Pay-what-you-want (in crypto) Language Learning Coach

in #language7 years ago (edited)

As some of you may know, I teach languages for work-work. I actually do enjoy it, and I’m good at it. The only reason I call it work-work is because I would like to be able to do it more casually and more flexibly.

I also love the idea of a gift economy and have been dreaming of being able to sustain myself by pay-what-you-want services (writing, music, language teaching, "coaching“, etc.). I even tried this before with my private students and parents of students but most of them were not very comfortable with it and I almost lost a few of them who didn't want the responsibility of choosing themselves how much to pay me.

Looking for Students!

This community is very open minded though, so I thought that maybe I could try it out here and see how it goes. This would make my life much easier and enjoyable than treking across the city to teach people who aren't that serious about learning, and the idea of earning crypto for other things besides writing steemit articles really excites me. I'm also just happy to help people who I can help.

I can teach Japanese, Chinese and English

I can coach and offer help and advice for any language

I will give you simple tips to learn quickly and efficiently. I know these methods work because I've used them myself and with my students. If you are serious about it you can become fluent in 3-5 months. If I don't speak the language and you are having a hard time I can learn it with you and push you forward faster.

We'll meet in discord and start with text, if you are serious we will slowly move to voice chat. There will be no set time or time length for class. Class can be anywhere between 15-60 minutes. You can come looking for me on discord and we can jump right into it if we are both free or you can tell me your schedule for the next 24 hours.


I ask that you please be generous if you can afford to do so, but if you just have a few questions don't worry about the money, only give what you want to give. I see the money as a tip. If I am busy or not in the mood, I will tell you.

I accept steem, sbd, and any coin in the exodus wallet (btc, litecoin, etherium, dash, eos, etc.)

I hope this isn't seen as distasteful, I don't want to spammy, I just want to put word out there. If there is a better way to do so, please let me know.


This is a great service offer, AND a great price!

I would like to invite you to check out what we're building over here at @steemfreelancers! The Steem Freelancer's Guild will be a way for freelancers to get noticed, and land clients easier than using tags. We will be creating partnerships with community projects as well as doing promotional events to shine some attention onto our members. We hope you'll consider joining us!

Have you ever heard of lang-8? I was kind of hoping a community of lang-8 user or lang-8-minded people might start using steemit in lieu of lang-8...

Just think of how cool it would be to use voting as a means of tipping people that are helping you to learn language. I had hoped my 我想学中文 post would help to spark a conversation in that direction, but it mostly just fizzled out.

So, anyone want to start a language learning community on steemit? Or does one already exist?

Getting back to your post though: the idea of paying what you feel is fair is a tough one. It can cause anxiety and be a source of contention for some. For others it can be a nice and inviting way to try something because if you don't feel it was worth it you're not out a big investment.

Personally, I find it really hard to come up with prices for things, especially when I do something for friends. When it's used hardware it's easy because you can look up fair market prices. When it's services, like this, it's hard, because when the service is done well, there's no way you can pay enough. Plus, who knows what the going rates are for work like this?

So I would suggest you put up suggested prices that people can fall back on when they're just not comfortable coming up with a price on their own.

I know what you mean. In some cases I like the idea of causing this kind of inner turmoil over having to set the price yourself, it makes us realize how arbitrary prices always are. Even with products, some people feel it’s fair to make a 50% profit off something while others feel ok making 200%. Some people just compare with the guy next door.

Services are even more wacky. Supply and demand is a pretty dog-eat-dog way to look at the world, and we barely realize it. It means people with more always have an easier time making more and those with less have it rough. When I had no students I had to accept a class for $15 for an hour. I didn’t want to because the regular cost in that city at that time was $30 but I needed to eat so I needed to take whatever I could find. Now if I charge $50 people are willing to pay because they can feel I’m not that desperate for work, which is not to say I’m rich, it’s just standard for a decent teacher, and I’d like to work less so I charge more since many of my students “like to buy nice things”. If you charge more people respect you more. Wacky stuff!

I mentioned above that I charge $50 for 90 minute one on one sessions, but that’s face to face and a little more formal.

Honestly though, the reason I made this post is just to show that I have a service to offer and I’m happy to be compensated, I want to invite that for people who would be willing and able to compensate. I don’t really care how much, as long as it’s relatively casual. If you just have some questions or need some guidance you don’t even have to pay anything. If you give me 100x the standard, I won’t complain either, as long as you can afford it. If you decide to give, for me its about how much you can afford and/or how much you feel you’ve gained something, and that’s only for you to

If you are dead broke or struggling, you can pay it back or pay it forward when you have more. Just come chat with me and I’ll see if I can help you. I don’t keep tabs unless I feel someone is trying to take advantage of me, and When that happens I try to make that clear.

I don’t know lang8. I’ll go check it out!

I am actually really digging this idea. I hope you're still up for it in a couple of months - after my move to Portugal - as I'm seriously interested in learning Japanese or possibly Chinese. I also like the idea of helping you out financially, so it would be a win-win situation. Anyhow, let's chat about this at a later time :>)

P.S. I hope there's still space in my head for another language. I will need to learn Portuguese too.

I’m sure I will be, I’d be happy to help you! And it feels really nice when someone is looking out for you! I might be able to help you with Portuguese to, just study methods and stuff like that., ways to make it way more efficient and easy on yourself.

I think it's a great idea!

Many people have a hard time learning a new language because they can't find anyone to practice with at a reasonable price.

I tried learning Japanese, but gave up after quite a long time of trying with little to no gain.

How much do you charge for your work-work lessons?

Thanks man.

I think we’ve talked about this before. Learning in a school is basically like learning to bake a cake with your eyes closed. You really just need to speak constantly and have someone to correct your errors.

I charge about $50 for 90 minute classes. Sometimes I make exceptions for students who don't have much money and who work around my schedule. I will have to charge a little more if I move back to Japan though which is the plan (hence looking to earn more crypto).

Oh nice. Hope you make it back like you want to!

Is that 1 on 1 classes, or is it group sessions?

One on one. I really feel that the difference in efficiency is exponential when it's one on one. I don't expect to make that much for classes on discord cause it's a lot more casual (it'd be nice though!!!)

Alright. I would not be able to pay anywhere near that :(

However, I would love to have a chat with you sometime to see if we can work something out.
I have a few questions that would probably be addressed better on voice chat if you wouldn't mind taking the time.

No problem! I understand. If you are too demanding I'll tell you I'm tired. I want money if there is money to make but I also want to help if I can help! Especially with Japanese.

Come find me!

Nice. I thought I'd share this
We're early stage but the idea is the user transitions to human assisted learning. Were working up a whitepaper for an ICO.

Wow, this sounds like the best use for VR I’ve heard yet out of those that actually sound feasible. I look forward to seeing how it goes. Followed you どこに住んでいましたか


Message me on discord if you are able to teach sign language

That sounds a bit tricky to study on discord

I like your thinking.

And mine too :)

Seems we are on the same page as I launched an "Honesty Box" initiative this morning with regards to downloading my digital art and folks donating as they see fit.

Seems this could be the way to go for those of us with services to exchange.

I hope it works well for us both.

Here is the link for my post if you are interested to see how I presented this concept:


Sorry I missed this! Checking it out now!

This is amazing and I'd love to chat more. I don't have a great deal to offer IN THIS MOMENT because I've been travelling for over a year and now my funds are low... but I've been learning Spanish for like 3 years and really want to get fluent... perhaps you have some tips and tricks that could help me get there!

How can I connect with you on discord? I'm completely new to both Steemit and Discord so... may need a little tutoring :D

Thank you in advance and no - I don't think this comes across as spammy, but a totally genuine and kind offer!

Thank you :)

With love
Hart Floe

You can click on the link to our discord be awesome and sign up for discord, then send me a message. this is why i do pay-what-you-want, because id ont want to leave people hanging just because they don't have much to give. i can give you some tips, sure

where's the link to the discord man? I can't find it on this post.. maybe I'm being blind!

Thanks for getting back to me. I'm returning home after a year of travel so... I wanna make sure I stay in touch with my Spanish learning while I'm there!

Look forward to hearing back from you

With love
Hart Floe

oh crap i forgot it here! Be Awesome discord channel

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