The Mallsballers Meetups Just Keep Growing!

in #mallsballers6 years ago (edited)

I think the Adelaide Mallsballers made a new record for Australian meetups! 18 if we count the lovely, potential new recruit @wildflowerjessi brought along; that's assuming we didn't scare her off; then I guess we're down to 17 officially...

I thought we were going to arrive late as it was a rush for @realtreebivvy to get ready after work and we made a minor detour to pick up @svitlaangel. The traffic was moving well, though (amazing for rush hour), and we even managed to get a parking spot right outside The Jade Monkey! Maybe it was karma balancing things out to make up for my run of terrible luck in @lordnigel’s Interactive Battle Tournament.

It was officially the last day of autumn and getting a bit chilly to be outside like we normally are, so some clever being reserved the inside room for us. All that was needed was a bit of shifting around of tables and we had a formula for socialising and meeting as many people as possible. The lighting was ambient, which wasn't the best for photographs, but was calming.


In attendance were some familiar faces @mattclarke, @thevillan, @realtreebivvy, @izzydawn, @svitlaangel, @minismallholding (me!), @lordnigel, @o07, @galenkp, @holoz0r, @nerdfury, @ursa and @shaidon. Then some new faces, for me at least, were @henrywilson, @wildflowerjessi, @isabeldorastorey, @stuffing and Jessi's friend and potential convert to Steemit.

@o07 was offering up a silver bullion coin as a door raffle prize again and would you believe it, my eldest, @svitlaangel won it! She obviously didn't inherit my usual luck. I'm just worried @o07 and @mattclarke will be broke by the end of the year with their generosity!

Something that struck me about these meetups last night was the feeling of complete inclusion and none judgement that I haven't experienced since school. I realise that probably seems like an odd comparison, but the school I went to was a Waldorf, or Rudolf Steiner, school and not a typical state school. I didn't fully experience the judgemental side of society until I left school. Yet here we had people from different walks of life, all different ages and situations, chatting and connecting without exclusion. Matt, as always, made sure to go around and touch base with everyone. Not every meetup affords the chance to fully connect with everyone, but this is what is so good about knowing there's another chance next month.

The Jade has been a great choice of venue. It's not overly noisy or busy on a Thursday and there is a food booth outside serving good food, which is useful if you’re coming straight from work with no time to eat. The place seems clean, the drinks good and the straws aren't plastic, which is a thumbs up from me!

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The outdoor food shack produces some tasty meals.

If you're from Adelaide and want to join in, we meet at 6pm on the last Thursday of the month. Don't worry if you can only make it later, not everyone can get there at 6pm. Don't worry if you're an introvert either, there are others who are extrovert enough to do the talking, while still being considerate enough to listen to what the quiet ones have to add.

Steemit is about communities and if this is anything to go by, it's working. I'd like to think that as Steemit grows and more people come on board, the online communities will start to have enough in one area to have physical meetups more often. Having regular meetup dates also means that as people travel there's the chance to hook up with others in that locale.



So impressive. Numbers have dropped off for our Melbourne meetups unfortunately.

It's hard to pull together enthusiasm for leaving the house over Winter.
Keep at it, though, mate.
Enjoy the company of whoever rocks up. You'll build it eventually, it's not like there's anything else to do in Melbourne ;)

Have definitely met some great people :)

I'll be sure to let you know next time I'm in Melbourne!

Hopefully numbers will pick up again as Steemit grows.

Adelaide cementing its title of Australia's steemit capital once more.

It has to have something better than the murder capital going for it! 😉
Are you still in Europe?

Ha! I'd forgotten about that. No, got back to Panama last weekend.

Great people, fantastic location, it just keeps getting bigger and better! I look forward to seeing everyone again next month

..thanks for calling out IBT, and being brave and giving it a shot :)

We're not going to be able to fit everyone in if it keeps up like this!
The IBT was an interesting experience and very cleverly done. It will be interesting to see how it evolves when the bot tweaks are all done.
Will we get to read some more of the story now? You keep leaving us in suspence!

haha oh gosh, I'll try. I still have to do the work of transferring all the Steem to winners for IBT - but I'll get the story going again for you...if you like magical battles etc, it's still warming up :)

As always it was great to catch up with everyone there and hear more about some of their points of view and life experience.

It felt good to have Jessi laugh at some of my silly jokes.
I like the group as no one is telling anyone what they can and can't do
on the platform.

The Buddha Bar does some excellent food, and the chicken burger was no exception. The lady serving me warned me that the burger was quite large (there was a lot of salad included as well) and she wasn't wrong.

I like the adding of names to faces of these meetings as we can build up friendships and success on the platform.

Best meetup yet. @izzydawn's display of strength and flexibility was a particular highlight.

I was distracted for most of that I think. Lots to learn from the lovely Jessi.

She's pretty fantastic. We adore that whole family. They emanate tranquility.

@minismallholding and @shaidon, so you guys are sort of like neighbours then. I love how both of you support me for my posts.

Love you guys

Probably pretty distant neighbours, lol! I didn't raise we shared the same taste in photographers. 😉

An exciting meeting in the fall. it's all because of compactness. good luck@minismallholding

Great post. Great to see lots of steemians there..... And great to see the power is still on too!

Lost power? What happens at your meetups?

Thanks for the write up :) #everyoneiswelcome

It was good to catch up with you again. :D

Cheers Mate :)

I wish I could just come to Adelaide to attend your meet-ups, but unfortunately, I have work on Fridays. I would really love to meet you guys! By the way, I am an introvert and will leave the talking to the extroverts. :-) Haha!!! But once I start to feel comfortable around new people, I am okay and can be loud at times. :-)
Go #teamaustralia!!!

Much love,
from the Eyre Peninsula, S.A.

If you ever get some time off where you can make it, it would be fantastic to have you. I think @mattclarke is also hoping to hold a yearly meet which would likely be on a weekend, so maybe more accessible. Just keep an eye on his posts.

If the meetup is not held late in the evening, I can probably drive early morning and then meet some people and then drive back home on the same day. Yes, I will definitely keep an eye on @mattclarke's post. I would really love to join.

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