another
2. Advice from one minnow to another - part 2

Keep this minnow alive:



I have heard people say "post every day," and I see the merit in that.
I have heard others who post less frequently.
As for me, I post when I have something to say, basically.
My blog is kind of a specific, topic-oriented one, and I post when I have something related to that topic that seems like I want the world (or at least the part of the world that's reading my steemit blog) to read it.

I post every day, just sundays I let it slide...
And my following has been growing steadily ever since. Good advice

Thank you for stopping by my little blog and for your kind comment :)
I like your idea of taking a break on Sundays. Maybe if we overdo it, it can feel like a job and that's not ideal.
xx Lucy

That’s the idea! :-)

thanks for the guides.. yes, i agree -- once a day. if it is difficult, thrice a week. good content is hard to come by.

Go for it...

Thank you :)
Full steem ahead!
xx Lucy

Lucy, lovebug I always adore you. You are the perfect measure of all the right amounts of the good stuff. Every time. 🌈✨⭐️

Lori my darling friend :)
Thank you for your kind words! This means a lot to me.
Sending big virtual hugs your way.
xx Lucy

You will love my latest. Xo

I am coming over to visit right away :)

I subscribe to what @lorilikes says... :D :D ;)
Hugs, Lucy!

Just what I needed to read first thing on a Monday morning. I do believe I will give that a shot this week.
It will be amazing if I come up with one a day. Mondays post should be pretty easy. Only because I was working on it Fri, then the holiday weekend got super busy.
I have spent most of March just reading, commenting and learning Steemit.
You just gave me the perfect little motivational push to jump in and swim with the other fishy.

Aww thanks so much for your kind words! :)
Yes, it certainly helps when you are working on a post already ;)
I am going to stop by to see what you are up to.
xx Lucy

Thanks so much. I decided that may be a good strategy for me so started another last night. Maybe you got me rolling. I hope if I manage 7 days I will have the start of a habit.
I will pop in later to see if you post today. See now you have to because you have people watching. 😵

seems you were off too long, where have you been my friend.

Hey @rikaz87
I know, I do tend to disappear every now and then, but I will try to stick around more this week :D
Thank you so much for stopping by my friend, I do appreciate it!
xx Lucy

happy to see you again in steemit. wish you always in healthy.

I post every day! The people I see that have succeeded and know more than I do on succeeding here. Some say post 4 posts every day. But, like you said, at least one.
Good info my friend!

That's great! I know a lot of people post regularly, but then there are those like me who just don't seem to get to it :)
xx Lucy

PS - 4 posts a day sounds like a full time job. lol!

I try to diversify! I am a miisionary so bible posts. Then I love nature, flowers and photography. I enter contests, these don’t take much effort to post. There are photography contests. I won only one, but got almost 10 SBD. Plus the posts make a little. I post also in travel and homesteading as we grow many of our own foods.

Hello again! :) yes indeed, it's very hard to post everyday thinking of good content, etc. And spamming others when too much. Let's try to post as often as possible haha! Goodluck to all of us! :)

I suggest join contests. There are lots of contests to join. Trying checking out @newbiegames. If you cannot post new blogs, interacting and engaging will also help in visibility.

Cool thanks :) I will check it out!
xx Lucy

Goodluck to all of us indeed! :)
I am already stressed about what I will be posting today, lol! But I think it is a good thing.
xx Lucy

Every day...

I know as a site dedicated to helping content creators grow, every day is a standard amount one should be posting.

What I struggle with is:

a) Finding the time

b) Posting what I consider, quality content (I don't just like taking a picture of dinner and uploading it) rather than "quan-tent".

I like going a step deeper and make sure I give a blog post every effort to make it as entertaining as possible.

However, I would still comment every day in posts as I get the next blog prepared. Work-life balance I guess :)

Anyway, I did make a blog post earlier today (took 16 hours to create it in total) and it's a continuation of my Bluffer's Guide to Cryptocurrency - finished Chapter 2 :D

P.S. Always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts too :)

Hey Nicky,

Wow! Sixteen hours sounds like a hell of a lot of time :) I will certainly stop by your blog and check it out!
I think commenting is certainly great way to participate, but I think as @pennsif said: We need to create content everyday. May be a shorter post?

Thank you for your kind words, I always appreciate your thoughtful (and entertaining) comments too! :)

xx Lucy

Haha, yea it's probably far too long but I like to take care over my work :)

Yea a shorter post would be something I can work with. It would be good if there was a proper steemit app and I look forward to the day when that happens.

Glad you find the comments at least entertaining! (I don't spend 16 hours on writing them you'll be pleased to know) haha

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