Market Friday/Mercado viernes-Mercado tradicional /Traditional market

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Viernes de mercado
Hoy es el mercado de los viernes, Denise @dswigle #MarketFriday, la persona más dulce que he conocido
Market Friday
Today is the Friday market, Denise @dswigle #MarketFriday, the sweetest person I have ever met

Mercado tradicional

En mi ciudad desde el siglo XIV es el centro de actividad del comercio tradicional.
Nosotros lo llamamos el mercado de la ribera, ya que está ubicado en la margen de la ría del Nervión.
En agosto de 1983 tuvimos unas grandes inundaciones y quedo destruido.
Pero enseguida se reconstruyo, siendo otra vez el orgullo de los bilbaínos

Traditional market

In my city since the fourteenth century is the center of traditional trade activity.
We call it the riverbank market, since it is located on the banks of the Nervión estuary.
In August of 1983 we had great floods and it was destroyed.
But soon it was rebuilt, being again the pride of the people of Bilbao


Costa ahora de dos pisos, con carnes, pescados y mariscos.
Coast now of two floors, with meat, fish and seafood
El mar Cantábrico es un mar bravío y con aguas frías, así que el pescado tiene un sabor más intenso que los de mares calientes.
The Cantabrian Sea is a wild sea with cold waters, so fish has a more intense flavor than hot seas

Nuestras carnes no son tan buenas como en Castilla, pero están ricas.
Our meats are not as good as in Castile, but they are rich.

En la planta superior frutas y verduras, los puestos tradicionales y las aldeanas que ponen sus verduras recién recogidas de las huertas.
On the top floor, fruits and vegetables, the traditional stands and the villages that put their freshly picked vegetables from the orchards.

Tampoco puede faltar los embutidos y los ricos jamones y chorizos.
The sausages and the rich hams and sausages can not miss either
Tiene muchas más cosas, ¿pero si os enseño todo que me queda para la próxima semana?
It has many more things, but if I show you everything I have left for the next week?
Bueno este es mi mercado de este viernes, espero que os divertíais y participéis.
Well this is my market this Friday, I hope you have fun and participate
@dswigle #MarketFriday

Image © txatxy. All Rights Reserved.
content by @txatxy*


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Hey, @txatxy YOUR PHOTOS ARE SIMPLY AMAZING, waaw bravo 👏 keep up the good work!Have a nice day.

Hola Txatxy,
Que lugar maravilloso para hacer las compras!

Oh, what a wonderful #MarketFriday you have given me! The building is so magnificent, where you have all your shopping. What a nice place to peruse around as you.

Seafood is best when bought near the waters they were fished in. I actually like cold water fish, but, that is probably because I live off the Atlantic Ocean.

Thank you again for showing off your fruits and vegetables, meats and seafood. I love coming to the Market with you! xoxo

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