Garden Quartz, freeform

in #minerals6 years ago
I have mentioned many times about how other minerals and materials can become trapped inside crystals and rocks to change their color or appearance, and Garden Quartz is no exception!


"Garden Quartz" is an informal name — not a technical term — to describe the appearance of the mineral chlorite which has settled to the bottom of a piece of clear quartz. Many pieces of quartz have wisps/flecks of chlorite suspended in them, but "Garden Quartz" usually implies that the chlorite is aggregated in the bottom of the piece. In the above photo, it is easy to see a "bubble" of quartz that is transparent as glass, with opaque chlorite forming a mossy-looking "garden" below.

The word "chlorite" is often used by casual collectors of crystals to describe any greenish inclusion in quartz, but chlorite actually is a group of specific minerals with various amounts of magnesium, manganese, iron, aluminum, and other elements present. Different concentration of these elements can make chlorite appear brown, or even pink, but the majority of the formulations have a greenish-hue of some degree. Probably the most common type of chlorite is Clinochlore: (Mg,Fe2+)5Al(Si3Al)O10(OH)8, but chamosite, cookeite, and other varieties exist.


This piece of Garden Quartz is a "freeform" shape, which means it didn't grow into a full crystal (with a point) and wasn't cut/polished into a sphere or other regular, geometric configuration. This is often done to preserve the appearance of the quartz as it was found in nature and makes the sample very unique, as no two can be quite alike.


Garden Quartz looks like a little world unto itself, a place where fairies would possibly dance and play with each other. These little crystalline worlds are great places to sometimes retreat from the real stresses of life.


ThanksForReading.png 😊

   1 The Chlorite Mineral Group
   2 Wikipedia: Chlorite Group



Awesome post, here’s my picture jasper :-) 4E427665-585E-4363-8030-654FD1C16EE4.jpeg


You have quite a collection of rocks, but I'm still waiting on more of the barn photographs from your area. When you are done getting your rocks off, please post a couple more of the barns.
Thanks Tiffany.

Oh, yes, I had almost forgotten about all the barn photos! LOL! I have so many more rocks to post that you might be waiting a long time for another barn, so I'll try to get another barn photo or two processed and posted soon! I am glad you are a fan of those beautiful old structures, too! 😊

Interesting mix, the mix of quartz with other rare stone could be worth more right?

That is so unique, LOVE IT

I love that image of little fairies. Such a gorgeous crystal, thanks for sharing!

You have been upvoted by the @sndbox-alpha! Our curation team is currently formed by @jeffbernst, @bitrocker2020, @jrswab & @teachblogger . We are seeking posts of the highest quality and we deem your endeavour as one of them. If you want to get to know more, feel free to check our blog.

it's beautiful, really enjoy learning more about crystals and minerals and the tons of beautiful forms they come in

Previously, i was not having much ideas on minerals but when i started
following your mineral lessons, my knowledge about minerals have really
advanced. Thanks so much for this. @thekittygirl.

Wow beautiful @thekittygirl. Thanks for sharing this. So unusual and quite exotic looking this piece of quartz

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