Should We be Jailed for Our Thoughts?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Citizens Living in Western Democracies have, and are being Jailed for their Thoughts - Let's Talk About It!


By now we should all have read George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four (1984), wherein it was illegal to think unspoken beliefs or hold doubts that opposed or questioned the ruling authority. I might be dating myself now but if you are a teenager or older, and if you haven't read this seminal, classical, must-read book, I highly recommend that you do. I will presume that you have read it and press forward.


Minority Report was a 1956 science fiction short story authored by Philip K. Dick. It was brought to the big screen and embedded into public consciousness in 2002 when Steven Spielberg directed a feature film version of his fictional work starring Tom Cruise.

In both of these dystopian, ‘seemingly’ futuristic landscapes, government agencies known as “pre-crime” and "thought police", arrested people if they suspected them of committing a crime at some date in the future.

60 odd years later (a few generations), Philip K. Dick and George Orwells fictional works are a reality in Australia, and many other nations. If it is it not already enshrined in law in your country, it soon will be!


The events surrounding 9/11, which I have written a detailed analysis about previously 9/11 - The Only Post You Need to Read - 50 Questions They Can't Answer was the stimuli that preceded the simultaneous, global rollout, of numerous anti-terror and anti-civil-libertarian legislations that have changed our world forever.

While Minority Report and 1984 pre-warned, and pre-conditioned us to accept pre-crime and thought crime (whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty, and how quickly do people forget this most fundamental human right)? 9/11, and the ensuing War on Terror pre-destined us to accept, rationalize and support the idea of pre-crime and thought-crime as being normal and nothing to be concerned about.

The Australian equivalent of the CIA, the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) has the legal right to detain anyone that it suspects, or anyone that is related to, someone that it is suspects of considering a terror act.

Let's break this down so that we can fully understand and appreciate what this means.

It means that a person can be detained, with no right to legal counsel, and no right to see the evidence that was brought against them, for the pre-crime or pre-thought, of a crime that they didn’t commit, and for the pre-crime or pre-thought of another person (or entity) that they may have had a relationship with, that didn't commit a crime either!


In 2010 (7 years ago), these draconian Australian laws resulted in the conviction of 3 men for “preparing to prepare” an attack on the Holsworthy Army Base in the state of New South Wales. One of the men visited the army barracks while another man had a phone conversation with a sheikh in which he discussed the moral virtues of committing an attack.

That was enough for the thought police and pre-crime division of the Australian Government to connect the pre-crime dots that they wanted to connect and have these 3 men sentenced to 18 years in prison.

Rapists and paedophiles that face trial before a judge and jury (when found guilty) suffer far more lenient sentences under Australian law and I suspect that this is this is the case in many other countries.

Justice King, the Victorian (Melbourne) Supreme Court judge that was responsible for the sentencing of these 3 men, stated that “the conspiracy was not that much further along than just sitting and thinking about it”. Irrespective, she proceeded to sentence the 3 men to 18 years jail for that particular ‘thought crime’.


It gets worse Neo, legally speaking, these pre-crime/thought crimes are committed if the person either “knows or is reckless as to the fact that they relate to a terrorist act”. Being “reckless” opens up a literal pandoras legal box that leaves more than enough wriggle room for a relative novice legal counsel to detain you for a whole range of things and thoughts that you haven’t committed.

For example, these laws could detain and sentence you to decades of imprisonment for saying, or writing, anything that may innocently, or inadvertently encourage another person to engage in (or think of) a terrorist activity.

Division 102 of the Australian Criminal Code imposes a maximum penalty of life imprisonment “where a person provides or collects funds and is reckless as to whether those funds will be used to facilitate or engage in a terrorist act”.

This means for example, that anyone who donates money to a charity, sends money to a person, or pays an invoice to an organization that turns out to have some putative involvement in terrorism could be unwittingly imprisoned for life. If you were to transfer money to someone or something that the Government suspected of pre-crime or pre-thought you could be detained indefinetely and imprisoned for life.

Welcome to the New World Order!


Hopefully this post will get us all thinking a little more deeply - but don't forget - we must all be very careful about what we think because if the Governemt doesn't agree with your thoughts it may lead to detention and life imprisonment - the last thing that the ruling class wants is for you to think for yourself.

I have a closing message for the ruling class - I'm not scared of you!


Truth Fears No Investigation!

Till next time!

Image Source: 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6


I enjoyed your article about being a thought criminal, being one myself as this article I wrote proves, lol! It is so sad to me seeing the freedom to think or speak under attack. Your article brings up many important points I am personally concerned about after watching/reading 1984 many times, thanks for sharing. Here is mine you may find interesting as well.

Thanks, I read your article and enjoyed it. I wrote one on the education system some time ago and you may like to take a look at it?

I loved the article, very similar views we have, I hope everyone that sees the link here reads that one as well.

Currently a leg sweep operation is underway in the USA that is depriving deep state actors of support, and hopefully will end such practices here as you outline having happened in Oz.

Let's hope this is true, and that the rest of the world follows suit.


I hope that you're right but I'll be very surprised if the situation improves in the USA or anywhere else. The people pulling the strings are tightening their noose and they aren't going to loosen it. Guantanamo Bay and CIA rendition programs are just two examples of the US arresting and detaining people without charge.

If you have any more details that you can share by comment or in a post let me know as I will take a look at it with an open mind.

During the campaign I was extremely disheartened, as all I saw was two rich, corrupt, liars fighting over the cookie jar of corruption.

Since President Trump was elected, I have seen what I did not expect.

I believe the recent announcements vis a vis Qatar reveal that US, or at least the Executive under Trump's control, has ceased terrorist funding, and that we're about to pull out of Syria.

Nothing has disturbed me more than exactly what you have mentioned, except perhaps organ harvesting. I am trying not to read too much into what I have seen, but I have had so little to hope for in view of government tyranny in recent years, it leaps forth in my heart despite my cynicism.

If US troops went to the Phillipines to eliminate ISIS there, and withdraw after success. I will hope even more. I will hope that there is, finally, a significant enemy to deep state tyranny and corruption that is fighting - and winning.

Since the renditions, Gitmo, and all of the violations of human rights that have been undertaken since 9/11 are products of that deep state tyranny, I will have hope that those end also. They are critically important to address, but issues not as time sensitive as ISIS in the Phillipines, or war in Syria, so I am not discouraged that such redress has not yet occurred.

Making America, and the world, great again is going to take some time.

You nailed it in your opening sentence.

all I saw was two rich, corrupt, liars fighting over the cookie jar of corruption.

I would respectfully encourage to trust your initial instincts. I think that you now this in your heart?

This may sound weird, but I try to live without hope. Nothing has ever harmed me more than hope crushed.


I am sure HRC was going to directly force war with Russia, so that pic, I cannot help but have hope.

Welcome back to Steemit!

Thank you, good to be back!

Be very careful, they still have armies of informants across america... 100,00

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