Education and Indoctrination - Is There a Difference?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The Line between Education & Indoctrination is Blurred and I Will Argue Non-Existent. Join Me as We Look at the Differences (and Similarities) that Exist in Education and Indoctrination Today.

Children Indoctrination Classroom.jpg

I cannot, and will not attempt to cover all of the points that I would like to cover as it’s far too extensive (and important) of a topic for one post - but if you stick with me I promise to elaborate further in future posts.

Truth Fears No Investigation – Let’s Investigate!


Please forgive me as I borrow a line (or four) from Martin Luther King Jr.

I have a dream that one day every human-being in the world will enjoy an educational experience that respects and empowers each student on a deeply individual level, and in a very personal, positive, profound and permanent way.

I have a dream that one day we will have an education system that allows each student to retain ownership over their very own, and very tailored educational experience - that quickly identifies and matches the unique, and innate talents and desires of each individual student to an appropriate curriculum.

I have a dream that one day we will overthrow the Gov’t and reclaim our right to an indoctrination-free education system so that future generations can be free to love, dream, create and reach their true potential.

I have a dream that you will follow me (not for my personal gain or glory), but so that we can continue to work together with the express aim of spreading truth, love, peace and knowledge.



My definition of education has very few (if any) similarities to the education system that we see in schools and universities around the world today. The education system that we have today is first and foremost a system of indoctrination, and sadly, not enough people realize it - which is why our system of education is so successful (for the state), and one very big reason why the world finds itself in the situation that it is in today.

Young (and old) are not pre-destined round pegs simply waiting to be forced through square holes. I will never accept a man-made paradigm wherein those that do not conform (to the state), and remain steadfast and unwilling to succumb, and fall into line, only to find themselves further marginalized and labelled with derogatory, and far too simplistic man-made, new-age labels such as dysfunctional, problem-child, he/she has learning difficulties, he/she is easily distracted, ADHD, and/or any myriad of other pre-concieved, and so-called social problems, just to name a few.

Society loves labels and the state indoctrinates the masses by applying labels at every given opportunity - we literally live in the Matrix!

Each individual child develops and learns at a different pace - furthermore each child responds to different learning stimuli. Not all 4 year olds are the same (yet why are all 4 year olds required by the state to attend school at the same age?) That is a very reasonable to ask I would I have thought?

Yet in the eyes of the education system all children are the same - and if that isn’t natural, or innate to the child so be it - the state will nonetheless attempt to squeeze each and every child through the same square hole that the state has created for them - afterall, one of the primary purposes of education is to manipulate and indoctrinate each and every of us to think and behave in the same manner, whether we like it or not e.g. become a naturally-born form of humanoid/robot!


Not all children have a natural gift, or interest for the analytical - just as not all children have a natural gift, or interest for the creative. One is not better than the other - we need each other to survive and succeed and we need to love and respect each other if we desire to live together in peace and harmony.

Can a coder build a beautiful house?

Can a builder code a beautiful platform?

The answer to both questions is a resounding yes - we can achieve, practically anything that we want to achieve and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! But why should we be forced to tackle problems (square peg - round hole) that we are aren't naturally designed to tackle, when our time could be much better spent working on things that we love and trying to solve much bigger problems.

We are primarily limited by the by the limitations that we place on ourselves and I can only encourage you to question each and every one of those paradigms and ultimately breakthrough each and every barrier that your mind (and the state) places before you!

The aforementioned analytical and creative is merely an example (yet a relevant one) that I have used to illustrate a point - don’t forget that there are many more nuances and individuals in our society. Each child, and each human-being is precious, valuable and in need of support, encouragement, and the occasional push to help them to discover and develop their innate curiosities, passions and potential.

Lumping young people (or anyone) together into one big classroom is counter-productive and stunts socieatal development, creativity and critical thinking skills which coincidentially is how most of us started out - too bad if these kids don’t fit in, or can’t keep up – that’s just another example of collateral damage by the state and its flawed and failed education system.

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Education should encourage young people to question everything. Education should welcome, embrace and celebrate unpredictable and uncomfortable conversations.

Learning, conversation and exploration must become central pillars of education. Sitting in a classroom and listening to a teacher that tells you what the state wants you to know and hear is not education – it is indoctrination by the state.

Education should be a never-ending process of opening the mind - not closing it as we do with indoctrination. Education should give ALL students, open access to ALL of the knowledge and ideas of the world - not just the knowledge and ideas that the state wants us to access. Each student should be allowed to discover, digest, dissect, analyze, and interpret their own findings, from whatever knowledge and information they can find, and from any source they wish to search.



We live in the Matrix and the sooner that we all wake up and realise this reality the sooner that we can start working together to remedy it!

Indoctrination in the education system is a results-driven methodology that aims to instil a set of habits, behaviors and beliefs into the psyches of the young that aligns with the particular goals, ideologies and agendas of the state. Furthermore, the state desires that this education will last a lifetime – unfortunately in most instances it does.

Indoctrination limits our ability to see the world as it really is because how we view the world, and how we interpret the information that we are presented with is being viewed through the filter of the ideology, and agenda of the state.

Educational systems and institutions throughout history have been designed to promote the social and political agendas of the state. This is quite easy to recognise when we look at totalitarian regimes but please don’t underestimate the role that the Gov’t, media, movies, education and society at large plays in re-enforcing how we will continue to view the world for the rest of our lives.

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Is an education system that focuses on let’s say, democracy whilst simultaneously laying out the rules of democracy a more subtle form of indoctrination? Is an education system that tells us that guns are bad simply another example of indoctrination?

Every single time that an educational system attempts to make a point or teach a lesson, there is some form of indoctrination involved.

Gov’t, media and movies constantly re-enforces the ideology and agenda of the given state by bombarding us with more state sponsored propaganda/indoctrination. This process and methodology is so successful that before we know it the citizens within the society are parroting what the state has told them to say, without ever realising that they are parroting!

The state, and the corporations that control them, deem it incredibly dangerous when its citizens follow their innate curiosities, ask important questions or make decisions in an attempt to live outside of, and break-free from, the beliefs and habits that the state has indoctrinated into their psyche via education. It makes the state very paranoid and insecure when this unusual event occurs which is why the state wants to contain and restrict all of us to the tiny, pre-packaged boxes that they have created for us on day that we were born.

Consciousness, Conviction and Courage

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Most of the world has yet to develop the level of consciousness, motivation and awareness of their surroundings to recognize that they have been indoctrinated (to varying degrees) since the day they were born – hopefully posts like this one will encourage some of them to open their eyes a little wider and to start asking important questions, and not accept the stupid answers that they will invariably be given.

We need to delve deep within ourselves to find the inner courage, conviction and confidence to step outside of the pre-packaged box and create our own reality - and be comfortable, and pleased with the fact that we aren’t like most other people.

I view it as my personal responsibility and mission, to play my little role in spreading truth and love before I die and I would encourage you to take one step forward with me. Your starting is point is not important – you just need to take one step at a time and keep walking and never stop!

Schools, universities, workplaces, families and Steemit should be examples of places where we can encourage others to explore without bias, without leading questions and be free of state sponsored indoctrination/propaganda in all of its negative, debilitating and downright demonic guises.


Education begins at home – not in the classroom. You have more control that you may realise – grab it with both hands Now!

We are all students till the day we die – keep learning, keep loving and keep helping others!

George Carlin American Dream.jpg

George Bush Admits that the US Gov't Creates the News That You See

CIA Media Control Program - Gov't Has Always Been Making the News

If You Seek Truth (whatever your starting point) - You May Have Finally Found a Home/Refuge - Please Consider Following Me.

WATCH THIS VIDEO from Scott Noble to See How We've Socially Engineered from Birth!

Watch ALL Scott Noble Films for FREE at Metanoia-Films.Org

I will sign off with a quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

We are now faced with the fact that tomorrow is today. We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.

Sincerely Yours in Truth, Peace, Love and Knowledge


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Very interesting article, particularly the importance of questioning the existing paradigms and discovering our own truths. Steemit is a great tool for educating ourselves and sharing positive ideas that empower and inspire individuals. Keep up the great work bud

Good stuff. We pulled our kids out in the early 90s, amid protests from family and friends, for many of the reasons you've shared. Of course, we couldn't articulate it that well at the time, but could clearly see that something was terribly wrong, and that our sons weren't going to be a part of it. That was one of our best decisions as parents.

You clearly did the right thing and you were well ahead of your time. You are to be congratulated for being so brave and for loving your son as much as you do.

I appreciate your posts! I've been "awake" for quite a few years. While I've done my best to educate my children that things are not as they seem and to question everything; they roll their eyes and call me a conspiracy theorist. That public school training goes deep. I can only hope that they really did hear me and, at some point, they will get it!

I would break down the message into Q&A. Either what I'm saying needs more research or I'm successful in waking someone up for some period of time (this is not always pretty). I'm just guessing here: if you have been discouraged for what you're trying to say you might need to wake up to that too. I tend to believe this: there is no way you can fail if you're really awake. In other words, one can always be more awake if the situation requires it. Of course, awake has many levels. Also IMV, it is not an insult to not be awake so hope you don't take offence; it is a state one can and certainly will go in and out of.

Of course you may have older kids and I'm way out of my league here and have no experience or idea what I'm talking about (my boy is 6)!!

I agree with you and I am not offended. I am very much aware that there is always something more to learn!
My Kids are in college so they make their own judgements. But, I've got to think that in the back of their minds they hear me saying,"question everything". They may joke about me but if they, at least, stop and think when presented with information, then I did my job.

I hear you - I have had the most success when I was able to focus the person that I was talking to on to one particular topic and once I discovered what interested them I then proceeded to deep dive with them.

Truth be told, it took you (and me) many years to awake - if your children are extremely lucky they may get there in 10 years. Respectfully, it your responsibility to be there every step of the way!

While I can't (and would never presume) to understand your unique situation) it may simply require some love, patience and time on your part.

I hope that my comment has helped - all the very best to you and your children!

Very eye opening article. I have to admit that I never put much thought into whether or not most forms education actually included indoctrination. You have made some great points and I like that you backed up your opinions with facts. I can tell you put a lot of thought into this, and well, it's now got me doing a lot of thinking!

Thank you sharing your thoughts @contentking.

Please reach out if you have questions.

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Thanks so much for the valuable post, it actually did really resonate with me, as it is so important how we educate this next generation. I actually thought you might find this post worth the read

great informative post. I do think that the education system needs to be improved, education like any other sector needs to evolve with current trends. Students needs to cultivate a mind which is curious and which critically analyzes problems and always questions the norms in society

education is not just inside the 4 corner of your room but a never ending process. i like it.

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