Freewrite - Giving Back in Simple ways

in #mindfullife5 years ago

We are all so busy in our day to day lives in our hectic schedules that Giving Back is not always at the back of our mind. We may not be mindful on this particular activity and it may only happen when someone will ask for a help or if someone else initiates it. There are very few times when proactively we can think of giving at a regular interval. Though these days it is simple to give it back without disturbing too much of our schedules.
Giving back is not always about money, it can be in end number of ways. There are times when all one needs is a Hug or a Ear to lend to. Giving back does not always have to be big or something where you always find that you made a notable difference.
Every single act of kindness makes some difference to someone's life. You do not know how important it is for someone just to get a smile and a hug from someone. That could mean the world to the person.

Sometimes you may be in a position to help directly and sometimes you may not be, but if you are a little mindful you can give in many ways. Like e.g. we can shop from sources who are into donating a part of their contribution to various causes in the society, or shop from places where the earnings directly go to the people who are working behind the scenes. In Mumbai now we have a weekly farmers market. I prefer shopping from there as the earnings directly go to the source and there are no middle cuts.


The last time I was clearing my home, I realized I had many things that I wanted to discard. I thought those things would really not be of much use to anyone so I had decided to discard them but then my House help had a look at it and asked me if she could take it. I was quite surprised because I was thinking that it would be all useless for anyone but then she thought it would be useful for her. So the next time you want to discard something from your home be mindful, those things which may seem very irrelevant to you may be useful for someone else.

There are endless opportunities when it comes to giving but all we need is an open heart. The most important time I feel when you can really give and bring joy and make a difference in someone's life is during festivals. There are so many deprived people who want to celebrate but are not in a position to celebrate. I wish people can do much enough for them in every nook and corner and make them feel happy in these times by offering whatever is in their capacity.
What can be more fulfilling when you celebrate and you make someone else also celebrate with that little act from your side.

But the most important thing I see these days people need is someone to talk to, or someone to spend some peaceful moments with. When I go to the hospital I see so many lonely faces and it brings so much of pain as all that they do is keep looking out with those longing eyes, that someone will come and spend time with them.
If each one of us who are capable and in a position to make a difference to someone can take that one act of kindness daily imagine how much of difference we can make around to people around us. There will be millions of smile and good wishes flowing out from all of those whose hearts are touched and in return they are going to send out good energies into the universe. The energy of Gratitude spreading Love and Peace which is the most needed for our world.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

My other blogs of Interest

"Freewrite - The sweet and sour tastes of life"
"Treating Auto Immune Conditions - Part 3 - Lifestyle Changes"
"How Has Steem Impacted My Life?"
"🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 An excuse to post your random, creative or crazy ideas by @c0ff33a ☕️ - Nature at it's Best"
"What would I like to do differently this year? MY TRANSFORMATION - ecoTrain QOTW"

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Supporting People Who Help Make The World A Better Place @ecoTrain


Love this and can't believe no one has commented on here. Also, one of the sad things about those hive tags, is they have to be the first tag and you can only use one, so this post does not show in the freewrite community on the beta pages. Can check here and see for yourself :(

Ohhh thanx for sharing this info. It's ok, I too have been not very active on following up. Hubby is in hospital so it's a little hectic and stressful time. :-)

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