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RE: Pink Death From the Sky, A Market Friday Full of Pure Evil @dswigle

in #marketfriday6 years ago (edited)

LOL! 😜🌸💰💊 Great pictures and funny story.

IKJWYM! I walked around for three weeks with increasing respiratory distress because I spent a day outside taking pictures. I resisted going to the doctor because the solution often feels worse than the problem – steroids and codeine cough suppressant. I finally broke down and sought the meds – at the expense of gas for my car and groceries for the household. Back to beans and rice, I guess. Oh well… nothing tastes nor satisfies right anyway on the meds. An entire rescue inhaler and five days of steroids and codeine tummy troubles later, I can breathe again. [sigh] Feels like I’m allergic to the whole planet!

😎 I keep telling folks I’m not from this planet… 👽

Man ... that is some expensive medicine. That's not right. Well I am glad you are feeling well. I am too on my end. The trees are pretty much empty of the blossoms.

I’m glad you’re feeling better too.

We have many more flowering trees blooming in rounds through the summer. We live in a rural farming community and, for example, Crape Myrtle and Magnolia are planted around the farms because they bloom through the summer and are good for pollinators. There’s also jasmine and roses and other blooming plant that keep it up into the Autumn for the same reason. All among my favorite blooms – when it comes to them, I guess I have a masochistic streak.

Spring is the worst of it for me because of the tree pollen more than the grass and flower pollen. Thing is, in the Spring, all three this year are reported in the red zones for risk. The tree pollen was so thick this year that people were catching it on their security cams, literally falling like snow in front of the cameras – they ran a few examples on the evening news. I’ll still have mildish allergy issues until ragweed season; then it may ramp up to respiratory distress again. I’ll be mostly clear after the first good freeze (usually after Thanksgiving near the end of November).

Things aren't that bad for me. The cherry trees bloom in February and then another species in April/May. I have some mild allergies to other flowers but nothing I would ever have to medicate. There is just so cotton picking many of them cherry trees where I am. Yeah the sky are bit hazy here from the pollen too.

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