#milkandtaters and #milkandtators

in #milkandtaters4 years ago (edited)


I am finding it hard to choose which one to use. #milkandtaters or #milkandtators. So I'll use both. Just like so many others have.

Have to admit straight away something to you. Not gonna probably write every day from this day to... don't know... what wast the time given in the milking thingy? From here to eternity? Let's hope I can manage to make a post again tomorrow. Pretty sure I won't. And if I do, Thursday I will most likely fail to deliver a post.

Make it fun, make it casual and don't expect to trend.

Fun. I don't know how to be funny and I can't be casual if asked to be casual. If asked to be just me, that's the time to be really scared, start stuttering and be stiffer than ever. Perhaps that's basically me, better just accept that. First of all people always have false expectations of other people and different perceptions of casual. So how the hell am I supposed to know what is YOUR expectation of casual or what is my normal on YOUR mind? I can't! Impossible!

But yeah. I don't expect to trend. I never have. Anywhere. Anytime. Not that I wanted to anyway. Well, perhaps sometimes but not usually.

Low expectations is what I was born to do. Raised for. What I was meant to be. Go where the fence is lowest we Finns say. (Managed to get some Finnishness here too.) Do other people from other countries say that too? As if I care if they do.

Photos: CC BY 4.0 - Insaneworks

Although I have always thought that I can do and be anything, other people have taught me that I can't. And never will be nothing. Usually they know that just by taking one glance at me. Or speaking with me just few words. "Insane won't be any use, we wouldn't even want to use Insane as a kitchen towel holder. Better put Insane somewhere where absolutely nothing can go wrong even if that idiot tried to." And I'm like: "Well, you haven't seen me try yet!"

Or I'm chosen to be the goalie in a group that actually doesn't even want to be with each other or want to play football or have played that much football anyway. Individually or as a group. With little or no practice goes to a serious competition where who wins actually matters to everyone. There I am, the goalie. And everyone can blame me for letting all insanely fast, speeding, slowly rolling balls and everything in between to the goal because I've never played football either that much. I climbed to big rocks and cliffs in my spare time. Rode horses. Danced. And football never was that much played in school exercise classes anyway. Valid things to do at school in outdoor classes if there was no snow, were Finnish baseball, orienteering, Finnish baseball, orienteering, Finnish baseball, orienteering and Finnish baseball. Did I mention orienteering? Yes. That too. I loved orienteering. I usually knew where the control points were because they were usually at the same places every year with few supposedly clever changes. Near the school. And the forest they were in was near my house and really familiar to me. So I ran the control points quickly through, went home to eat for the rest of the class and came back to school at the very last minute to return the map and the info from the control points.

"This time let's do this with pairs... Oh, it seems Insane has to be the third with two others or go alone..." "That's alright, I'll go alone, I don't mind, can we start already?!"

But football.

Not my thing.

So there I was when people wanted to blame someone for not succeeding at all in the football competition. Regardless of the fact that most of the other players in the team knew nothing about football either so the freaking ball was at my end almost all the time. It was Insanes fault.

That's what I'm good for. That's what I'm good in. Taking the blame. Whether or not I did it, you can blame me. Life has taught me not to care. "Who ate this?" "Who broke this?" "Who did it?" Who is to blame?"

Unfortunately that also sometimes eliminated my will to try anything. Not because I would think that I would fail but because people around me didn't care. But fortunately I've grown out of that. Other people.

Oh my, things got grim.


What I will definitely try to do is 10 comments per day. And if I fail to do that on one day, it will be added to my sentence. And I don't mean that linguistically, like a clause. I mean it as a part of my judgement.

Don't get me wrong, I love talking to people, commenting and interacting. But sometimes I just find it very hard to take the first step. To actually say something. Or even find anything to say. "Nice flower!" "Have a nice day!" "Everything is nice!" "Nice car, man!" "Nice post!" "Nice!"

And I hate "just nice" people.

Perhaps I overstated. Hate is such a strong word. I rarely hate anything or anyone. I may dislike something, but not hate. Except someone poking me in the eye repeatedly. Especially if they do it nicely.

But I hate if I do that. Not poke but use the word nice all the time. How things are so nice. Cant' I think of anything else to say?



I'll try.

It was nice writing to you.

Nice that you read this far.

Nice that I got this much out of nothing.

Better be nice and save something for tomorrow too.

Or the nice day after that.

Can I send greetings?

Or thanks?

No, greetings.

Greetings to @penderis, the nicest person I know here. Eternal optimist.

@nyarlathotep, @juliamulcahy, @cave-man and @nonameslefttouse. Where are you?!?!

Photos: CC BY 4.0 - Insaneworks


Nice camera- oh, crap. I fell into the "nice" trap.

I feel I can relate to several things you spoke about in this post, like for starters: not being able to post every day or always comment on a post you just read. Sometimes I just don't get any ideas / thoughts that I think are worth writing a full-length post about... or a post I read didn't give me any other reactions than "hmm" or "I feel so too".

I don't really remember being thought of as someone with no future nor deliberately given the "shittiest" roles in situations, but in P.E. class I was always picked into a team last (because I suck at everything P.E. but swimming), bullied throughout all my schoolyears but the last (never by my own classmates, rather older and younger people) and rejected of friendship by people I was interested of befriending (I was socially awkward and would just try hanging around near them but didn't actually have anything to say to them).

Now things are way better but I still experience the "want to be friends but have nothing to talk about" thing from time to time.

Nice comment! :)

Now things are way better but I still experience the "want to be friends but have nothing to talk about" thing from time to time.

I feel your pain because I suffer this too occasionally.

"hmm" or "I feel so too".

I know! Me too! And I feel stupid if I can't say anything original or something that gives more value to the person wanting comments. But if I think about it when I receive comments that are just to point out that someone else feels like this too and even though they may not be very long comments, I still value them. It means that someone has read my text. Heard me. Or if they haven't heard me or actually read what I wrote, they still want to give something to me. It's the repetition that tells me more than just an individual short comment. Do I always only get those short "I think like this too" or are there at least occasional original thoughts and longer comments there too. That in my eyes counts.

So I shouldn't be so hard on myself. I should just comment more and if I want to say something, I should just say something and not force myself to say something incredibly original if I don't have that something to take out of my brain at that moment.

Nice is a nice word by the way. :)

Aaaaaaaaaan I ment to add... !ENGAGE 35

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okay now that the niceties are out of the way, What is Finnish Baseball? Is that like a yocal throwing a snowball at someone with a stick that tries to hit the snow ball bursting it into a slathering mess all over the catchers face, or connecting with a buried rock in said snowball to send it back as hard and fast as they can at the pitcher because he forgot to bring his baseball glove, or took the glove off to make the snowball hiding the rock inside hoping you connect and make a foul ball hit and clobber someone in the stands as they daintily sip on their finnish beer? Speaking of beer do fins have beer? !BEER

Is that like a yocal throwing a snowball at
they daintily sip on their finnish beer?


The pitcher and the hitter (of the ball) stand side by side and the the pitcher throws the ball up instead towards the hitter and the hitter tries to hit it with the bat as it comes down. Other than that, pretty much what you said. Wrote.

do fins have beer?

I think not anymore because we drank it all.

And thanks! It's all gone already!


@bashadow you have received 40 ENGAGE from @insaneworks!
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@nyarlathotep, @juliamulcahy, @cave-man and @nonameslefttouse. Where are you?!?!

...I am lurking, until the Stars Are Right... and Nice!

Good to see you!

But the stars you are looking for, no longer are there. They have moved on long before you were born. And what you think is present, is actually the past. Long, long time ago.

Oh and you might like this: https://beta.steemit.com/trending/hive-11779


@nyarlathotep you have received 10 ENGAGE from @insaneworks!
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@nyarlathotep you have received 10 ENGAGE from @insaneworks!
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Oh my. My bad @untersatz.

First I misspelled engage. With 2x N. Then I corrected it. Didn't see anything happening so thought it doesn't work afterwards. Then decided to remove it and write to a separate comment correctly. But saw this and added it back again to the original comment. So @nyarlathotep got 10+10. But that's okay. I know better next time. Not to be too quick with my moves.

When younger low expectations can definitely hurt. Although I may not have been the worst I learnt that it is best to just assume I am. It takes peoples focus off of you and I liked that. I guess it is very different when forced into that role vs choosing the role and having the choice to step out of it. Which I always had as a way out, be bad but don't be the worst if you are the worst then accept it and remind others that since they are better when they don't do better they are shit. You already accepted you are shitty so wtf are they gonna do about it :)

Hate is a nice word, it is all-encompassing and leaves the degree of dislike in question I think.

Agreed on the overall sentiment of nice, it is irksome.

Yeah. I don't need that much cheering up anymore or someone saying to me that they like what I've done even if it's something really awful. But that would have been a good thing to hear when I was young. Or perhaps even when I did good, it would have been nice for someone to say that I was awesome. I usually never had that. With few, rare exceptions. But after a while I just did what I did and was my own cheerer or critic. And that's a good thing to learn too, but I think it requires mentally a lot to continue on your path. Alone.

Irksome sounds like a nice word. No matter what it means. It has a lovely irkish sound to it. I'd like to use that in all my comments. Irksome.


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