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RE: Advice from one minnow to another - part 3

in #minnowadvice6 years ago (edited)

Every day...

I know as a site dedicated to helping content creators grow, every day is a standard amount one should be posting.

What I struggle with is:

a) Finding the time

b) Posting what I consider, quality content (I don't just like taking a picture of dinner and uploading it) rather than "quan-tent".

I like going a step deeper and make sure I give a blog post every effort to make it as entertaining as possible.

However, I would still comment every day in posts as I get the next blog prepared. Work-life balance I guess :)

Anyway, I did make a blog post earlier today (took 16 hours to create it in total) and it's a continuation of my Bluffer's Guide to Cryptocurrency - finished Chapter 2 :D

P.S. Always enjoy reading your thoughtful posts too :)


Hey Nicky,

Wow! Sixteen hours sounds like a hell of a lot of time :) I will certainly stop by your blog and check it out!
I think commenting is certainly great way to participate, but I think as @pennsif said: We need to create content everyday. May be a shorter post?

Thank you for your kind words, I always appreciate your thoughtful (and entertaining) comments too! :)

xx Lucy

Haha, yea it's probably far too long but I like to take care over my work :)

Yea a shorter post would be something I can work with. It would be good if there was a proper steemit app and I look forward to the day when that happens.

Glad you find the comments at least entertaining! (I don't spend 16 hours on writing them you'll be pleased to know) haha

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