Street photography by @otsouvalas

Hello Steemians!

My name is Odysseas Tsouvalas and I am Photographer.

This post is to help some photographers improve their landscape long-exposure photograph experience. Some good tips and tricks for slr owners (Or anyone who have the option to control their camera exposure).

This is photography. This is me.

To begin this post, I would like to say that there is no good and bad settings, of light situations to take the best shot. We are speaking about long exposure, which means that our camera will be open more than our eyes. With this situation, we will be able to capture low lights (even invisible light to our eyes).

This technique is the best friend for Night Photographers, and star photographers. Because when the light is not much your camera will have the chance to capture low lights. Low lights are the stars. You will understand the "low" condition if you make this test. use the day light counting point. If the light you want to capture is lighter than the daylight, then it is highlight. If the light is lower (darker) then it is low light (shadow).
Now. Take the 2 common known star lights.
One star visible at night, and of course our main light source. The sun.

You will now know the difference and why star photographers like this technique.

Long-exposure, time-exposure, or slow-shutter photography involves using a long-duration shutter speed to sharply capture the stationary elements of images while blurring, smearing, or obscuring the moving elements. Long-exposure photography captures one element that conventional photography does not: an extended period of time. The paths of bright moving objects become clearly visible. Clouds form broad bands, head and tail lights of cars draw bright streaks, stars leave trails in the sky, and water waves appear smoothened. Only bright objects will leave visible trails, whereas dark objects usually disappear. Boats in long exposures will disappear during the daytime but will draw bright trails from their lights at night. source

For me, long exposure photography is not only star photography, but with this technique, you can make a great game with your object.

To be able to use this technique you must, first of all, have a tripod. For me, a GOOD tripod is a must. Be careful, many novice photographers, make the mistake and buy a cheap tripod because they think there is no good use of it. This is FALSE.
You must buy a good tripod, and this because the high-end tripods are not only low weight, portable, easy to use, but the most important thing is to be STEADY.

Not steady tripod means NOT steady camera. Not steady camera... everyone knows that means flue photos....


The second tip is that you must clear the camera from any vibration generator like hands, bags to the tripods...

And (depends on your camera model) leave a free time between the shots to your camera so it is able to take a breath. With this, you will have few chances to have noise.

"Can I make long exposure when there is still light"
Sure. Your camera can have high light demand conditions, with a simple trick. Enter to your camera settings the lowest ISO (50, 100) and the smallest f (f >20). With this trick your camera will need more time to be able to capture the light. Long exposure can be with 6 " too... There is no need of 30 plus....

If you still are unable to make exposures longer than 2" there are some filters called ND, and with them you can make even darker the photographic conditions.

In this caption I used
ISO 100 , F/16 , and 3" speed
And the time captured was 6:52 P.M.
You can see a car passing by (The red lights)

And you will tell me... Ok but we have not everyone cameras... and some are using their phones...
I have a tip for you too!!!

First of all... download an application, to be able to enter shutter speed (how long will the phone's camera be opened)
Second.... Take your sunglasses. Yes... your sunglasses can work great like filters to your camera. With this technique you can have a long exposure situation even if there is day light.

ISO 100 , F/8 , 30" speed

Some tips and tricks from me to everyone.

Hope to see your shots too!
There is everyone free to share their shots with us !

This is Photography. This is me

Weekly dedication by @otsouvalas

Street photography @otsouvalas



Please post your photos on also!
Use your steemit posting key (not active or owner for security reasons).
They share the same backend ... STEEEM so you will get all your rewards on your same steemit wallet. The exposure for photos there is much higher!

Thank you dani. To be honest, I have the app and used it for 4 5 photos, but not more. I will from now. And.... Really thank you for everything.
Honored @otsouvalas

First of all I want to thank you once again for informing me the site of steepshot. I knew only the application. This really is good!

And...second... I am waiting your shots in BnW challenge If you like of course.. but... YOU LIKE :)

Thank you once again

I like that tip about the sunglasses and I am going to try it. Very cool shots in this post!

I always give some usefull tips for photography friends. There is no need to spend money to have a good shot.

Well, I don't have too much money to spend, so I'm happy to try this idea :)

Make a try. :) you can share the shots with us if you like.

Thank you for sharing the tips. With a quality tripod you are right, I couldn't agree more! Long exposure is really nice way of making the photo speak.

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