The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs

in #mene24k6 years ago


What lessons can be learned from the story of the Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs?

As a refresher...

A couple has a goose that lays golden eggs (unclear as to purity). Instead of being thrilled at this low cost gold producer, in variants of the story they either demand higher production or actually kill the goose to try and extract more gold.

This is a terrible strategy... and this is coming from the guy who spent many hours straining a Goldschlager bottle for its gold content.


The lessons we learned from the Goose can be applied anywhere in life.

*Try not to be greedy. If you have something good going, be grateful and nurture it.


*More isn’t always better. In fact, sometimes less is actually more.


*Think about the long term. Instead of the potential of 5 golden eggs in 1 day (which totally backfired), 365 golden eggs in one year is better.


The last lesson is to recognize when we have an amazing opportunity and to take advantage of it.

Here are two:

——- >

——-> Menē 24k investment jewelry:

Watch the video below for your Golden Goose!

Thanks for reading\watching everyone!




For Menē 24k investment jewelry:

To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians :

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here:

For Menē 24k investment jewelry here:

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

Read more about Goldmoney:


Love this post! Especially because I liked that story as a kid. Also, 'cause you're straining a bottle for gold...haha what a weirdo, I love it!

Thank you! Lol you are right I’m totally a weirdo for doing that

But the good kind of weirdo that you wanna be friends with haha

That should be my profile blurb.

Haha it only makes sense

I like your blog:) especially the crazy dance on the bed !

Haha well thanks!! I was kind of hoping all of humanity would be too lazy to actually watch that.

Apparently I need to have more faith in humanity 🤷🏻‍♀️.

" variants of the story they either demand higher production or actually kill the goose to try and extract more gold"

These couple are really greedy and they don't actually value what they have at hand. This is free production for them due to their greedy mindset they want to get this precious item in a faster way which will definitely make them loose all. This is foolishness.

Wow..nice story line. I personnally learnt from this story. My golden eggs are Mene and steemit. I wil definitely utilize and nurture this great opportunities through possible ways.

The referral new package is really a golden goose, that needs to be fully utilized.

@goldmatters, i just noticed that there is always a similarity between the name of a mene item and the shape of the item.
Thumbs up to #TeamMene.

Yes :) those golden egg necklaces are very attractive !

I love the shape. I love eggs alot, so wearing that wont be a bad idea at all.

I feel like I am Charlie from Charlie and Chocolate Factory and I just won the Golden Ticket. While inside the factory, I have stumbled upon the geese that lay the golden eggs!!


Hopefully they are back in stock soon :)

I certainly hope so!!

Less is definitely more sometimes. A lesson I have been trying to learn.

All of us are !

Yes it is always true ...a person should try to be happy for what he gets on daily basis then be greedy enough to get all in one day....even if what you get on daily basis is less but persistent.....It is true people are soo greedy they wont have enough patient.....
" There is a sufficiency in the world for man's need but not for man's greed."
~ Mahatma Gandh

n variants of the story they either demand higher production or actually kill the goose to try and extract more gold.

This reminds me last year when people on twitter were complaining when there price of their cryptocurency only went up by 90% instead 200% :-D

very good story.... my dear friend... thank you for sharing with us..

Authenticity BOT!

Great job! We found more similar posts, but your post is the 1st one posted.
GrumpyCat /
can give you a downvote because of the copies!
Defend yourself: /

I have a feeling that I am Charlie from Charlie and Chocolate Factory and I simply won the Golden Ticket. While inside the industrial facility, I have discovered the geese that lay the brilliant eggs!!we must be satisfied and be appreciative of what we have, cause being covetous will lead us to something awful... much thanks to you

This sounds familiar

i am Goose who laid those egg,You are thief ,you stolen my egg....

just fun.

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