Who Is The Master Of The Argument?

in #lifestyle6 years ago (edited)

If there is some golden medal, Oscar or Golden Globe award for the master of the argument, I would nominate my husband for it.

Couple ArgumentImage source: Pixabay. Credits to mikegi for pair-man-woman-discussion, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

You know how it is when you live with someone for years, no matter if it is just our partner or official spouse. We would run into some argument now and then. Sometimes it's just a trifle, the other time it would be something more important, and sometimes it might be even something crucial.

However, the story that provokes me to write this post happened yesterday afternoon. The conversation I had with my husband was, in fact, about some other things when I asked the question.

- Are we going to watch the game tonight?

For those of you who might not know, at the moment (to be precise from 12 to 28 January 2018), European Men's Handball Championship 2018 is held in Croatia (where I am from), and our national team is now competing for the semifinals. The opponent in that game is France, our old handball rival.

HandballImage source: Pixabay. Credits to JeppeSmedNielsen for ball-handball, used under the CC0 Creative Commons license.

So, when I asked my husband yesterday are we going to watch the game, it was about that handball game between Croatia and France for entering semifinals of this year championship. Although he knew what I'm referring to, he asked me.

- Which game? FYR Macedonia vs. the Czech Republic?
- Oh, come on!!!

I was convinced he is joking with me, but he continued.
- It's not today.
- What is not today? - I was persistent, convinced "the game" is today (yesterday). To assure him and give my standing point more relevance I even add something that I half-heard on some news.
- It starts at 8:30 pm. - I said proudly to show him how in detailed I'm informed.

He throws me that look that usually says, "You are wrong, but I know there is no use in trying to convince you otherwise, so I'm not going to argue anymore."

I hate when he is doing that. If you want to beat me, beat me with arguments. Don't just pull back.
Therefore, I probably throw him that look of mine that says, "I hate when you are doing this!" - or something like that, as he finally said.

- OK! Then, you are going to watch "the game" today, and I'm going to watch it tomorrow!

Whaaat??? I really didn't see this coming! But, it was such a brilliant answer that I couldn't say anything but start laughing. Still, I couldn't resist, so I told him.

- Deal! I can see, you want to know the result in advance. 😉 - And I throw him a wink.

And you know what?! - He was right! I didn't watch the game yesterday, but he is watching it now while I'm typing this with one eye on the PC screen and the other one on a TV screen.

As well, with this post, I'm officially nominating my husband for the title and award "The Master Of The Argument"!

Posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2018

SteemitBoard Ana-Maria Personal Badges


Agree to disagree
argue for the sake
commitment is seen
with the steps you each take.

Yeah, something like that! 🙂

I need to learn something from this. Thanks.
Even though, I'm not a bad husband,Think and say looking on the bright side.

Well, you know how they say, we can always do something better. 😉

Hahahaha - funny post. My wife is playing same way as your husband.
And you know what? She is always right :)

hahaha - Maybe we should introduce them to each other so they can share the experience as well (I mean after we introduce ourselves to each other - lol 😁).

However, despite the fact that he always manages to play that around and an easy-way game, in contrary to your wife, I can't give him a credit of always being right. In fact, quite opposite! That's why I like even more when it happens that he is right, as I'm kinda getting sick of being always right. 😉 🙂 - Honestly!

So common @ana-maria! It's like you've written it for me and my wife. Did you already share the link to the post with him?

Apart from the relationship part of the story, I'm sorry for the loss

hahaha - Yes, I think many couples (at least in some basics) are quite the same. - lol - 😁
And to answer your question - NO, I didn't disclose this article to him, yet! 😉
I need to keep it as secret, and pull it out at the right time! - 😁 😉 - Trying to play some diplomacy here and gain something from it. 😉😁

Regarding the game...
Yeah, unfortunately, we lost it. We have to admit the French team was way better. Our team played with some kind of fear that was clearly seen by many of us who know how good they can be. It turns out that our team mental condition wasn't that strong and trained as their sport's and physical condition, and both are needed to be on the highest level to win the game on such championships, especially for semifinals and finals.
I was just thinking, would it be any better if they played a day earlier (at my time)!?! 😉 🙂

We couldn't even qualify for the big championships so you should be still very proud of the guys. Your handball team reminds me our to our volleyball team :D

This is the spirit!!! :D :D :D

hahaha - I knew it, you would laugh when you see that. 🙂

it has been a beautiful article

Thank you!
The only thing I'm wondering about is if the article was that beautiful to you why it wasn't worthy of your upvote???!!! - I hope you are not just fishing around like that!?!

lol some people are sneaky as hell. Even when you won the argument somehow they make you feel like you lost. hahaha

Maybe it was better if both you did not watch the game as France kicked our butts. lol But, sometimes our nations expect way too much. They forget we lost our best player in the first game of the championship really fast...

I think we are number one country when it comes to being a hero one day and having rocks thrown at your window the next day. lol

Well, I don't think any of us played some real sneaky game or something, it's more like some our daily wordish ping-pong and joke exchange. The serious part was only that we both wanted to watch the same game, but had a different idea when it is.

Regarding the game itself, I'm glad I was watching it (although only with one eye 😉 and at my husband's time) but I'm sad that our national team lost. But that's not the reason to throw rocks on them. As I said earlier in my reply to steemfluencer, I think they were not mentally ready for the French team.

On the other hand, if everything in our lives goes smoothly (same goes for sport) we wouldn't have a reason to improve. Therefore I think winnings are for celebration, while losses are great lessons to learn from. 🙂

Well, you are absolutely right as the players are doing their best. They did not want to lose, but France was just better that day. But, that is our Balkan mentality. It is sad to see these kinds of things happening like on the Alilovic house.

Well, your husband and you know how to have some good old fun and keep your marriage interesting. Which is important. And, I agree 1000% on this:

"On the other hand, if everything in our lives goes smoothly (same goes for sport) we wouldn't have a reason to improve.

Have an amazing day my friend :)

Bok @ana-maria pridruži nam se na novo podignutom Discord serveru za Hrvatske Steemit korisnike, detaljnije o ideji možeš pročitati u linku ispod
(ispričavam se ukoliko si već tamo, ovaj komentar post-am po redu svima)


Super! Nisam još tamo. Budem pogledala. Baš ti hvala što si javio! 🙂

Naravno @ana-maria prikupljam vas uz pomoć GINAbota, ona mi javlja ko je Hrvat hahaa 😆
učini dvije stvari kada dođeš na server, neka ti je tamo ime kao i ovdje zbog međusobnog prepoznavanja, te samo daj jedan pozdrav u kanal svoje županije, vidimo se

hahahaha - Ma ne, na Discrodu sam odavno, praktički od kad je aplikacija izašla. Samo nisam na tom našem serveru unutar Discroda. A ime mi je isto, tak da ne brini! 😉
Ostale upute slijedim! 😉 🙂

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Hahahah. Thank God you guys finds a way of resolving your differences

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