A "Sch-MOR-gasborg" of #FFF and #Market Friday

in #marketfriday5 years ago

As I turned into the Kroger parking lot on this Rainy morning, I
Saw a sign for a business in the same shopping center, I had
Not noticed before.

Pita Mediterranean Street Food.

So I wondered,
"What exactly would Mediterranean street food" Look like?
                   And the adventure began.

Since I had eaten quite a substantial, homecooked breakfast,
I wasn't really that hungry, so I decided to opt for the Greek
French Fries.(Is that a classic oxymoron or what?)
Seasoned Fried Potatoes with Feta cheese sprinkled over top.
There was supposed to be some Tahini in there as well,
The above would be for @dandays and #FFF
But I couldn't tell. So on to Kroger again
Wasn't looking, but spotted what turned out to be some VERY yummy
Balsamic Vinegar
I went for some grinders with Black Pepper and Sea Salt. Found them.
There were a LOT of choices.
Who knew there were this many choices for Olive Oil.
Popeye would be ecstatic 😜
Then there were the multitudinous choices of Vinegar.

a side note (Bb)

Twice in recent weeks, I've left the house, knowing I needed
Gasoline, being in quite hurry the first time (new client, almost
90 minutes away) I left out without my wallet.
No wallet, means no cash nor plastic.
so I decided I would get a prepaid debit card to just leave in
My car, for just such emergencies. I asked my bank (Wells Fargo)
About this, and yes, they DO offer prepaid debit cards, but there
Would be a $5 per month charge.
That is utter nonsense to me. Then I remembered that Kroger has a
PLETHORA of gift cards, that when bought and/or used, give you
FOUR TIMES the gas points.
So I looked at Kroger.
One section, more for movie or entertainment usages.
Another section where you can buy cards to use at certain businesses
And yet another section. I was flummoxed, which one should I buy?
This was after all, just for my use. I asked some help.
I settled on buying three, $15 debit cards.
Still don't know exactly how this will translate at the pump.

The "Schmorgasborg" I know it is misspelled, on purpose

I first went to The "GoodWill Store" across the street. Since discovering the
Salvation Army store, I've not been to GoodWill for much of anything.
I first spotted this, because I didn't know what it was supposed to be,
But I could tell whatever it was, was upside down.
I bought this copper clad fry pan, like I need another piece of cookware
That will clean up better when I have time to do something
When checking out with the Fry pan, I asked about the pin.
Both me and the sales person thought the shape suggested
A Guitar.
So I asked the lady to turn it over for me. It was on the
BOTTOM shelf, nearest ME (the front of the cabinet) Making it
Very far for her to reach.
Even though it was absolutely of no use nor particular value
To me, yet she had gone to the trouble for me, I bought it.

I did a quick "Antique stores near me" this was just across the street

I went in, turns out this is a storefront maintained so that various
VENDORS can have "booths" to set up, display and sell their personal
Inventory. If the person who has something for sale is not present, the
Person who IS present has authority to do a limited amount of
Haggling for the actual sale price.
Most everything was marked at prices that I felt, considering I have
Some experience with Antiques, prices were overblown.
I did end up buying this drop leaf occasional table. I need somewhere to
Sit and eat should I ever have guests.
One of the brass "Shoes" for the feel of the legs, was located in the
One lone drawer, but the other is just gone.
I don't think it is particularly valuable as an antique, but one never
Really knows.
I also bought a LARGE piece of artwork ( Need something to go on
The wall over and behind my sofa.) No photos of that.
As I was leaving, the girl who had been walking me all along, and
Just after I had showed her one of my videos from playing ♫♪music♫♪
For Old folks, said "Hang on, I have something I want to give you"
She when and found a Santa Suit. White Wig, Red Hat, White beard,
Red shirt with the Shit faux fur down the front, black vinyl belt,
Red flannel Pants, and black over shoe covers.

This was in the car, as I was leaving. I wore the beard, wig and hat
As I drove home.
And thus ends my #marketfriday for Denise @dswigle, and #fff for
@dandays and company.

"Market and Fast Food Friday"

𝕵𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝕰 𝕾𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖍
All images are original taken with either my Nikon D5600
My Pixel 3a XL Cellphone.

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks


This .gif was created by @elgeko


Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 73
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent
Food Coma
food coma pizza.gif
Good Luck
Have a

Thank you for taking us along on this journey. Very exciting to find such a gem in your neighborhood. Found you on the FFF post for the week.

Thank you @viking-ventures, I don't have a lot of room in my place, but I had
Need of a place to sit and eat. Now I need things to sit upon while doing so.
I've looked into the "Viking River Cruises;" are you connected with them?
Just curious ha ha...thanks for stopping by.

Not at all connected to them...
I just feel close to my Viking ancestry.

Ah well, it would have been nice if a Steemit friend could help me with a discount! I really want to visit Europe and those cruises seem perfect, but $7 grand?😱 Too rich for my blood.

lol - yep. I'm not keen on a cruise, though I'm definitely not against ships in general. But yeah, cruises are a lot of money. I'd help you out if I could... Best I can do is give advice on how to get around Britain as an American. ;-)

Amazing job on the post @jerrytsuseer, as I can definitely relate to this!
I have never been to Salvation Army though, but I stopped going to Goodwill when I found out what that lady in charge was making, and what was actually happening in that particular business.
I enjoyed reading this post, thanks for sharing!
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If you can find a Salvation Army Thrift Store, it will be worth it. I'll try to make a new post this week and include some of the things they carry, though being Christmas time, it will be slim pickings.
I, like you, found out what the salaries of the CEO and the rest are, so their claims of helping people get work, while may be true in the strictest sense, but the adverts are disingenuous at best. I'll say this though, if you have need of a complete set of dishes, GW is the place to go. I rarely see sets at the Sallie
HOWEVER, they have an auction every day in the warehouse. I went but
Didn't stay for the auction. I saw apparently new washer/dryer sets, refrigerators and all manner of furniture and stuff. One of my biggest drawbacks is transporting things once I've bought them. You can't carry much in a Kia Soul.
Thanks for stopping and reading and commenting @jamerussell

Hey @jerrytsuseer, here is a little bit of BEER from @foodfightfriday for you. Enjoy it!

Thank you @beerlover. I appreciate the support, but I don't know what
To do with this. But I am grateful. 😉

Drove home disguised as Santa, love it. Lots of decisions. When you were looking for some olive oil it reminded me of shopping in a mall, way too many choices.

Wells Fargo is the worst, i could write a book about the ways the have swindled money right out of my pocket, with the latest incident just two weeks ago.

Funny post my man @jerrytsusser.

Thank you very much @thebigsweed, sorry for the long delay to reply.
It happened just the way I wrote it. I sometimes find humor in my
Life, but I have to look very hard most days.
Glad you got a chuckle.

Replies take me some time to do also, sometimes several days later. A reply is a reply, and always nice to hear back whenever the person at the other end has the time to do so.

Way to bring it!! I tend to get distracted just as you... gee I wonder what’s up with that place?... 50 different olive oils, 1,000 different gift cards and 10,000 different types of butt wipe. LOL Can’t complain about not having a selection. 😜😜

If I go to Walmart, which I rarely do for this reason, I tend to wonder a bit from the list. Next thing I know I have been there for an hour and all I went there for was TP and paper towels. I am telling you that place is evil. HAHAHA.

Nice find on the Santa suit!! I need me one of those for when I am working. Climbing poles in a Santa suit would be funny stuff

Thanks for Joining us weekly and making a mess in the coolest kitchen on the Blockchain. Cheers!!

Why thank you very much @jlsplatts, I am more flabbergasted than
amazed at the varieties offered in these stores. And I NEVER go to
Wally world, well only as a last resort or a matter of hurried
Convenience. I have a philosophical disagreement with
The company, but I WILL go if I have too. Thanks for
Stopping by, does the !splatt still work?

I have just a few things I pick up from walley world and it’s just a couple block doesn’t he road. So if I am in a jam... yep I go there. Walley World is what my Dad has been calling it forever. That’s funny how the nickname travels. 😜

I wish I had the skills for a good bot but I am just a lineman. 😉
Just use @splatz and I will get notified, no self splatting though

I was just trying to remember how it was done.
Thanks, and good morning @jlsplatts

This is a great entry @jerrytsuseer, I’m surprised it isn’t getting more attention. It’s been a year since we’ve been in the states, I’ve all but forgotten about the smorgasbord of gift cards—“only one America” will such a scam be so glamorized.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, sir.

Happy to come back and see this one getting the recognition it deserves @jerrytsuseer—congratulations on the reward, sir.

Not sure what you mean, but I just got online this morning.
I appreciate the support, especially I appreciate you
Stopping by to say hello @dandays,

When I stopped by earlier, the reward was under $1 and now it’s much better—that’s what I meant.

Yeah, I can be a dumbass at times.
After I commented, I sorta figured that was what you meant.
Thanks all around.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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