Stating words in the clearest manner

in #mindfullife5 years ago



The last couple of weeks out in public my mission is stating what I need in the clearest manner, otherwise, ordering or dealing with the public as a consumer takes too long. There are times you get someone taking your order that does not have their mind into it. Repeating yourself over and over becomes a mantra. I sometimes feel like saying, “Snap out of it.” But I don’t and I even tip them.

Making cappuccinos at home opens quite the savings of money and time.

So I decide to figure out stating my order for coffee with in the clearest manner while out in public.

Here's an example of non-clarity with a solution

While handing over a 20-dollar bill and saying keep the change. The barista thinks I am tipping them through the “to go” window close to 15 dollars. I have to tell them no and how much I want back.

This is the first exercise in clarity while ordering I solved. Now I say, “Keep the coins.” No questions ever, it is the solution.

Lots of people get extra shots of espresso in their coffees. Me I want one less so I say 2 shots only. While the barista always asks, "Add 2 shots?" It happens every time and I respond with a resounding no leading me to do the whole order again.
Now I respond in the clearest manner, “minus 1 shot”, and it works perfectly every time.

Taking this study up a notch and into marriage I began to think how I could get my husband to understand me with the most clarity using a jussive tone doesn't always work.

The answer in his case is I have to get him to listen by first getting his attention.

One of the ways to get his attention no matter what he is doing is to use a random word in a sentence that refers to sex or body parts. I will leave it at that. You can use your imagination but not too much. It doesn’t require too much.☺

This will be an ongoing study ; unfortunately many times people are just too distracted with their devices and thoughts.

Why perfect it?

The fruition of this work will be a much easier life.

Your friend,



That's a good thing to be mindful of and I agree with you that it will add clarity and make things easier.
That's the big thing to get your husbands attention. I think he is listening but it becomes obvious he wasn't when he goes and does the exact opposite. I'll have to figure out what captures his attention.

This can be carried a bit further to be aware of your words so you do no harm.

thanks for your lovely comment. Give it a try..
I can tell you what captures his attention is to say something totally off the wall. lol

Oh my gosh, you just made me think of something my boyfriend once said to me. Being completely honest he told me he only listens to about 25% of what I say. It was probably in our first year of dating, and we're just about 9 years in now. I appreciated the honesty and know now that I can't tell him anything until right when it's pertinent otherwise he forgets. 🤣

Haha! At least he is honest. I noticed my husband wasn't listening so I started talking about something off the wall and caught his attention. I try to always listen to him. :)

What an interesting study and thinking about @planttoplanks comment I remember being told by a girlfriend once that most mean only listen to 25% of anything that is said, and that got me thinking and observing and although I think that percentage may well be on the low side I did notice most men seem to only listen to keywords in a sentence and often ignore the rest and miss context, myself included I will admit, I think I am a better listener now than I was, but I know I also watch body language and expressions and they sometimes affect how actively I do listen LOL

You are a cool guy from your comments I can tell. Guys seem to be off in the stratosphere. lol

Thanks, I pretend to be a tattoed thug but sometimes I slip into being a nice guy

You are always a good guy @tattoodjay.
At least in my experience.

You are most welcome JJ, truth is truth

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That is a great idea! I'm referring to the concept of finding more clear and concise ways to express your thoughts, not necessarily how to grab your husband's attention, though that thought makes me laugh.

I actually like this so much I think I'm going to try as well. Awesome idea!

thanks! Yes, sometimes I have fun with the concept. lol

Ha now I think we need to hear a bit more of this lesson LOL!!!

It actually worked...don't worry I am going to make you blush as you know I would be the one blushing @old-guy-photos

You make a very good point and give perfect examples. It's so easy to know in your own mind what you mean that you forget to be clear when you say it out loud.

Thanks for saying that.. I know it is making life easier for me in small ways. :)

One of the things I was taught in school is to give a good set of clear instructions. Back in the day, in school too, we learned programming with BASIC language and we had to give clear instructions.

I know what you are saying .. I had not thought about that. thanks! :)

My husband only catches half of what I say. I think he’s hard of hearing but break wind in another room and he can hear that. 😂

LOL too funny!

Repeating yourself is really frustrating just to get things right . Well I have been on the other side as I used to work in the call center industry for some time. Some requests are very unclear and it is a must to paraphrase their request to ensure it is correct. That way it keeps frustrated customers from repeating themselves.

I can see that being a frustration with that job. Your repeating is a great idea.

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