SSJ-100 from Bavaria to Innsbruck with ATC and Passengers (livestream by @schamangerbert)

in #livestream6 years ago

Sukhoi SuperJet 100 Live Stream


Today we had fun with guests from India, Indonesia and Germany. Special thanks to @sunnylife for the ATC service. Guest are @zephalexia @avhyaceulip @birjudanak.

Heute hatten wir richtigen Spaß mit Gästen aus Indien, Indonesien und Deutschland. Besonderen Dank an @sunnylife für den ATC-Service. Die Gäste waren @zephalexia @avhyaceulip @birjudanak.

HD Live stream 56 minutes:

Join us in discord :

The communication takes place on Mumble.
Servername: FlightGear
Port: 64738
After installation, enter the servername and go through the sound settings, please set push-to-talk to prevent echoes.


Bitte unterstütze @felixxx und @pharesim als witness der deutschen Gemeinschaft mit Deiner Stimme:

Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


thanks captain!
really enjoyed it!


hi captain , thanks for the experience , hope next time i can join again

You are awesome captain @schamangerbert
Thank you!!!! 😊👍❤️

Thank you captain!
It's good to be back!!!
I need to practice more and do it better:):)
Thank you for your patience Captain!
It was fun!!


It was a great time again after long time and we a enjoyed a lot and from few flights we understand well and getting experience of it little by little by you and @sunnylife always very supportive and many thanks for it.

It looks like someone is going to join you guys, very soon... hehe, already joined your discord to hang out n.n

Wow...another wonderful and interesting 3d animation videograpy by @schamangerbert sir..
Wel done and perfect work...

Good performance ! what's going on here ?)

It is a simulation. We meet in Mumble to speak together, and the livestream shows my guests the actual situation from the cockpit. Just join in to discord and request a flight, it is free and fun!

Well done captain. Keep flying high!

wow great post thank you@schamangerbert resteem,,,,,

Hello Friend. I hope you are having a very liindo day. This post is very good. You have my vote. Greetings.

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