I Love Menē 24k - Pocket dump challenge WINNERS ANNOUNCED

in #mene24k6 years ago (edited)


^ Me too! For $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up here in 30 seconds: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p


All 7 continents.

21 countries.

129 + entries.

Over the past 7 days Steemians all over the world professed their love for Menē 24k. This was a huge thrill for me and I would like to thank Steemit and all Steemians who participated!

Steemians everywhere dumped their pockets and documented the results.


This was SO HARD to choose the winners. I could only choose 6 according to my rules. If you were one of the 120 entries who did not win.... please note the PART I part of the title in the original post :)

Thank you all for emptying your pockets for me! Thanks even to those who tried to even without adequate pockets:


This challenge showed off the diversity of talent on this beautiful platform. We saw that Steemians are creative, original, motivated, funny and well armed!



There are a number of artistic Steemians, and many that clearly love their family, keeping them in their pockets at all times.



Special shoutout to @thedamus


And @armshippie


for the inspiration!

And the winners are:



Please stayed tuned for future challenges and more information about Menē 24 karat investment jewelry and Goldmoney.

For $5 in Menē 24k investment jewelry credit sign up here in 30 seconds: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p

Thanks for reading!


To see ALL the entries look in the comments of the original post: https://steemit.com/contest/@goldmatters/100-sbd-giveaway-pocket-dump-challenge-part-i


Menē crafts 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry™ that is transparently sold by gram weight. By combining innovative technology with timeless design, Menē restores the ancient tradition of jewelry as a store of enduring value.

To find out more about what Menē 24 karat gold and platinum investment jewelry is from your fellow Steemians :

To find out more about what Goldmoney is from your fellow Steemians : https://steemit.com/contest/@goldmatters/what-in-the-world-s-goldmoney-winners

To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

For Menē 24k investment jewelry here: http://Mene.com/invite/JrT26p

I am on a personal mission to spread the word about Goldmoney and Menē through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows individuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

All images sourced from Menē and Goldmoney.

Read more about Goldmoney: https://steemit.com/@goldmatters

What is Menē 24k gold and platinum investment jewelry?

I will let famous Steemian @coruscate explain:


Yeeehaaaaa! Thank's @goldmatters for another fun contest in my favorite category, precious metals.
The amount people that joined this contest was absolutely amazing, I was biting my nails all week while watching all the other contestants posts come through.
You spent a lot of time on this, thank you and congratulations to all the other winners.

Sincerely, your friend, @tbnfl4sun

My friend, you were as close as someone can possibly be to winning this. Thank you so much for your creativity, spirit, and passion. I am so impressed with your voluntary involvement here. I appreciate it more than you know

I'm honored to be in the top five out of so many contestants, I can't even imagine how big this could be in a few years when steemit grows bigger in the next few years.

You to @jbcoin,great job raising the bar!

Thank you so much @goldmatters! I am surprised! This was a great contest and a great way to spread the message about Mene 24k Gold Investment Jewelry!

Your contests always get a ton of original and artistic entries. It was fun reading through them all, and learning a little more about each contestant!

Congrats to everyone! I was so busy working on my homework asignment, that I didn't realize that the winners were announced! 👍

Thanks again @goldmatters! I know that this was a lot of work, you're the best!

You win the somewhat silver egg award!

With pleasure! Great work @jbcoin! You always put forth signficant effort and meaning into you entries. I can tell you really believe in the Goldmoney and Menē mission. Is that YOUR silver egg?? PS.... it was the message from George Washington that pushed your post into the grand winner!

Yes, that egg is my Masterpiece and like all great Masterpieces, it is now dinner for the barn cats!

Thanks so much. George kind of went on a rant, you can only be devalued so far lol!
I am going to send George into circulation, with an email address on the back. See where his travels lead him??


Fak!!! Lol

What does a guy have to do to win one of these!!!?

...oh wait, nevermind...i already know 🤣👍

I wish I could make everyone in my friend !! Thats why theres a part II coming :) EVENTUALLY lol

All good GM! @jbcoin’s post had all the right stuff! Thx again for the support, and for all you do for all of us.

Thanks @thedamus! When it comes to generosity and all around badassery, you are the man! Proud to call you a friend!

Awesome. I just signed up to the site. I was browsing the jewelry yesterday and there's definitely some fine looking mens rings on there. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much! Let me know if you have questions

Ha ha. Some of them are downright genius - loved the fourth one.
Man I have been following this contest for the last week and it has been great. I didn't win, still it was fun as all get out.
Great work guys and of course @goldmatters, the person who got us into this fun ride.

Thank you so much for being a part of this

My pleasure man :-)

Waiting for round 2! This is actually really exciting!

Thanks for being a part of this :)

Congratulations to winners!

Congratulations @autofreak! Loved your entry!

Including you :)

Congrats to the winners! Maybe next time!

Thank you for your positivity!


Thanks for being involved! I run a lot challenges here so there will be more opportunity to win:)

Congratulations to the winners.

Thank you for your positivity :)

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