If you are poor, after reading this, you should know what to do

in #life7 years ago


It seems that life is not fair, the Pareto principle is also widespread existence in each corner, the rich are getting richer, but the poor are getting poorer, no matter how hard, how diligent, can’t escape from the poor evil environment, cannot fly out of this circle.

Some people say you are poor because you are lazy and others say you are poor because your IQ and ability are not good, and others say that you are poor because of your family background.

These are some of the reasons for the poor, but not completely because of these reasons. Around us, filled with the poor, full of rich people, and turn rich overnight, and some become poor overnight, these are not only because of the word “efforts.” Some people work hard for their lifetime, but still poor when they are old.

Poor or not, rich or not, the fundamental lies in yourself, and your own resources.

Like most people say, diligent or not, lazy or not, have enough IQ, know how to use resources, and your resources, is your social network, in other words, do you have a group of rich friends or friends that from a rich family background. More simple way to say this is to have a rich family, then you can rely on money to make money.


Let's start with the rich family background! Remember in the “Young Style” movie, the teacher in charge standing on the podium and curses those students that don’t study and don’t have a rich family background, and said:

“You say you don’t have a rich background, but you don't fight for yourself. If your family is rich enough, you don’t have to try so hard, and can easily get into any university.” This sentence is also hinted that the teacher also thinks that it is important to have a rich background.

Let me give you another example: John is a second generation of the rich. If he sees a project, feels that the foreground is very good, should be able to make more money, he borrows five hundreds thousands from to his father and began to invest in the business. But as a result, the project was not as good as he thought, and at last lost money. This five hundred thousands of dollars are equivalent to test the water, after all, this money is just a small change.

But if we replace with ordinary people, five hundred thousand maybe the parents ' lifelong effort, if the project is not optimistic, did not cast, did not see the future trend of development, this five hundreds thousands is the fatal money. If he wants to turn over, I am afraid he must first work hard for a few years to earn back the capital and invest again. This is still uncertain, if the next investment is a failure, it is possible to lose the full game. With such back and forth, for a person, how many years more he can try?
This shows that the family rich, rich background resources, is a big support toward life.


I have a friend who comes from an ordinary family. His parents are living an honest life; the honest here does not refer to their character. But the concept, not dare to start own business, not dare to try different things, working for others for a lifetime, stayed in a department, and never think of changing the environment. Holding the most steadfast wages forever (monthly), decades like a day of frugally, just to prepare for their son marriage, hope that they can live a good life.

Such parents are the perfect parents in Asia, but this situation is most likely to fall into deep pits. Why? On the surface, it looks like effort, also doing the saving, is also laborious for a lifetime day and night of toil, thought that after the child grows up, is the end of hardship, but what they do not know, such life, will become poorer and poorer.

Why would I say that? Because of hard life, monthly wages, in addition to food, the remaining money, simply can’t keep up with the progress of the times, a few years ago, a pound of meat is just less than $1, but now a pound of meat cost more than $3;

A few years ago, a house cost less than $200,000, but now a house costs more than $300,000.
The development of this era, economic consumption is different, there is also a pressure to withstand the capacity. For a person who lives in the countryside, there is no pressure. If one day, one of the family members have serious illness, need to spend a hundreds thousands of dollars to treat, but the most terrible thing is there is no money to cure. You can only borrow from others, and when the disease is cured, at the same time also faced with huge debt.

Children will only be in the endless debt, let alone to invest, or do business, can only work day and night, but also worry about if any day will get fired, then have no ability to repay the debt. This will only lead to poorer life. When you are poor, the next generation can only continue to struggle in poverty, trying to get out of poverty as a lifelong goal, the most basic economic problems are not resolved, how to talk about spiritual enjoyment?

Take a look at self-reasons!
There is an inspirational words, it is said: Your classmates are worth billions, you are still struggling to wake up from bed. There is another: Others are beautiful and rich, still working hard until the late night two o'clock, you are still looking at your phone playing Angry Bird.

I think these words are really enough to poke the human! In our ordinary people, there is no background, no resources, no rich background, the only thing can do is work hard.


Work hard? How to work hard?

As I said before, landscaping and groundskeeping worker wake up five o'clock in the morning to work, work hard! Diligence, Be Hard! But still poor. Because they're just doing one thing over and over again, and don’t have the slightest bit of competitive, anyone can do it! The salary must be low! Therefore: The effort also must have the method and the direction.

I saw a phrase in a book: “Not good enough; you will be replaced!” This shows that what we have to do, good enough is not enough, but also need to be irreplaceable, have the innovative, professional and excellent technology. The only way to have these skills is to spend time, learn, study, and grind your professional skills. Keep working hard, raise salary, save money, wait for the right timing, and it is possible to escape from poor life.

If you don't want to be poor all your life, then, after reading this post, I guess you should know what to do next.


Money and hobby, which is more important?
Don't always live in the past, think more about the future
I've tried my best to live a normal life
All your efforts are worth it
Where you spend your time will decide what kind of person you're going to be
It's considered okay if today is not worse than yesterday


Wow nice motivational article, working hard is the key factor to success, upvoted :)

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