Nobody can signup to STEEMIT.COM - But here is the alternative

in #marketing8 years ago

<a target='_BLANK' href=''><img src='></a>

Hi, I am Gabi and I have found out about the Steem (now a cool hype) 3 weeks ago.

Honestly, I had no idea that by only posting cool/funny/interesting stuff, you actually get paid.

This is a new and cool concept that could be the new Bitcoin for bloggers.

A concept that I started to follow and since the half of June, I have managed to gain 11.000$. It is mind blowing.

<a target='_BLANK' href=''><img src='></a>

It all started with the Steemit 101- the Amazon book review and gained 200 STEEM.

Then, the strato initiative:

So I have been playing around for almost a month now, and I have started to see STEEMIT like my old playground.

And something was missing. I couldn't interact with others. With the people creating that awesome content. Of course, there is slack, but I was feeling that there is more to explore.

Inspired by other initiatives, I have registered and installed a script that is almost like facebook. Almost. But hey, we don't need another Facebook, right?

So please let me present you the features of

-chat:yes, you can chat with other users. It is so simple and also you can tag them by using @username

Oh, did I mention that the messages and chats are not deleted? So, it's like the steem slack, but with history:)

-hashtags: use whatever hashtag you want

-you can edit your profile and configure it with your STEEMIT profile

-groups:I have created 47 groups, the most important ones from Oh, the cool part is that you ca create a new group if you feel like. And you can also search the groups by using "!groupname" in the search field. ( So if I want to search for steem group, it will be like !steem)

    captcha on registering

-censor plugin: We are here only to social interact around steem, not using bad words. So I have added some "bad words" on the black list.

-3 accounts allowed to register per IP. So if you have an wifi router, and your friend//brother/sister or even your grandma want to register from the same location, is now possible:)

So now that new signups are not possible maybe the newcommers can join and discuss there about this.

Oh, there is more about my humble initiative here:


Good post!

pretty much looks like facebook xD Id suggest making it look more like steemit, use their main colour schemes ect.

Cool idea though thanks

Thank you. Yes this is the plan:P still working on it

There is more about the initiative here:
I was writing an article a few days ago about how it changed my life here:

But what about the ones that want to know more about it.

No problemo:) I have this covered for you. I have installed a ticketing support script on and you can create support tickets.
I am also working on a knowledge base so you can find all the basic answers when you join STEEMIT

I believe that having a dedicated support section, will add more trust to the STEEM concept.
Oh and it will also add value as you we can create a database with faqs and I believe people will love to have everything on a plate.

I have just signed up. Do you mind if I make a review post?

feel free:) and thank you:)

thanks to positives review post I found it too, Thank you, I am hoping it will help me get the hang on my new hidden secret called steem :)

You will have to edit it a bit or Facebook will be like, oh he's cloning us, he must be bad and punished for it, let's sue him. Slight color change and you are fine ;)

haha:)) I am still working on it. I am no coder by nature, I am more like a jack of all trades. I have approximate knowledge of many things:)) but I am specialized in domain names, bitcoin hosting, cisco, and tons of respect for everything related to space. You can read all about my bold initiative here:

Hy Dumitru,My name is Gabriel and I'm from Romania too,I want to know if is possible to leave a comment on my blog,but if you have this post in our language to truly understand what have you done here.I appreciate your work.

Salut, desigur. Si.. uhm... numele meu e tot Gabi:))) nu dumitru:) Dumitriu e numele de familie:))

sa imi dai link-ul unde vrei sa postez

Am vazut da nu am vrut sa creez confuzie,is cam nou si ma atras crypto dupa el.
Poti sa postezi unde vrei u la un post de al meu, unde nu mai intra lumea sa lase comenturi ,ca il gasesc eu daca nu ii prea mare deranjul bineinteles.

Am reusit sa intru si eu :D super tare ce ai facut

is it based on the blockchain? does it pay rewards for posts ? if not it is NOT an alternative to steemit.

an alternative not a replacement. We all agree that should be main source. I don't want to compete with, I just want to bring more value to it.

From reading the post I didnt get the impression that it was an alternative to steemit, rather something to work along side it to help us all gain the best we can... did you read it differently to me?

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