Inspiration snowballs (if you let it)

in #life6 years ago (edited)

An hour ago I was feeling exhausted and a bit discouraged. Right now I’m feeling ecstatic and energetic. What happened? Absolutely Nothing! But it wasn’t just a random chemical reaction...I engineered the whole process.

those aren’t the big snow balls I was looking for, image link

I was feeling down mostly because my back issues were acting up again. I was just laying in bed, too tired to come on here and engage, too tired for anything really. I had gone to an international market far away from our house and spent a few hours between the traffic heavy commute and looking at all these products we don’t always have a chance to buy in our neighborhood. The day tired me out and my neck and back started getting tight. I also felt a bit worried about spending 3x what I usually spend on weekly groceries in one day. I realized it’s been three years since I’ve been in good health.

I didn’t focus on all that though, I just cleared my mind and went straight to where my inspiration led me to, which at first was just playing SNES games.

As I played positive and negative thoughts popped up. I ignored most of them until one stood out s bit. “I haven’t caught up on crypto in a while”, so I put on some videos to catch up on some coins and news.

As I listened I felt my mood shift to a more hopeful one. I realized I’ve basically reached my goal of 5 Neo and 25 EOS and I actually may be able to double it before they really take off.

As I started feeling good about that, my thoughts came back to discomfort. Rather than dwell on those thoughts though, I thought about which muscles I had forgotten to massage.

I suddenly realized I had a hard ball, smaller than the lacrosse ball I usually use. I tried massaging my neck and the back of my head with it...amazing!

I got up and felt way better than I had all day. I thought about how if I could manage my back problems on my own like this, I’d be able to put more energy into music, my stories and steemit.

I realized I hadn’t checked steemit all day. When I opened the site I had a sudden realization of how much my friends here have grown and how they will continue to grow (even if you don’t have any dolphin friends, some of your minnow friends may be dolphins some day). I realized how substantial my circle of friends is in the process of becoming here.

By that time I realized I had something to post, you are reading it now!

Inspiration really does snowball if you let it.

Each decision (and thought) will lead to a different set of choices and potential moods. You can’t control excactly what pops up in your experience but you can steer your focus if you have the will to do so. The choices available will continue to look brighter and brighter if you choose a focus that allows them to. I saw some dark clouds and steered away, until I saw some land and steered towards it. If you keep changing your focus to the thoughts and topics which excite you most in any given moment, you can’t be depressed for long. It may take practice, but it absolutely works!

Off to play some guitar! :-D


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Confessions of the Damaged - a collection of short stories


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by @skyleap


Ummm, so what you are saying is that we need to nip this one in the bud?


Ha what is in the air today?! My energy was feeling extremely stagnant. Nothing excited me about today. And I was feeling for an unknown reason. Then I saw my yoga teachers posted a new set to get your energy moving for spring, and I decided to make myself do it. Nothing else excited me about my day, and I need pretty much anything that's new right now. And about halfway through it I realized I felt really good and I wasn't focused on anger.

What really stuck out for me about what you wrote here is that you followed your highest excitement to play SNES, and then after that you followed your highest excitement again to watch crypto videos, and then you followed your highest excitement again to get on Steemit. I don't know how tolerant you are of extremely out there stuff, but Bashar has two videos on youtube about following your highest excitement, and I highly recommend them. I think it's some of the best advice for life I ever got.

Do you believe in he law of attraction? Cause to me it's written all over this post. You mention in the last paragraph that we can't control what happens around us, but you've also illustrated in your post that one good feeling thought leads to another good one and another and another. The same is true for unpleasant thoughts. And when we follow our highest excitement, we're aligned, and things work out for us.

Which Law of attraction are we talking about? Haha I’m glad it’s written all over my post. Is this the only one it’s written all over?

I love Abraham who speaks of the law of attraction in a way similar to the way I understand it. Its not just about avoiding negative thoughts and trying to be positive til your brain explodes, there is healing that needs to be done, and sometimes the replacement of counterproductive beliefs.

Bashar says some great stuff, I especially love how he focuses on following your excitement, and I’ll admit to straight up jacking that from him. I think he plays up the channeling thing a bit though, which is kind of a question mark for me. I like how “Abraham” is treated less like an “entity” and more like raw inspiration and collective consciousness which is a lot more relatable and less distracting for me, you don’t have to pay attention to that at all with her as she is all about a message and it’s the same answer worded differently for every question because it’s really all just about that.

We are tuned into a similar channel ;-) this happens with some other friends as well, we find ourselves going through similar things at the same time.

A million upvotes for this.

I love Abraham who speaks of the law of attraction in a way similar to the way I understand it. Its not just about avoiding negative thoughts and trying to be positive til your brain explodes, there is healing that needs to be done, and sometimes the replacement of counterproductive beliefs.

I love the way you said that. I have a friend who thinks Abraham-Hicks' work is all about fake positivity, and for years I've been trying to tell her that it's not and that's just her friend's interpretation. I do think maybe their message has evolved over time.

I think he plays up the channeling thing a bit though, which is kind of a question mark for me.

This video is about that. He comes in to prove that Bashar is fake and then talks about why he believes Bashar makes the channeling so theatrical.

I like how “Abraham” is treated less like an “entity” and more like raw inspiration and collective consciousness which is a lot more relatable and less distracting for me

I like how you worded that. I see you are a very seasoned Aber.

it’s the same answer worded differently for every question because it’s really all just about that.

I think this can be said for anyone tapped into "truth." I think Bashar's and Abraham's teachings are exactly the same, too.

We are tuned into a similar channel ;-) this happens with some other friends as well, we find ourselves going through similar things at the same time.

Same! Timelines, man!

It was a bit long your story, you know, when we are reading for a long time they become heavy, but you hooked me in the first paragraph, because I felt identified with the handling of negative thoughts and the effect they have on our day if they are we allow. Totally agree, by doing our part to not allow ourselves to be submerged in pessimism, we have two options to submerge ourselves in depression or emerge aflote by managing our emotions. I recommend you to practice yoga and you will see how those ailments move away from your life and will also give you mental and emotional balance. Thank you. A lot of success for you.

Was it long? I’m glad you liked it though :-) I’ve tried some yoga, it helps sometimes but easy to strain myself with it if Im not selective with postures. Breathing exercises help a lot.

Yes, I was a bit surprised too that @genomil called your post "a bit long". Well, not to be derogatory but perhaps she is used to Facebook memes and stuff like that. As far as negative energy: I came across some black holes of negative energy this morning among some Steemians and had to put it in reverse and go elsewhere. Don't need it. No not one bit. Blessings.

Maybe I do not explain well, it was my first impression because of the fatigue I had, but as I told you, I identified with your writing and I could not stop reading it. I am far from transmitting any negativity, because we all try to give our best by writing a word. either in a publication or making a comment and when I read something that I have nothing good to say, I do not mention it. Blessings and success for all.

So glad you were able to turn your day around @whatamidoing. I'm not having much luck with that myself today. 😢

I love how you just followed the next step and found your way back to well-being. I'm stuck in not being able to connect to the internet at the cafe I went to because I wasn't able to write at home. Still feeing pissed off about it. 😂

I was inspired to go to the cafe to write and post there and then the bloody internet wouldn't work for me. It was fine for everyone else!

I mean, once I've given in and followed my intuition it could at least work out the way it promised. Surely. Not a lot to ask is it?!! 😂 😂 😂

The universe does like to tease. In moments like those it could be telling you one of a few things. It could be saying “there is something else which may excite you even more than this right now” or “you’ve had a lot of messy emotions about this, you might want to work on that” or “you wanna be happy, prove it, and be happy despite this BS!”

It's definitely the third option @whatamidoing. No question about it. If I nail that the other two become superfluous.

But I'm determined to keep control. I'm saying "Yep Uni, I want to be happy AND I want the internet to work. I know that my happiness is not dependent on the internet working but, it's no big deal to you, so, if it's all the same, turn the blooding internet on why don't you?! 😂 '😂 😂

Yup, saying that with s smile always leads to something more pleasant.

Smile or not smile the Universe isn't listening. 😂

It wouldn't work yesterday either, despite my son spending over an hour trying to work out what the problem was.

If I have time today it will be operation "find new cafe". 😊

I love these kind of posts! I was kind of pensive myself. A 22 day streak of meditation, plenty of sunshine and the fun that Steemit and discord present to me most of the time still couldn't blow away the clouds. But... I also realized that - where in the past I would easily stay in bed, not go out and be very a-social, I am not that person anymore. These days I do the opposite, I force myself to go out, to connect, to talk to friends, to go on walks, to eat well, enjoy a beer or two every now and then and so on and so forth. Markets may be down, I might have made only 100 dollars on Steemit the last 30 days but you know what, I am doing the best I can, I met so many cool peepz on here and I still believe that persistance and positivity are the key to any lock in existence ;>)

We will find a way...

Thank you for this post, my friend!

Much love,


Yeah man, just turn to where the sunshine is! If it’s not in the sky then it might be in a song or in someone next to you or in some memories.

100 ain’t bad considering the low cost of steem. I figure if we are at 100 a month now we will be well over 1000 a month by the time Steem reaches a new all time high.

This is awesome man, just slowly turning positive and reaping the rewards. It's kind of like a habit, you have a bad habit and then build momentum towards the habit that benefits you. I have been struggling to get a good workout habit going!

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