[Observation] - Do you consider yourself a survivor?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #mindset7 years ago (edited)


Do you consider yourself as a survivor?

Do you tell people you are surviving life?

I remember asking someone I had not seen in some time how they were.

How had they been going since I last saw them.

It had been a good 10 years in fact and their answer was profound.

They said to me “I am surviving”.

This was obviously a general term to describe their every day existence.

This did not resonate well will me and I felt confused by the statement, confused by someone who lives with a roof over their head and who had a job.

Should he not be grateful for what he has?

I respected the statement as I have empathy and in a sense understood the emotion, connotation and context.

However, it got me thinking about life and the choices we make.

We are ultimately responsible for the perception of ourselves that we choose to portray to others and we are driving our direction.

So why choose to be a surviver?

Many of us forget we are in fact in control of our own fate and future and every action we make defines this future.

I feel to say you are merely surviving is a statement clarifying your choice as a person to be a survivor.

If you are always thinking about survival, you will always be living on that edge, the horizon, of not quite finding success, the stress involved with inaction and the fear of failure.

Never actually looking for a life of abundance and taking life on for what it is.

Not visualising anything but just survival.

Looking to just get through the day rather than how to make the future better.

“Survival of the fittest” is a phrase that originated in evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection.

Is it science or is it based on energy, instincts and determination? Maybe both?

The difference between surviving and making a clear choice to change your surroundings, the environment you live in and create your future is in fact evolution.

Darwin first used Spencer’s new phrase “survival of the fittest” alongside “natural selection” in the fifth edition of on the Origin of Species. Look it up. It includes us. Humans.

“Better designed for an immediate, local environment”.

Humans, and I would be confident to say, many other animals now have a clear self awareness. Conscious thought. An understanding that we exist.

I personally believe there is no real meaning to life apart from the journey you so choose to create.

It is your story.

An experience.

You are the editor and director.

You are also the manager and the driver.

This is your purpose.

“Manage your thoughts. Manage your life”

We live in a time where we have all the resources available to allow us to explore great opportunities and to experience everything.

To make our dreams come true.

Education, facilities, networking, communication, learning and information.

More importantly, we have more support and access to crucial services than ever before.

It is up to you how you utilise it.

This also applies to your fitness and health, your emotional and mental wellbeing.

Get help, find the network of people who are going to best help you get you where you need to be.

Surround yourself with them.

Personally, I choose to learn and grow beyond today and ensure that by tomorrow I am one step closer to the person I really want to be.

This is a choice.

My choice.

I don’t want to survive.

I want to evolve.

SOURCES: All words and videos used in my posts are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant.



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this was really nice :)

Thanks for coming past my page. Appreciate it.

Really interesting post - from the title my knee-jerk reaction was: yes, I can adapt and survive out there. Then I realised the double meaning. No ... I want to make a difference, I don't want to just survive, I want to add value through my skill-sets and brain power. Then, are you really ... have a look at the scoreboard. Half-term report, the dreaded 'could do better' might be on there! Upped and followed. Namaste!

Until we all recognise our true potential many people will just take what they can get, accept mediocre and border on the edge of success and failure without really pushing through to a position in life they really want. It takes passion and some grit to get more from life. Breakaway from the system and create your own legacy.

I think the immediate evolution that we could have is a mental and maybe spiritual one. Biologically, we are still the same as we were 1000 or 2000 years ago.
Regarding the surviving, I think the statement "survival of the fittest" still stand. Now, more than ever. We are seven billions people on this planet and we all need resources to survive. We struggle for jobs, for attention, for recognition by the peers.
The world is still a world of surviors.

I agree. We have so much more to learn and in the age we live in is our greatest opportunity to do so. It starts with knowledge and self acceptance of our true potential.

Great post, was a pleasure to read.

Thanks mate. Keep up your great work with your transformation. Doing an amazing job. Stay strong and consistent. :)

Hi @sebastianjago, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads yesterday and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Thank you very much. I appreciate your mention and glad you gained something from my post. Keep up the great work at your end too.

Thank you for your kind words.

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