!The word is the most valuable thing a man has!

in #lifetrail7 years ago

Fuente: Pixabay

The vast majority know that I come from a humble home, where it might have taken many material things, which I am very grateful for, this served me to value more things that I have achieved throughout my life.

It is true that I grew up with little and always were more things that I needed, I never lacked the good lessons, the good examples offered by my parents and my grandparents.

On leaving for Buenos Aires, I will never forget the recitation that the grandmother gave me on a piece of paper, and she said the same words to me.

Son, you leave home today, here are your roots, remember to always go head-on and with the truth, never forget! If one day compromises his word, he has to comply

   ! The word is the most valuable thing a man has!

This note is my farewell gift to you! Please know to apologize! You may not have material value, when you feel alone or feel lost, take it out of your pocket and read it, surely find the way back to reason.

 For many years I kept my grandmother's recitation in my pocket, on more than one occasion, when I felt alone, or not knowing which way to go, I would put my hand in my pocket and take the recited paper and read it.

                               Holy remedy, to return to reason!

Once sharing the recitation with a friend and made me see that it was a recitation of a well-known call called "avió del alma", the recited said so.

"Be careful, be gentle and prudent, that God and the virgin must accompany them, for the dangers know how to be a believer, Saint Catherine will not fail, in the times of life, keep in mind her mother who knew When you were a child against the storm, overcoming bad weather by just praying, know that in your soul you carry another bird, which is like an inheritance of family love, it was given by your people, your wanted payment, and In his young blood they have to return, I speak of this desire to give to all, the big heart, brave and able to play the whole, and find the way to get afloat in adversity, I speak of that hand outstretched and open, With the ancient gesture of charity, the hand of a "friend" who gives himself without a turn, who opens his door and offers his bread, poured out his soul, frankness, simplicity, respect, manhood and loyalty, Poor carry a wealth, remember, is increased sharing, hear well, one day when time changes, if this avió It lasts within your being, you or your children, or perhaps your grandchildren, for God and the country will have to return, know that when I go to the land without ill, I leave my bones and my heart, fertilizing the soil of the Today you leave, and for the one who always wanted the best "

These words have always been my guide, those that have helped me to stay centered, whenever I lost my mind or just took the wrong way, just reading this recited, was enough to return to the right path.

Please never forget my grandmother's words, The word is the most valuable thing a man has! If you forget you can happen something similar that happened to the "mayor" of this story, this story is inspired by "el-flautista-de-hamelin" is about what happened in a distant town, the maximum authority of the people does not live up to its promise And it happens these amazing facts, a beautiful story that begins like this.

This beautiful tale took place in a charming village on the side of mountains, the village was the envy of neighboring villages, its fertile land and prosperous economy were the reason, all the inhabitants kept the order and cleanliness of the place, this , Is what made the place very pleasant.

A place where fruits, vegetables and cereals abounded, the village lived on the plantations of its corn fields, the great majority of its inhabitants were prosperous farmers, this abundance gave happiness to all the neighbors of the place.

One Sunday, after returning from the celebration of the mass, the inhabitants of the village verified that their homes were invaded by rodents, a great invasion of disgusting rats covered the town.

The news soon arrived in the ears of the "mayor", to calm the mood of the town, the ruler organized a meeting in the town square.

All the people very worried by the situation concurred to the place to hear the words of the president.

I have made them come to announce that I am very concerned about what is happening! For this reason, I offer to all the people who are able to exterminate the rodents a great bag of money, please I ask all those present to spread this offer, The sooner we get rid of these vermin, the better!

The announcement of the president was transmitted in every corner of the earth, the next morning a young man was present in the house of the minister, who assured that just by playing his "flute" would make all the vermin disappear, to do it he needed the word Of commitment of payment of the "mayor"

Hearing these words, the president not only promised to pay for the service, also hand tight to seal the deal, the young man who was a man of words to have confirmed the attitude of payment began to sound the "flute."

After a while, all the rats began to arrive where the young man was, seeing that he had the attention of the vermin, the young man began to walk towards the exit of the town, as expected, all the rats still delighted the Sound of the "flute".

After a couple of hours, the rats disappeared as they had come, as if by magic! The people of the village were very happy with the situation.

Several days later, the young man returned to the village to collect his money bag, was presented in the house of the president, upon arrival was greeted by the mayor and thanked the young, the young man explained that he came to collect the money he had promised For exterminating the vermin.

The "mayor" hugged the young man and told him that he was very young and had much to learn, when it comes to money he has to demand a signed receipt, otherwise he would never charge for his services.

The young man tried to stay calm and said that for him the word was enough, that he would pay his service, the mayor stood firm and refused to keep his word, the young man without making any scandal retired from the house of leader.

He walked slowly to the square and began to play with his "flute" a different melody than the previous one, in a short time began to arrive different plagues to the fields of the town, the inhabitants of the town began to shout very frightened, they could not believe what They were watching, their fields were filled with crickets, locusts, cicadas, vipers, and all kinds of pests that plagued the plantations.

The news soon arrived to the "mayor", quickly understood what was happening, took the money bag and went to the square where the young man was with the "flute", when he arrived he apologized and said that he had his money here , Please do something to get all the plagues out of town.

The young man took the money bag and said that this bag corresponded to the payment for having removed the vermin of the town, now if he wanted to hire his service to remove all the plagues of the town he had to pay with another bag of money in advance.

For the young man no longer had the word of the "mayor", the president could not believe what was happening, he looked around and saw the locusts devour everything in his path, so he returned to his office and back with another moneybag.

The young man took his two bags of money and told the president

 "I hope that from now on, be faithful to your word and always keep the promises"

At the end of uttering the last words the young man took his "flute" and began to blow a different melody, seeing that he caught the attention of the plagues, slowly left the town carrying with him all the pests, the young man never knew , But no one ever forgot the lesson the young man gave the "mayor."

Remember and never forget my grandmother's words.

          !The word is the most valuable thing a man has!

Fuente: http://catsgatsgatos.blogspot.com.ar/2011/11/nino-tocando-la-flauta-y-gato.html

Fuente: http://www.mundoprimaria.com/cuentos-clasicos-infantiles/el-flautista-de-hamelin/
Fuente: http://www.albumcancionyletra.com/avio-del-alma_de_los-de-imaguare___161917.aspx

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I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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yes its ur also good work which u give another post in english @jlufer...have a great weekend

Thank you very much dear friend @shencoin for your kind words and support to my work
Have a great day

Wonderful post.

Thank you very much dear friend @hrhabibur

Thank you very much for sharing this witty tale; you are dead right, as written in the Holy Bible: God first created the word then the man.

I appreciate your heart, my dear friend, @paradise, have a great day

Thank you dear friend @jlufer for wise words of your grandmother! An amazing story about a young man! I've never heard it. Thank you for sharing! I liked it very much!

Many thanks dear friend @evgsk for the great accompaniment that brinas to my work

thank you! I love this reminder of this story I was told as a child - and you are correct - all I have is my word. Someday that might become important again to the majority of the world - right now it is my simple contribution as well as yours. Resteemed!

Thank you very much for your kind words dear friend @ in2itiveart, I wish you a beautiful day

Your title is very interesting The word is the most valuable thing a person has! I really agree with you the key words of everything @jlufer

Thank you very much dear friend @fajarsdq

The world is indeed a beautiful place to be,the sooner we know that the better for us all. Thanks for sharing.

You are very dear dear friend @oluwatobiloba, many thanks spor this pleasant visit

The pleasure is mine

Thank you very much dear friend @rakiblove

I feel like this world is temporary, the world after death is what we should be looking forward to

We all live in the hope of reaching the promised land

great worlds. your grandmother is correct, we should remember the past.. and as you said we should know to apologize.
Have a great day!

Thank you very much dear friend @dinsha for your kind words
Have a great day

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