New Notification Popup For JSEcoin Browser Mining

in #mining7 years ago

If a heated discussion doesn't lead to any result, it's just waste of time. Many of the heated discussions that I consumed on Steemit were just wasted time, I confess. But it seems the last one, about browser mining, ended up with a positive.

Since many people reported that the standard notification popup from JSEcoin, the currency that you can mine in browser, was way too discrete, the guys behind this token released a new, more prominent version of it. I just saw it a couple of hours ago on

Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 3.15.38 PM.png

In my opinion, this is far better than this one (the image is enlarged, the original image was around 20 pixels height):

JSEcoin is an interesting project that I support (as a beta tester and early adopter), in which webmasters can monetize their websites by mining with a certain amount of CPU a token called JSE. It's not coinhive and it doesn't mine Monero, this is a very new startup, launched about 3 months ago.

The whole discussion started a couple a days ago, when a few less informed people on Steemit expressed their concerns about browser mining. I politely pointed them to my initial announcement and to the notification from JSEcoin, and from this point the discussion spiraled out of control, when the usual Steemit hypocrites entered the scene, imparting their on the spot knowledge and advice about how things should work in the site that I built, and pointing in rage how unethical I was. Although everything I did was in the open, obviously, and I never concealed anything about my experiments, especially the contributions I make as a witness, like

Anyways, that discussion had a positive outlook, as you can see, JSEcoin designed a new notification system, hopefully better than the first one.

Another positive outlook was that some of the highly regarded members of the Steem community revealed themselves in much more authentic ways. Although very disappointing, in this case, the truth is always better than a facade.

I'm a serial entrepreneur, blogger and ultrarunner. You can find me mainly on my blog at Dragos Roua where I write about productivity, business, relationships and running. Here on Steemit you may stay updated by following me @dragosroua.

Dragos Roua

You can also vote for me as witness here:

If you're new to Steemit, you may find these articles relevant (that's also part of my witness activity to support new members of the platform):


It's stuff like this why I don't endorse you as a witness, starting with when you rage quit as witness and on Steem before doing a 180 some months back:

I politely pointed them to my initial announcement and to the notification from JSEcoin, and from this point the discussion spiraled out of control, when the usual Steemit hypocrites entered the scene, imparting their on the spot knowledge and advice about how things should work in the site that I built, and pointing in rage how unethical I was. Although everything I did was in the open, obviously, and I never concealed anything about my experiments, especially the contributions I make as a witness, like

Whatever dude, I'm done. Later.
Okay that ^^^ was a bit dramatic, but I am disappointed at the attitude.

I don't understand. What part of this is making you NOT to endorse me?

As for me leaving the platform a while ago and then coming back, what's about that? Was I not transparent about that too? Was I not giving the reasons? Also, is there a life contract signed with Steemit? Or with you? Am I not allowed to go back and forth? Am I not free to do what I want?

Oh, and if you felt offended about the "hypocrites" part, you're not part of that team. I always had decent, honest and correct interactions with you.

Do as you wish :)

Oh 😅 I certainly did, I was going on and on about ethics all day!

The thing that leads me to not endorse you is that the above quoted section shows an unwillingness to take the issue head on. I of course had to assume I was lumped in with the so-called hypocrites because I wasn't a reporter, and you didn't mention that anyone could have had a legitimate point in criticizing you.

I think it's a pretty cool project, I think you're competent and I'm glad of the change, I wish you the best but man the spin is too much!

Hmm, I suppose you didn't see this comment, from the JSEcoin dev.

The most interesting part:

Certainly the privacy notice is our responsibility and not the publishers so any negative comments there should be directed at us and we will take them into account.

So yes, I do think I took everything head on, I commented on all the posts that were talking about the situation and gave the authors all the information. But the needle kept moving with every information that I gave and soon I realized I was accused of being unethical without any reasonable argument, for the sake of being accused.

I do enjoy criticism and you can look at all the critics I had about over the last months. When I'm wrong I accept it and do my best to correct it.

But when I'm right, I'm right. And I won't bend just to please some hypocrites.

Oh, and this wasn't criticism. That was Steemit hate machine, putting people down just because they can. Drunk with power, people start flagging content because the author is unethical, although they had no idea that a browser can mine, until 10 minutes ago. That was hypocrisy. The Steemit diva almost had a heart attack, and fell in shock abut the fact that I was unethical because I couldn't display a notice that I couldn't control. I can't disable or enable that notification, it was not on me.

And other guy was going on and on about how CPU intensive mining is, he knows that because he mines with 32 GPUs, but he had no idea about JSEcoin. Read the comment above to see how much CPU JSE mining is using. People assumed I was stealing from them, without bother to verify first, or to believe me. And they kept accusing me, without checking the facts.

What happened, after all this drama, was that I did what I would have done anyway, passing the feedback back to the devs and after that it's up to them to do (or not do) something about that feedback. Fortunately, they did and the outcome was positive.

But somehow in this process I woke up being the fuck, the cunt, the thief...

It would have been way, way, way, way, way easier if any of the guys concerned would have ask me first about it, in a comment, message or in the chat. But you know what? That doesn't make money. But an article about people stealing CPU makes a lot of money. Both articles made more than $60. And I made $3 on this. I'm ok with that, by the way, I'm just pointing that there is another stake behind the so-called ethical stuff. I'm pointing at hypocrisy. An article in which you spread FUD and find a plausible situation in which somebody steals, that makes money. You don't even have to verify, if it's plausible, people will believe it. Everybody with a beard is a terrorist, right?

So yes, I will spin this wheel for as long as I please because I. Did. Nothing. Wrong.

And I'm the one who should receive an apology.

You used other peoples' CPU cycles for crypto mining without asking consent and with minimal notice, that was something you did wrong. Just because you can do something with a disclaimer doesn't mean you should, i.e. that it's right. And just because the 3rd party did what businesses usually do and own up to fault doesn't mean you shouldn't either. You are responsible for the 3rd party software you use.

The other thing you did wrong was trying to misdirect the attention to the relatively light load the mining incurs and personal attacks. That was not straight up. You did engage in the comments but consistently dodged the idea you had responsibility. Many commenters were polite, such as me, but you often weren't.

I don't think apologies are required from anyone, but you did not do due diligence.

EDIT: I think you are owed an apology from anyone who didn't treat you with dignity. Perhaps you owe an apology to people who's CPU cycles you used for mining but that weren't aware it was happening, perhaps not, that's for you to decide. If it was me I would.

You used other peoples' CPU cycles for crypto mining without asking consent and with minimal notice, that was something you did wrong.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. And again, wrong. I will continue to say this until you get it. Every time people were loading the site there was a notice that was displayed by jsecoin, as per their comment. Every hour.

I did ask for consent and you - for reasons beyond my comprehension - choose to ignore this hard, cold fact.

As for the "many comments being polite" (yours were, indeed) how about getting called a cunt, a fuck, a thief? Like really, let's make a test. Imagine that somebody is calling you a fuck and a thief right now and you did noting wrong. How would you feel? What would you do?

The other thing you did wrong was trying to misdirect the attention to the relatively light load the mining incurs and personal attacks.

Really? That was a misdirection? You call some transparent tests misdirection? Don't you see how you move the needle? First it's you didn't give notice. Then it's you did give notice, but it wasn't enough (who says what's enough, in this case, by the way?). Then it's: you may gave some notice, maybe enough, but you stole CPU. And I point that I didn't steal more CPU than a website which is not properly coded. Or, as the JSEcoin developer said, less than a video ad loading.

Oh, and if I point that a site is not well coded, it's not criticism (that should be handled upfront, like you said) but personal attacks?

I'm focused on facts, not on opinions. Maybe that's the fundamental difference between our perspectives.

You didn't ask for consent, you notified (poorly) after it was already happening. That's a fact, not an opinion.

The rest is smoke and mirrors.

Sounds like you have gotten yourself in the middle of the crosshairs! People are upset about unscrupulous sites mining on their computers without their knowledge. Understandably so!

At least you are upfront about it. You are providing an excellent service for people and should be allowed to monetize it as you please.

Just my two satoshis

Thanks for the support, appreciate it! :)

Hey I appreciate that you give the users the option to opt out and therefore I will run the miner on my browser. It actually doesn't consume any cpu. My cpu % only went up by one and since you've been so transparent with all of this, the least I can do is run that browser for that amazing service of yours ^_^

Thanks, really appreciate your support!

Phew... It never feels good to see this stupid quarelling in the small community we are... I only vote for 2 witnesses, you are one of them as I think your contribution is excellent as a witness AND as a blogger. My 2c is that it is ok what you do as long as we know that you're doing it. I didn't know, i see a big fat message pops up now on the site, i don't like both but i'm happy you're here. The only complaint i have about you is that you don't even follow me and never upvote my posts :-)

Followed and will keep an eye on your posts :) Thanks for your support!

Gave you another witness vote from another +10K account to sincerely thank you as well :) I am quite surprised you are not in that top 50.

Thank you, really appreciate your support. Being in the top 50 is not a goal in itself, I'm not campaigning for that, or anything, but it would be a nice to have. As things will settle even more for me -I'm in much better shape than at the beginning of the year already - I will take a more consistent approach towards this.

So the guys behind JSE got wind of the discussion here and that led to the change?! That's awesome! :) A net positive (possibly with you shouldering some of the negative in the meantime, sorry)

It's ok, I can shoulder :)

People should be respectful when having a different point of view.

That should stop the complaints.

BTW, did you see my comment on how to fix your height issue with the Jumbotron?

.jumbotron { min-height: 600px; }

Nope, but I'll look into it. Thanks!

I'm glad to see you're batting away the critics.
I remember the Whale wars on Steemit.
It looks like some people cannot live without conflict.
And as Taylor Swift put it:
The players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
So Just Shake it off.
On wards and upwards my friend.

Thank you :)

Glad to see another good post.
your post resteemed!

this is a great post

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