Love It/Shove It Challenge

in #loveitshoveit6 years ago


Once upon a time, I was nominated for this challenge by my amazing friend@nikolina and I'm finally doing it. This challenge was originally created by @snowpea and I think it's another one of those challenges that give us the opportunity to get to know each other better.

@nikolina post is here

List 5 things that you love
List 5 things that you dislike
Use #loveitshoveit tag
Nominate as many people as you want to

My love it list:

  1. Art
    My love for art amazes me, art lifts me, inspires me, relaxes me, transports me from a level of this natural entity to something super real, art reminds me that anything is possible, art touches my soul. Art helps me recognize the power of the mind that every human being wields. Art to me is like a language that the entire universe understands. I could talk about art a whole day and not get tired, heck, i even exhibit Nigerian art

  2. Dogs
    My parents were gifted with a puppy when i was born, we practically grew up together. He knew every language we spoke, he understood our way of living im not even joking, dogs can be that awesome, he trained every other dog that came after him, he was like a brother, he died at the age of 15, old age stuff...very sad event. Since then, ive always loved dogs, the only part of them i hate is when they die

  3. Music
    I love the sound of good music. Im quite choosy when it comes to my selection of favourite playlist, but once i sync to a song. Then i love it and it earns a special place in my heart where i crave for it, and play it all the time. And its continuous, i dont like things that have ends, the particular song may end, but the music lasts forever

  4. Christmas
    There's a feeling that follows the beginning of December, a tingly feeling in the atmosphere, a little jolly here a little jolly there, people are 1% more pleasant, creative and decorative. There is a lot of anticipation in the air, enthusiasm, a lot of enthusiasm, hope, that the Christmas will be good. There's a significant change in the weather, even the nature understands that December is not just a month, its a season of Christmas

  5. Internet
    My first encounter with the internet was when i was little, i used to look for online games to play. Then i graduated to searching for extremely mysterious things like the Bermuda triangle and snakes with two heads. Puberty came in, then i began to search for love quotes, which led me to poetry and i realised there was almost nothing i could not find. Look at me now, making a living and connecting with awesome people around the world in real time

Shove it list

  1. Birthdays
    Not just my thing, im always thankful and all but it really ends there, nothing else. Empty,...birthday cakes or parties are not my thing

  2. Pessimism
    Im not a fan of people who think something will not work, or turn out bad

  3. Negativity
    Hate negative vibes, negative energy, i try to avoid it by all means

  4. Dishonesty
    Dishonest people dont move forward, they might seem to be running so fast in what they do, but they run on the same spot, like a treadmill.

  5. Travelling
    Now not all parts of travelling, but the part that involves driving through bushes for over 2hours. Extreme waste of precious sight seeing time

Let me know if we have some things in common! Is there anything from these lists that you love or would like to shove? To continue with this challenge, I will nominate @tatjanastan, @nwamaka @desmonddesk and @evarich .

Im a member of the steemschools community, join us here to learn more


Hey @mistakili I enjoyed reading about your love it and shove it. Just got to know other parts of you.

Hehehe funny that you dislike traveling... The adventure kind of traveling. But I like it Lolz. I'll just say.... Let's go there!!

And..... Did i tell you. I enjoy it more when the driver gives me the top kinda speeeeed. Lolz.

Thanks for nominating me. But I had accepted this challenge 13 days ago as nominated by another amazing friend of mine. You can go through it via the link below.

Hahaha, thats interesting, i will definitely check yours right away

I pretend not to really care about birthdays but I do really really care.. I like all the paparazzi in it. Glad you don't really like birthdays though. I can totally rest now that i don't have to buy you a gift 😀

Hahaha lol, i think i can rather just send you my eth wallet, or just here will do

I challenge you to youurrrrssss

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