
I will highlight one key to what you wrote: "However, just like all diseases, people vary in their susceptibility." I agree as each person can be different. Their immune system can be different. I agree that prevention can prevent the need for correction later on. People should focus more on prevention over correction for their health. In the past two hundred years or so, that paradigm reversed towards correction over prevention for many people. That is too bad. So, education is key in helping people understand some basis principles, some eternal fundamentals, to common sense.

China's medical, health and epidemic prevention programs are very backward. Koreans are afraid that the epidemic will spread to Korea through Chinese immigrants.
However, there are many Koreans living in trade with the Chinese, which does not prevent Chinese from entering.
I'm envious of the fact that valued-customer lives in America, which is safer than me.
After all, Koreans have no choice but to pray to God to stop the Chinese epidemic.

I am no more safe from death than are you, my friend. None of us is any safer than any of us. While nCoV may not reach my lungs, death has recently knocked on the door of my heart, and I read the writing on the wall as all of us must when the end of our days approaches.

Mene, mene, tekel upharsin. A different meaning to each of us that reads it, but the same message of mortality to all.

Be well, and rather than striving to prolong the quantity of your days, strive to revel in the quality of those availed to you. It is not our location, possessions, or persons that lend savor to our lives, but the love and good company we share with our fellows while we live.


Thank you for your kind advice. American Saint Daniel
I'm sorry for not being able to voting because I don't have steem power.

Good Article! @valued-customer, I am however, always concerned with the term "pandemic" when it relates to anything linked to the common cold. At the last outbreak of any "Flu" where the CDC sends out vaccines for it, there is only a 20% chance of the "Flu Shot" doing any good. (this is according to the CDC spokesman, 2 years ago) The CDC is the largest holder of Medicinal patents in the WORLD and they only make money, of course, when people are ILL. So, in short, I do not trust anything they say.
Just me being cynical, again,, Mitch

Coming from someone clearly as well informed as are you, such praise is flattering indeed.

"... there is only a 20% chance of the "Flu Shot" doing any good."

I reckon that's pretty optimistic. I saw a stat recently that of the hundreds of thousands of samples taken from folks diagnosed with the flu and sent off to the CDC to be analyzed, only 16% turned out to be flu. On top of that, vaccines don't work perfectly, and even if they're pointed at the right target, also are likely to harm about 10% of folks that get them.

Being cynical is the smart course with these folks IMHO.


Great article! The last bit, however, I'm pretty sure this David Goldberg doesn't exist. I haven't listened to the whole video, but it appears to be one of those disinformation conspiracy entertainment LARPs. Some of the red flags that queued me on it are the websites reporting on it beforeitsnews and veteranstoday who are both notorious for their disinformation.

Also, the picture they're circulating of the man appears to be one of those computer generated persons, similar to the likes of which you can find at I don't know why people do this stuff, but it appears to be one of those.

Some of the articles I noticed are linking to sites about the death of a real David Goldberg who isn't even the same guy. Some silicon valley guy who worked for survey monkey that doesn't at all sound like the voice in the video. Just thought I'd give ya the heads up on all that jazz.

Well, thanks much. Imma edit the post and remove it. I just got done working, and while it's no excuse, just haven't been carefully verifying my sources lately because of the press of other duties.

Honestly, it's forthright exposition of my failures that I find best enables me to fix them and make less of them going forward, so I really am as grateful as I can be for your setting me straight. Also, since it's a larp, I might not be under as deadly a sentence as I assumed.

That's good news indeed =)


Good news indeed, I'd hope you'd do the same for me, disinfo is one of my pet peeves. One of the ones that drove me nuts way back was that Sorcha Faal character, so many people were reposting that stuff. I don't get why people go out and create that kind of nonsense; It's gotta be some kind of cointelpro crap to keep conspiracy theorists marginalized and on the fringe.

I myself quoted Sorcha Faal on my very firstest Steemit post. Last time I did though. They said Trump had an IQ of 156, which I hoped he did.

I don't think he does, anymore.

I agree it's likely disinfo from bad actors. Poisoning the well. Thanks for keeping my posts as free of such poison as you have today. Be certain if I can do the same for you, I will.

Thanks again!

That makes me wonder how many fake people there are out there.

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