📜✒️ Marvelous Tales Contest #7 - Announcing winners and the next contest 📜✒️


The Marvelous Tales Contest

In honor of all the creativity here on Steemit, I'm hosting the Marvelous Tales Contest.

The idea is simple: I give you two words, and you build your tale around these two words. You could write a story, make a comic or video, use a drawing or photo to accompany your tale, or even write a song. You can submit your entry by creating a post dedicated to this contest.

I will be picking the winner based on originality, creativity and entertainment value. Subjected, ofcourse, to my personal opinion, but I try to be as fair as I can!

Last week's results:

Third place
There were only two entries this week.

Second place
@tediursa24's entry won 0.223 SBD

First place
@xyzashu's entry won 0.402 SBD

Congrats to the winners! I enjoyed reading your entries very much.

Proof of payout

Contest number 7

The rules:

  • Your entry must be original work and completely of your own making.
  • One entry per person.
  • You have to name your post as followed: "Marvelous Tales #7 - [Title of your entry]".
  • The first tag of your entry post has to be #marveloustales (I will be using this tag to sort through the entries).
  • Your entry should be kid-friendly, meaning no PG-rated content.
  • Drawings and pictures are allowed, but make sure they are accompanied by a tale.
  • Because the prices are based on payout of this post (for now), you must upvote this post to compete.


  • First price: 45% of the SBD this post makes.
  • Second price: 25% of the SBD this post makes.
  • Third price: 15% of the SBD this post makes.

This week's words:

The words you need to spin your tale around this week are:

  • Walking
  • Nomad

This week's deadline:

Monday 31st of july, at 11:00 AM CET (Central European Time, UTC+1).

Closing notes:

  • I reserve the rights to disqualify any entry I deem inappropriate.
  • Due to the contest being new, the rewards are based on payout of this post. My goal is to change this in the future.
  • Rewards, winners and a new contest will be announced once this post is paid out.
  • I'd be very grateful if you would mention a link to this post from your entry post (it's not a must!). It's a new contest and anything you could do to help broaden its reach is very much appreciated!

Thank you for your attention and I'm looking forward to seeing your entries!

Thanks for stopping by! If you've enjoy this article, try my other sites:
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Don't forget to Upvote, Resteem and Follow!


pudi san, I might not make it this week, but I'll try to pass an entry...If I do send an entry, I might be doing another something like my last entry(please bear with me), Im trying to make it work in my side...If this idea works, it could give us some traffic...I just need time to study things.
thank you.

and im preparing for my blog as well the fork is getting closer.goodluck to us.

Thanks for the heads up! If you can't make it, just skip a week. I'll be happy to see you back when you've got the time :D

what the hell voted my comment,it gained more than what i posted...LOL

Haha, it's the @gentlebot who upvotes random comments for being real and further down than the first comment :-)

Thanks a lot for judging my entry as the winning entry!
However, I'm still unsure whether it really deserved it. It is just because I participated and other people didn't. So this time I really hope that genuine, talented story writers participate here.
Honestly, I'd like to state here that this was my first ever attempt to write a story (in English lang.). So the ones who are reading this comment can know why they should participate here. They have almost 100% chance to win the prize 😉

Good Luck to all participants and thanks to all readers!

Find my entry which won the first place here

participate again bro....

I really liked your story, but you are right, we could use more participants! I'd love to get more entries :-)

wonderful blog, I upvoted you and followed you

Thank you. What did you find wonderful about this? Will you participate?

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