Reflection of the day :! The lived experience

in #lifetrail6 years ago

Fuente: Pixabay

Thank you very much dear friends for being present accompanying my work, the week passed very quickly, we have arrived again on Monday. A long week where many things happened, it's time for a break, a little evaluation about what happened would be very good, in my blog there will be a place for a beautiful reflection.

Life is a true mystery, not everyone has to live in the same way, at birth we never know what awaits us ahead, or the family that will touch you, if you will be a privileged person and will be touched by a family To cash, in my case, by our economic situation I have to assume responsibilities very prematurely.

From a very young age I started working, in terms of work my life was always up, my first job was to collect and sell bones, I also did that I called the attention of a salesman, seeing my commercial ability he proposed me work selling juices from lottery, one year I sold the Gordo prize at the end of the year, the winner was a neighborhood neighbor.

Mr. Almiron, (that's the name of the lucky winner of the prize), had an old van so broken that nobody knew how it worked, he used the utility to sell juices, throughout his life he planned, when he had money he would have his own beverage distributor.

Before the end of the year, I went from being a poor seller of drinks to a distributor of drinks throughout the Argentine coast. On the day of collecting the prize, I asked him to accompany him to a lottery and casino in my province, important prizes like his. , they gave it to a bank account of the Nation, after signing and presenting some documentation, he was the possessor of a great fortune.

Once received the bank package and its juicy current account invited me to eat hamburgers on the Corrientes coast, an emblematic place in my city, there I made a proposal. As a seller of the first prize of the year-end fat deserved a reward, the proposal was the following.

-I see that you have a commercial ability, I have two things to propose, but only one can choose, what you choose I will respect, it is very common in these cases to give 10% of the prize to the seller of the first prize at the end of the year.

-However! I have these two proposals for you

-The prize of 10% for being the salesman of the year-end fat man, or work in my drinks distributor that is already underway, you choose, I know you're a child, but do not worry I'll talk to you with your parents.

-Very well Sr Almiron, if you agree to speak with my parents, I choose to work in your distributor.

I know that many in my place would have chosen 10% of the grand prize and miss all the adventure and experience that a 10-year-old child can acquire within a huge distributor that supplied more than three provinces in my country.

I want to clarify that I am talking about the year 1978, at that time in my province it was very common for children to work, there were no human rights organizations, much less the rights of the child, if so. I would never have experienced everything I could experience as a child!

Mr. Almirón not only created a large distributor, he achieved what few distributors achieve. ! Make your own drinks! An imposing juices factory, very important in my country, I worked in it for some months.

Mr. Almiron wanted me as his own son, I had all the freedom to work in the sector I wanted, from the stand where the bottles are washed to the machine that placed the labels, it was such a confidence that I had, that I had the keys to open and close the doors of the house where the drinks were made, that's how I caught the attention of another person, who offered me a job superior to this one, but that's another story.

What I wanted to emphasize about Almirón was what I learned from being close to him, as I have said before, I always stand out for being very observant and inquisitive, never wasting knowing a person, learning from his lived experience.

That's how one day we were calm and alone, I said.

-Sr Almiron, I admire what you have done in a short time, the security and freedom with which you do things.

As it does?

He smiled and answered,

-Before I knew you would have answered are the years, however, being by your side I learned that it is not the years that teach you, but the things we do and learn daily, there is the key

-The answer to your question would be. The experience!

The experience does not give you the years, it gives you the dedication and desire to learn, I assure you that if tomorrow nobody goes to work in the warehouse, you can only produce juices, however no other operator could do those things, because they only limited themselves to learning their own, however you dedicated yourself to gain experience.

They imagine this response to ten years, I did not understand a single word of what I'm trying to say, I spend many years to interpret what Don Starch tried to say, in conclusion.

Mr. Almirón was right, they are the years that allow you to understand and apply

The experience lived!

Es notorio que nuestra Comunidad está creciendo, todos los días nos cruzamos con nuevos compañeros que llegan a nuestra plataforma, por esta razón quiero destinar el pie de mis post con algunas información útiles.

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Te espero mañana para disfrutar de otro relato de mi tierra de Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

Si fue de su agrado, por favor ayuda a difundir mi canal, reesteemit. Esta acción puede ser la gran diferencia y hacer que mi trabajo se conozca más


Very good.

many sgracias dear friend @ vip3r28

Always is a pleasure read your post! Thanks for sharing with us

thank you very much dear friend @denissemata for your kind words
I wish you a beautiful night

It's always interesting to read something about your experience, dear friend. Yes, the key are the things we do and learn daily. Great lesson of life, thanks for share ^_^

thank you very much dear friend @silviabeneforti for appreciating my work, I greatly appreciate each of your words
I wish you a beautiful night

Emotive story, always happy to read your post, greetings friend @jlufer

thank you very much dear friend @cplvictoria for the support you give my work

The experience of life can be summed up in the attempt to live. The more we live, the more we fight, the more we suffer, the more nights we live, the more we experience, the more we live and experience.

thank you very much dear friend @aherbil for sharing this thought
I wish you a great day

Nice you post

many sgracias dear friend @muh

Very interesting read :)

thank you very much dear friend @ karenb54

Buena reflexión @jlufer, tiene un buen mensaje, respecto a la experiencia.
Con tu elección de quedarte trabajando ganaste más que con el 10% que te ofrecían.
Sabiduría tuviste.
Saludos amigo.

Muchas gracias querida amiga @rosibelsac por apreciar mi trabajo

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