Code Red – Active Shooter Drill Planned for the Day of the Attack!?

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Many times with false flag terrorist attacks, there will be coinciding drills; this is so that the conspirators can gain full spectrum dominance at the scene, and also exercise the benefit of plausible deniability should their ground zero presence lead to any suspicions that they may be involved.

Another benefit for having a drill to coincide with a terrorist attack is to stop would-be heroes from hindering the impact of the attack by killing the terrorist (or patsy) prematurely. [1]

Learn more about staged-drills + terror attacks.


"I assume that it's a code red drill, because they told us earlier in the day that we were going to be having a code red drill. I assumed it was blanks." – Ernest Rospierski

What we have here, yet again, is another terrorist attack which appears to coincide with a drill that may have been scheduled to happen on the exact same day that the school shooting occurred. As you can see, it put this teacher in a state of temporary disbelief.

Had he been armed, he may have killed the terrorist. However, he also may not have, because the presence of the code red drill could potentially have psyched him out just long enough to cause hesitation.

Click the image below to watch Terrorstorm in full.

IMAGE: DVD Cover Art for Terrorstorm

[1] Q: If Nikolas Cruz was a patsy, how could he be manipulated into bringing guns to school?

A: Research scopolamine, hyoscine, devils breath, or burundanga. Scopolamine can rob you of your will, and make you compliant to the verbal commands of others.


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Thanks for the link to your post @thoughts-in-time . Yes, there always seem to be a drill that mirrors the situation going on at the time these events occur. I simply try to capture some of the evidence that doesn't fit the official narrative in order to help figure out what really happened. It reminds me of the San Bernardino event where there were multiple witnesses also stating there were multiple shooters. Proof of such is here:

The video above features CBS reporter Scott Pelly talking with an eyewitness. Note he tries to correct her story at the end of the segment.

The witness in the video above states "We hear shots and as we look out the window a second set of shots goes off....(emulates sound of automatic gunfire) and we saw a man fall to the floor and we just looked then we saw three men dressed in all black military attire with vests on holding assault rifles and they opened up the doors to building three, and one of them opens up the door to building three and he starts to shoot all over to the room, that's the room that we typically have conferences and we just heard more gunshots go off".

Local NBC station interview with witness who states " I saw three white men in military fatigues, um....taking off"

I have the contradictory witness statements from the Parkland high school up on my page today for other interested viewers.


Multiple Shooters Participated in Florida School Shooting According to Eyewitness Alexa Miednik

I note also in the video you have posted @thoughts-in-time that the school teacher witness states "I didn't notice because he had a mask on". That's interesting as well.

Saving, and uploading these early is really smart!

@thoughts-in-time Hey mate, i've upvoted your post as I've done research in the past with similar false flags. On Mainstream media the other day here in Australia they asked if the kids could submit snapchat pics/videos of the event. What is disappointing that even though these are staged real lives are put at risk. Psyops

Hi @neddykelly thanks for the upvote! The event you mention, was that for an active shooter drill in Australia?

@thoughts-in-time ah sorry getting late at night here. The police had asked the kids at the shooting to submit/upload the snapchat videos of the shooting.

Ahh, thank you. Yeah, hopefully someone posts something that blows this whole thing wide open. Multiple reports of more than one shooter. Hell one girl said she saw Nikolas and conveyed to him that she was glad it wasn't him as she heard gunshots elsewhere. Allot of weirdness going on.

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