Clinton Foundation Member - Brock Pierce - Funder of EOS & Chairman of Bitcoin Foundation Was Implicated in A Hollywood Child Sex Abuse Scandal In Censored Video Documentary.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I was just forwarded a video interview where Brock Pierce, current chairman of The Bitcoin Foundation and financial backer of Dan Larimer's EOS project discusses the future of ICOs and Cryptocurrency in general. I thought it was an interesting interview and Brock demonstrated a good understanding of the technology and situation in general. Something was nagging at me though and eventually I realised.. Brock is one of the suspects featured in the the documentary 'An Open Secret' that I uploaded to DTube just a few days ago...

N.B. In case DTube fails - the video is now also available on Bitchute.

Clearly this is an extremely 'hot' topic and post right now as the topic of Hollywood exploitation of actors and children is big news - with many people coming forward to make clear there is a culture of rape and exploitation in Hollywood that runs deep. I have studied this issue for over a decade and so I knew the details years before this was focused on by mainstream groups in a public way. There have been many major cases of organised exploitation of children for sexual purposes in America that have sometimes been shown to reach all the way to the President's office and sometimes involved murder of children, torture and other serious crimes against humanity.

brock pierce

I am not making any claims of my own invention about Brock Pierce in this post myself as I simply do not know the truth regarding his involvement in the cases covered in the documentary 'An Open Secret' - I am reporting only on the material that has been made publicly available, in the interests of transparency. The documentary shows that he was involved in a group (Called DEN - Digital Entertainment Network) that was run by a serial abuser of children called Marc Collins-Rector and the claim is made that he was involved in facilitating Marc's abuse of young boys against a background of mansions, cocaine and a highly funded Hollywood lifestyle.

This episode in Brock's life became an issue when he took the role of running the Bitcoin foundation, with Andreas Antonopoulis, the well known computer/Bitcoin expert resigning, stating:

“I can no longer have even the smallest association with the Bitcoin Foundation, because of the complete lack of transparency.”

A thread listing numerous resignations from the Bitcoin Foundation in protest at Brock Pierce taking over the role at the Bitcoin foundation can be found here.

Patrick Alexander stated:

“The track record of prominent Bitcoin Foundation members has been abysmal,[…] I no longer want to be associated with these people.”

An Open Secret

This documentary first came to my attention in 2014 soon after it was published and really opened my eyes as to some of the ways that Hollywood has been operating for quite a long time. Exploitation of children was (and apparently still is) a widely accepted phenomenon and there are many cases of children speaking out in this documentary about their abuse. The video is available on Youtube, but significant portions have been removed and the only uncut version has mysteriously had it's audio channel manipulated to make it unwatchable. I have therefore uploaded in the original version to D.Tube where it might be preserved for all to see and make up their own mind as to the truth of the situation.


In the documentary it is shown that Brock Pierce was personal assistant to Collins-Rector and that they were both arrested by interpol in Spain in May 2002. Collins-Rector was prosecuted and put on a sex offender's register, though shortly after lied about needing to go to Britain for emergency brain surgery and never returned. British newspapers picked up the story of how he was living in England with and had applied for a civil union with a young boy there. According to sources his locations are now unknown publicly. Emails shown by some of the alleged victims of abuse in the documentary include some from Brock Pierce where he was sending nearly nude photos of boys to Collins-Rector who responds with his assessment of them - in one case simply using the word 'Yummy'.

The documentary includes the stories of numerous children, some of whom turned to drugs or committed suicide following their experiences - which according to one investigator often included being threatened with guns to go along with the plans of Collins-Rector who attempted to project that he and his gang 'Runs Hollywood' and that if the children didn't go along with them their career would end.

Brock Pierce Responds

The following video is the only one I have found where Brock Pierce speaks out about these issues and he essentially just makes clear that he was never charged with any crimes:

The Clinton Foundation

The list of crimes of the Clinton crime family are hard to keep track of, they are so long. My whistleblower series includes two entries from CIA agents who exposed that the Clintons were heavily and actively involved in Cocaine smuggling and the Iran-Contra affair in the 1980s. Children were murdered in these operations and so too were many others. There are major red flags regarding the Clinton Foundation's involvement with theft and exploitation of the people in Haiti and numerous other activities that amount to vampirism on their part.

The wikipedia page for Brock Pierce suggests he is a donor to the Clinton Foundation, however, the link to the relevant page now points to a dead URL.

My comment and original purpose for mentioning Brock...

My purpose in making this post is not to demonise anyone or attempt to 'rock the boat' with regards Bitcoin or EOS. However, I feel strongly that the future of humanity rests in the hands of all of us alive today and depends on us solving the many problems of heartlessness that have plagued the Earth for so long. Transparency and Integrity are key in this and so I am 100% dedicated to exposing evidence of wrongdoing in all cases where it can affect the future of humanity and maybe affect us all directly in numerous ways. As a possible investor in EOS I am obliged to do due diligence research and this is part of me doing that.

I would like to find out that Brock has been unfairly treated by the documentary and the alleged victims of child abuse that are presented in the video, but at this point I cannot say that I know that this is case and so I leave it up to you to decide for yourself exactly what is the truth here.

Regardless of all of the events of the past, here's the recent interview with Brock Pierce where he gives his insights in the the state of ICOs and Cryptocurrency today:


Interesting. He's also involved with Tether which I've just written about here.

I hope Brock isn't taking Dan L for a ride. I have much respect for Dan.

Ah, thanks I've linked to this in the comments there under V4Vapid's comment.
I don't know exactly what's going on, but I found your post interesting to think about, thanks!

Ah cool. I found your post through one of your replies to Titus Frost.

Certainly interesting connections

If Brock Pierce is involved, it stinks to high hell. Not just because of the Open Secret thing but because he's a crook in general.

I don't have much more evidence of his criminality - what are you referring to here specifically?

The whole DEN thing was kind of shady... I think that Collins-Rector was probably behind the majority of it, but all three of the main players were involved. It ties into the Open Secret deal too. If you watch any footage from the programming, it's hardly what could be called "quality entertainment." It was more like a dating service for the wealthy backers.

Yes, but that is all that 'Open Secret' mentions - are you saying there are known issues outside of DEN?

What they didn't say was how the whole thing was set up

They did go into some depth as to who the backers were - do you have any links to what you are referring to?

@ura-soul a lot of "Kiddie Diddler's" are beginning to drop like Flies lately...............

This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 2.32 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to this cool cat: @ura-soul. My pops @zeartul is one of your top steemit witness, if you like my bellyrubs please go vote for him, if you love what he is doing vote for this comment as well.

@da-dawn - my tracking app shows that you voted for this post, but the vote is not showing up - can you confirm if you actually did vote for it? thanks

Ah, never mind, the problem was that Steemit duplicated the post and you voted on the 1st one which I have now removed as best I can.

Hi.. @ura-soul Great you post & super videos. Thank for sharing.

This post has received a 17.32 % upvote from @upgoater thanks to: @ura-soul.

There seems to be many proofs that show the B1 team have vastly different views on life and liberty. I hope this doesn't affect the development and launch of EOS.

I don't have any info on that beyond this post - are you able to point me to what you are highlighting here? Do you have any links? thanks.

No links or anything, just what I've come to realize from studying the teams interviews and following their twitter profiles. For example Dan speaks his views of anarcho-capitalism and the flaws of central banks, and how much he despises them. Yet other members of the same team building a project to undermine the big banks and corporations can be seen following/retweeting/commenting positively on their pages.

commenting positively about the big banks?
as an engineer I have always known that making disruptive technologies in an environment dominated by those who don't want to be disrupted is a major challenge. how do you raise funds to help the world when you understand that it is the fund raisers who are causing most of our problems?
part of the solution is to remain vigilent and always use the power of the heart and the people of earth to ensure we are not exploited.

For some silly reasons, i'm not much interested in Brock Pierce implication and accusation since i don't even know before i read this post.

What got my interest is the video interview below this post that i am currently downloading.

Thanks for clarifying the all round of the story behind his implication and most importantly thanks for sharing that interview on ICOs and Cryptocurrency

The whole project of Bitcoin started to stink a lot

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