Pink Death From the Sky, A Market Friday Full of Pure Evil @dswigle

in #marketfriday6 years ago

Pink Death From the Sky

A Market Friday True-Crime Story

Welcome to the blog that brought you chocolate and then more chocolate, and so why not go with the tried and true and bring you more chocolate. Everyone likes chocolate, well everyone but evil people, evil people and dogs. Funnily evil people also don't like dogs. You'd think they'd have bonded over their mutual hatred of chocolate.

wait a minute ... this just in ... dogs don't hate chocolate, they're just allergic ...

So there you have it; only evil people don't like chocolate. So glad I know that; I would hate to be guilty of overgeneralization and confusing chocolate with dogs and real housewives of whatever city paid the evil licensing fee for that particular season.

This season on Evil TV, Real Igloowives of Flin Flon.

Real IglooWife #1: Is that a polar bear fur your wearing?

Real IglooWife #2: Yep.

Real IglooWife #1: Where can I get one?

Real IglooWife #2: You can't. It was the last one.

(Disclaimer: Neither polar bears nor igloos are found in Flin Flon. I don't think there is any extra evil there either. Sorry if any Flin Flonians were offended, but it is not my fault you live in a place that is so fun to say.)

Where were we oh yes .... evil and so take a gander at this most wanted photo.

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Prunus Kanzan AKA Japanese Cherry Blossoms AKA Pink Death from the Sky.

But their so pretty, you opine. They are so beautiful when they bloom and fall. It's like a fairy land and not sinister at all. Yeah ... well, maybe this will give you a better idea of the havoc, mayhem, and downright crankiness they spread.

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See ... pure evil. Don't be fooled by the pink because that pink is pure pollen and pollen is just not nice. It's mean. I had plans to go somewhere entertaining and upbeat for today's market trip, maybe a candy floss agora or a micro-brew dew factory. Instead I went here.

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And then here

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Then I felt guilty having bought conventional medicine and so after that, I browsed the aisles of Whole Foods, hacking and sniffly away, getting the stink eye and being given a wide-berth from raw-foodist, food-hypochondriacs, and celebrities dressed like hobos hoping they won't get noticed. I thought, you know what, I might want to spend twice the price for a product that works half as well ... you know, to save the environment ... I'll only have to use four times as much to get the same benefit.

(You did the math, didn't you. Nerd)

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In the end, the old super-industrial strength Halls cough drops offered the best decongestant bang for my buck. My sniffles are gone and my cough settled. The top of my mouth and tongue have worn off, but I wasn't using them anyways. It's a small price to pay to escape the clutches of these.

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I also learned that a girl can live on virtually nothing but water and no sugar added cough drops for five days and counting.

All photos and words are mine.

Flin Flon


Wonderful, original and beautifully written post... and great photos!
I love chocolate <3 and cherry blossoms. I've shot the in Japan last month, hope I will like the photos too (they are still on my non-mirroless camera ;))

Thank you, nolasco:) Love to see those shots from Japan. Where in Japan were you?

You're welcome! I've been in Tokyo, Kyoto and Nara! Just started to edit the photos....

Wonderful trip:)

It was, I wish it had lasted longer... but I guess we always wish that, isn't that so ;)? Thanks, sweetie!

Now this right here is funny! Who says you poetry types are a bit touched? Well I may have said that but this proves you have a super sense of humor, which I already knew! Good post Pryde!!!

Thanks, Paul. You got a have fun in this life when even blossom make you cry:)


Who says you poetry types are a bit touched?

Who? Me, for one. I written several poems about it! We're nutters.

I agree, you must be evil if you don't like chocolate. :P

My allergies are on high alert right now but I refuse to be upset about it because we finally have Spring. :D

Long live chocolate:)


You are truly a raconteur par excellence.

I simply delight in reading about your trials and tribulations. I know that sounds bad, but it's your own damn fault. If you're going to make your miseries so entertaining, people are going to revel in them. (Hopefully, they'll at least give you some high-powered upvotes to assuage their guilty-pleasure. I'm giving you 100% of mine. Cha-ching. That should pay for at least 1/4 of a Halls cough drop.)

(You did the math, didn't you. Nerd)

Damn .. I did. :-)

Thanks, Quill. I knew at least few of you would. So glad it gave you a giggle:)

See? That was amusing - to say the least! My dog was a lover of chocolate, being of the Dalmatian type. She would eat it with the wrapper on. Oh. my! She even succeeded on occasion.

Oh, my heart goes out to you even though I have no allergies, I know how miserable they can be. Five days? Oh, now that is a diet nobody wants to be on!

I hope you are feeling better soon!

Loved your post. Shame on me!

Upped and Steemed Tip!

Everybody together ... ready ... Mwahahaha ... Thanks, Denise:) Lots of fun you bring with you:)

LOL! 😜🌸💰💊 Great pictures and funny story.

IKJWYM! I walked around for three weeks with increasing respiratory distress because I spent a day outside taking pictures. I resisted going to the doctor because the solution often feels worse than the problem – steroids and codeine cough suppressant. I finally broke down and sought the meds – at the expense of gas for my car and groceries for the household. Back to beans and rice, I guess. Oh well… nothing tastes nor satisfies right anyway on the meds. An entire rescue inhaler and five days of steroids and codeine tummy troubles later, I can breathe again. [sigh] Feels like I’m allergic to the whole planet!

😎 I keep telling folks I’m not from this planet… 👽

Man ... that is some expensive medicine. That's not right. Well I am glad you are feeling well. I am too on my end. The trees are pretty much empty of the blossoms.

I’m glad you’re feeling better too.

We have many more flowering trees blooming in rounds through the summer. We live in a rural farming community and, for example, Crape Myrtle and Magnolia are planted around the farms because they bloom through the summer and are good for pollinators. There’s also jasmine and roses and other blooming plant that keep it up into the Autumn for the same reason. All among my favorite blooms – when it comes to them, I guess I have a masochistic streak.

Spring is the worst of it for me because of the tree pollen more than the grass and flower pollen. Thing is, in the Spring, all three this year are reported in the red zones for risk. The tree pollen was so thick this year that people were catching it on their security cams, literally falling like snow in front of the cameras – they ran a few examples on the evening news. I’ll still have mildish allergy issues until ragweed season; then it may ramp up to respiratory distress again. I’ll be mostly clear after the first good freeze (usually after Thanksgiving near the end of November).

Things aren't that bad for me. The cherry trees bloom in February and then another species in April/May. I have some mild allergies to other flowers but nothing I would ever have to medicate. There is just so cotton picking many of them cherry trees where I am. Yeah the sky are bit hazy here from the pollen too.

Do take care and drink some hot soup. I think you should write for @comedyopenmic or are you already there? Also, please eat some honey

Thanks, Sayee. I am feeling a lot better. Glad you found some giggles. I may write for the @comedyopenmic but I would like to finish up the poetry challenge. But I will look into it for sure:)

Yes everyone likes chocolate, what else I am so addicted to chocolate, beautiful flowers are falling dearly

I'm happy, that I have no problem with pollen. But friends of mine have and it must be terrible.
Btw: Some dogs (like ours) love choclate as well, but it can be life threatening for them to eat it.

Thank you, Patrick:) I have know dogs like that ... hungry little bears ... you got watch them:)

Indeed! Our Mia is a glutton sometimes.... :)

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