Growing A Community Part 4: SoCalSteemit's 3rd Meetup SoCalSteemitの第3回ミートアップ

in #meetup7 years ago

Left to right: @nutinbutdatruth @madpotters @creationofcare @Mariannewest @MattLovell @dennisauburn @derekrichardson @CSUSBgeochem1. Not pictured: @beckymeep & @rt395

If you have been following me for a while you'll know I have been working to help build the Steemit-jp community and the SoCalsteemit community. Today the @socalsteemit community held our 3rd meetup and it was a blast! In fact it went by too quickly. We all wanted to stay, but time was not on our side.

Steamit-jpコミュニティとSoCalsteemitコミュニティを構築するのを手伝ってくれていることが分かっています。 今日@socalsteemitコミュニティは3回目のミートアップを開催しました。 実際、それはあまりにも早く行きました。 私たちは皆、滞在したいと思っていましたが、時間は私たちの側にありませんでした。

I arrived at the location, Fairmont Park, in Riverside, California and realized I was a bit early, 2hrs to be exact, but I knew I had to help set up with @derekrichardson so I was right on time. Derek let me know he would arrive in about 30 minutes so I scouted tables for us. Unfortunately the only tables suitable for our group had some leftovers from the ducks' party the night before...

私は、カリフォルニア州リバーサイドにあるフェアモントパークに着き、私はちょっと早く、正確には2時間だったことに気づきました。しかし、私は@derekrichardsonをセットアップするのを助けなければならなかったので、時間通りでした。 デレクは約30分で彼が到着することを知らせてくれました。私は私たちのためにテーブルを偵察しました。 残念ながら、私たちのグループに適した唯一のテーブルには、前夜のアヒルのパーティーからの残り物がありました。

Nothing a bit of elbow grease and some baby wipes couldn't handle.


By the time I cleaned up Derek arrived and we began to set everything up. Derek really came through with all the supplies we needed as well as a feast for kings which I'll show you later in this post. He however forgot his veggie burgers! So he ran home to get them and a few other things.

私はデレクをきれいにするまでに到着し、私たちはすべてを設定し始めた。 デレクは本当に私たちが必要としているすべての食糧と、王のための饗宴を経験しました。 彼はしかし、彼の野菜のハンバーガーを忘れてしまった! だから彼は家に帰ってそれらを手に入れた。

Shortly after Derek showed up @CSUSBgeochem1 @beckymeep arrived followed by @Mariannewest and @dennisauburn who came all the way up from San Diego! @mariannewest will be hosting a meetup in San Diego next week which you can read about here. I believe she may be posting an update this week.

Derekが出現した直後に@ CSUSBgeochem1 @beckymeepが到着し、続いて@Mariannewest@dennisauburnが続き、サンディエゴからすべて来ました! @mariannewestは来週サンディエゴでミーティングを開催します。あなたはここで読むことができます。 私は彼女が今週更新を掲載するかもしれないと信じています。

With people starting to arrive it was time to fire up the grill!


@CSUSBgeochem1 started off by cooking up some hot dogs for everyone.

@ CSUSBgeochem1はみんなのためにいくつかのホットドッグを調理し始めた。

I brought 3 kinds of beef from my local Japanese market, short rib, some regular chuck and then the good stuff, American wagyu! I cooked it for everyone in that order saving the best for last. While all of it was delicious, the wagyu melted in your mouth. It was better than I had hoped.

私は地元の日本市場、ショートリブ、定期的なチャック、そして良いもの、アメリカワグから3種類の牛肉を持ってきました! 私はその順序ですべての人のためにそれを最後のために最善を尽くすように保存しました。 すべてが美味しかったが、ワグーはあなたの口に溶け込んだ。 私が望んでいたよりも良かったです。

As we were starting to grill more Steemians showed up, @madpotters @nutinbutdatruth. They came up from Fallbrook which is in North San Diego County, about 1 hour south of our meetup. They were followed a few minutes later by @MattLovell & @creationofcare who rounded out the group. Then it was time to dig into the feast!

私たちがより多くのスティメイシャンを料理し始めたとき、@ madpotters @ nutinbutdatruth。 彼らは私たちの会合の約1時間南、ノースサンディエゴ郡にあるフォールブルックから上がった。 彼らは数分後に@MattLovell@creationofcareによってグループを一掃した。 それから、宴会を掘り下げる時間でした!

That was only the food Derek brought. I didn't get pictures, but everyone else brought homemade dishes and we could have easily fed 20 more people with all the food!

それはデレクがもたらした食べ物だけでした。 私は写真を手に入れませんでしたが、他の人は自家製料理を持ってきました。

After filling out plates we all chatted as if we had already known each other. Steemit has that effect. It brings with it a sense of camaraderie that breaks the ice for you. The conversations flowed easily as we learned about one another. @madpotters @nutinbutdatruth had moved out from New York City for a slower life chasing their horticulture & pottery dreams in Fallbrook. @Mariannewest and @DennisAuburn talked to me about life, Facebook & craft beers, of which @Mariannewest's son is a professional brewer. It was wonderful and we were all brought together by Steemit.

私たちの食べ物を食べた後、私たちはお互いを知っているかのようにおしゃべりをしました Steemitにはその効果があります。 それはあなたのために氷を破壊する友情の感覚をもたらします。 私たちがお互いに学んだように、会話は容易に流れました。 @madpotters @ nutinbutdatruthはFallbrookで園芸と陶器の夢を追うより遅い人生のためにニューヨーク市から移住しました。 @Mariannewest@DennisAuburnは人生、Facebook&クラフトビールについて話しました。そのうち@Mariannewestの息子はプロの醸造家です。 それは素晴らしかったし、私たちはSteemitによって一緒に連れていった。

Then the conversation changed to Steemit & crypto. Derek, Marianne and I were happy to share our knowledge with everyone as well as the ups and downs with crypto. I was impressed to see that most of the members had some understanding of crypto in general and knew many aspects of Steemit. We discussed ways of supporting one another and growing the community. @creationofcare offered up 5Steem for a contest to be run on the @socalsteemit account which we agreed would be a good idea to bring some more exposure to the account. Now we just have to come up with an original contest....

その後、会話はSteemit&cryptoに変更されました。 Derek、Marianneと私は、私たちの知識を誰もが知っているだけでなく、暗号の浮き沈みも分かち合いました。 私は、メンバーのほとんどが一般的に暗号を理解しており、Steemitの多くの側面を知っていたことに感銘しました。 お互いをサポートし、コミュニティを成長させる方法について話し合った。 @creationofcareは、5Steemを提供してコンテストを@socalsteemitアカウントで実行することができました。私たちは、アカウントにもっと多くの情報を公開することをお勧めします。 今すぐオリジナルのコンテストを開催するだけです

On the topic of contests @mariannewest and @madpotters mentioned a "tin-foil hat" contest. They came up with a great idea for all of us to participate in, but you will have to check the @socalsteemit to see what we did!

コンテストのテーマについては、@mariannewest@madpottersは "tin-foil hat"コンテストを挙げました。 彼らは私たち全員が参加するという素晴らしいアイデアを思いつきましたが、私たちが何をしたかを見るために@socalsteemitをチェックしなければなりません!

As the day started to wind down, I couldn't help my self and broke out my laptop, DJ controller and speaker and started to mix some DnB.


It was an awesome way to end an awesome Steemit Meetup. We cleaned up, said our goodbyes all all raced home to get our posts put together! lol.

すごいSteemit Meetupを終了するには素晴らしい方法でした。 私たちはきれいにして、私たちのすべての人達が私たちの投稿をまとめるために家を競りました! 笑。

Thanks for reading! - 読んでくれてありがとう

I am part of Steemit Blogger Center.

Steemit Blogger Central is building communities and empowering Leaders.


Thanks for reading!

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Oh, we missed the music!! But it was the right time to leave. We were pretty tired on the way home.
So much fun!!
And thank you for bringing all the delicious meat!!

It was a pleasure sharing what I could with such nice people.

The music came out just after you left and was more for show than for listening or dancing!

Hope to see you this weekend!

I hope so too!!

Hey, thank you so much for organizing this meet up. Im looking forward to getting to know and learn from you all! Seems like for such a diverse group of people, we had a lot of common interests, not just Steemit. Cant wait to see what adventures we cook up. Happy Monday.

Likewise. We may do a Panamint hike/meetup if you and @nutinbutdatruth are interested. Check out @derekrichardson's post about it

I think I need to make a gem & mineral guide for you. You really ended up in an awesome part of California for collecting gems. Happy belated Monday!

We are one hundred thousand percent in! When do we leave, tomorrow? :D Gem and Mineral guide for dummies would be amazing - I really am brand new with this interest! I'm dying to go geode hunting, will I have any luck here?

Geodes are out at Hauser Geode Beds near the Cal/Arizona border. They use to be plentiful, but now it's hit and miss.

If we have another meetup before I leave to Tokyo I will bring some pink halite for you. Read up on Gem O Rama. One of the best mineral shows in California. You can dig for pink halite there.

If (when) we go to Hauser; you will at a minimum find nodules... here is a sample of what we came up with in about an hour about a year ago (and having pretty much no-idea what we where doing).

I have a few more i have not cut open, and a couple of larger ones we collected 4-5 years ago...

This one was almost a geode:

i cannot WAIT! but how did you cut them open? i always end up smashing them to pieces with a hammer...

I think most of the ones in the picture where found as-is... I just cleaned them up. I cut open a couple with a tile saw; but they have to be pretty small to use it (the ones above are golf-ball sized). @rt395 said you just need to join a local rockhound group as they will have a larger rock saw and other tools...

ive seen those things. super cool. i was ecstatic with my finds at the gem faire today in del mar, so i cant even imagine how exciting itll be to find anything on my own.

Thanks for the tips! Arizona is also on the list for a road trip. I need to see the Grand Canyon as an adult. Going to do some research now. I am heading to the Gem Faire in Del Mar this Friday :) How long are your trips to Tokyo, usually?

Great post! I really enjoyed meeting everyone.

I took exactly 0 pictures, so I'm just going to re-steam your post...

lol, thanks. I mentioned on Discord I left a lot of details out on purpose so other's could do their posts and fill in some of those details. Nice meeting both of you and hope to hang out again with more time, Panamint?

I took just as many as you!!! :P

was a super blast and we were blessed to be there. cant wait for the next one

For sure. I mentioned something we have been tossing around to @madpotters above, Panamint. Let us know if you are interested.

Just checked it out and yes we are totally in for the next one

Such a great day. Thank you so much for scrubbing down the table and then working the decks

It was, but too short! I feel like I didn't get the chance to talk with everyone enough. Will have to catch up at the next meetup! Great meeting you and Matt.

same for us the time really flew, but was so good to meet everyone in person and find our common interests :)

What a great meetup. Such a nice pictures too! Upvoted

Start one where you live!

holy syit....You are enjoying a great party at So Cal, at this most beautiful moment, I see many things we can do every meet up, the sight of bird droppings on the table has been a witness at your party, food and barbequei make me feel hungry,,, make some noise DJ..

Thanks @mrday. Somehow I missed your comment. We are trying to imitate Indonesia! You guys are doing so good over there.

tip! For your foilfashionista flare! You rocked the tin my friend!

Thanks @fishyculture. I wanted to save that part of our meetup for @socalsteemit to post about. It was very fun doing the challenge. Thank you for creating it.

Yes, but not as big as the Indonesian meetups!

Steemit meet ups are so much fun. We had ours last weekend in Abuja, Nigeria and it was a blast as well. 😊

Yes, they are an important function of growing a community. I am working with #africaunchained on my discord server. Are you part of that group?

No I am not. You can send me the link I will make sure to join

Here is the link to my server @chiama They are a solid group and might be beneficial for you to link up with.

Thank you

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