WISCONSIN STEEMIT MEETUP - UPDATE - Official Report From @papa-pepper

in #meetup8 years ago (edited)

Overall, the Wisconsin Steemit Meetup was a success!

Since I was coming up to the area anyway, @noganoo stirred up some of the local steemians to come on out for a meetup. While some locals like @lscottphotos & @jeremyfromwi were unable to make it, several others did.

@truconspiracy, @hidd3nmanna, and @seth-krings all came out to the meetup at the local library, and a few others who had heard of steemit, but had not yet signed up, came out to see what it was all about and to have some of their questions answered.

Since the steemians who showed up have been far less active in the community that @noganoo and @papa-pepper, it was a great chance for us to encourage them and share a lot of information.

We discussed several of the key components of steemit, and explained a lot about the ways things work. @noganoo provided some insight into the history of cryptocurrency and its validity as well as discussing things like bots and whales.

I shared about interaction and community building, and added my thoughts about how investing in the moment can provide a payout in the future. @noganoo streamed the meetup live, and here is the YouTube link of the video from the meeting.

As we were nearing the end of our time together at the library due to their hours of operation, a seventy-some year old local author and movie producer stopped by and began to share. We kindly allowed her to, and she got some publicity for her book and the movie that she is working on. She was unaware of what we were up, and was quite surprised when we shared that what she had shared went out live over the web.

A few more friends showed up as well, and hopefully, they will soon be joining the steemit community. In the end, the meetup doubled as promo party as well, as we shared the existence of steemit with several others and spoke of our experiences since we have joined the platform. As for the less active users that showed up, a lot of practical and helpful advice was offered for them to consider as they continue to progress in our community.

I was pleased to see some of the other steemians show up for the meetup, and am excited that more from the Wisconsin area may soon be joining the platform. Since I'm more used to interacting in person anyway, I really enjoyed this opportunity.

Because the library closed at 5 pm and we were still enjoying our time discussing, most of us hung out in the parking lot for a while talking before moving on to other activities for the night.


Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

Operation Translation Logo Provided by by @oecp85

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)


I thought library are supposed to be quiet. :-)

There are different parts of this library that are designated for different activities.

We were in "the commons" where talking, food, and drinks are all permissible.

ah.... like how the libraries in Singapore is evolving to.

Could be... It's certainly not how it used to be.

Thats awesome! Sounds like the meet up was a success! Always good to share ideas and the word out about steemit! Hope you had a good time, i was also away and not on much but im back now! STEEM ON! ♨😉

It was great to be back in the area and to meet up with some locals, some old and some new!

excellent potato pepper congratulations


"papa" = "potato"

I like it!

Sounds like it was a fun time! I'll definitely keep an eye open for a video, that would be awesome :)

@noganoo should post a link sometime in the future!

Hope things are getting better with your mom.

She is recovering well so far! Thank you

Glad to hear it!

Yes, please do post a video.

Video added to my post!

I got the link from @noganoo.


Awesome stuff, looking forward to seeing that video!

Yeah, me too!
I will actually be sharing Steemit with the ladies at a local shelter for battered women next week where I'm volunteering a few hours to help anyone with questions, and sign them up. Hey, they're in between places and this community is so supportive. I think they would thrive with some encouragement and a somewhat anonymous platform to express themselves.
It's not exactly a meet up but I think it serves both online and offline communities. :)

Thats an awesome idea, it will serve them well and I think it would be good for them too! Well done you!

Nice Idea!

The video is now added!

It was a great time!

I got the link from @noganoo and added the video.

Watched a lot of it! Great stuff and cool explaining the virtues of steemit and the ability to earn!!

We really enjoyed it!

Sounds like a great time was had by all!

Yeah, everyone really enjoyed it!

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