Relational Intelligence - Smart V.

in #marriage6 years ago

…continued… from part 1, part 2, part 3, and part 4.


Wives are advised to submit to their husband. Like I said earlier in the first post, when God asks you to do something, it shows that is your area of weakness. If He asks you to be strong, it shows you have the tendency of showing weakness. When He asked husbands to love their wives, it is because He knows men can easily get discouraged when frustrated by their spouse and He wants us to love them nonetheless in the midst of that. So, when God told the women to submit to their husband, it is because it is a hard thing for women to do too. They like making everything about them. They like keeping to their opinions. They like having their ways and because they know how to easily get a man to do their bidding.

As a wife, you are expected to submit to your husband. By submitting, it doesn’t mean you have lost your will or right, it merely shows honour and respect. Men love to be respected. Like I said earlier, women know how to have their way, it is only a matter of approach. With the right approach, they can subtly have their way.


Any man will go to where he is being celebrated rather than where he is being tolerated. Women find it hard to submit and this is why God commanded them to. The greatest need of a man is not food or sex, but respect; honour. This is why you will see the man run after his secretary. The secretary has been there all along but the moment he doesn’t feel respected at home, that is the same moment he would take notice of the secretary in his office that he is paying to give respect to him. At that instance, he won’t feel the secretary is respecting him out of courtesy and because she is paid to, but because he lacked it at home, he would find it anywhere.

As men, we should all understand that our wife is the only principality in our lives that isn’t subject to casting and binding hahaha. We need to love them, cherish them and keep them happy so as not to experience a closed heaven. When a woman is loved, she wouldn’t have issues with respecting the husband because she would be enjoying it so much and wouldn’t want it to change.

…to be continued…

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.



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