Lack of Sense of Belongingess in our Era

in #life7 years ago

Lack of Sense of belonging is basicly a feeling that you dont feel connected with anything on this earth religion , or a human being and there are tons of people feeling that way. It is the feeling that you are not madly devoted to any political party or any religion. Ofcourse you will always have some answers when people talk to you about it but mostly you don't even beleive your own answers.

Even in your hometown you feel nothing. The were you born is basicly just a place you born for these people. Family is important part for you only because you were together with them so long and they took care of you for your entire life. As similar with religion these people don't feel any patriotic feelings about their nation. Eventhough they have some wide information about to say these topics. They are mostly uncomfortable

I dont know its good or bad but I'm one of them. I dont feel nothing towards any religion nation or political but for me only bad part is every human being wants to feel something that made him special and who they become through the years. I feel like mostly in void. It is like even if you drop dead this minute the world is not going to feel anything about you. The good part is Isn't every bond you made is a weakness ? You have clear and relax head most of the time , because you dont have damn clue about how to live while you are devoted to something. It is simply like that.

It is FREEDOM , but sadly like every freedom it wont come with a sense of happiness. It is simply a choice it is a choice made by people who afraid of dedicating their entire life on something ( getting dumped , loving , losing someone you love ,) . It is basicly bowing your head on surprises. It is a way of living without meaning but completely full. Also it is being both selfish but thinking about people. It is a way of life both coward and brave . Basicly it is a giant paradox in itself.

For each individual I beleive that there is a cure that lies on somewhere and you need to find it. It is a disease therefore people with low sense of belongingness seek their medicine like restless soul . The symptoms are commonly like that getting bored of a 3 month old phone , going to a shitty movie without any sleep and ofcourse the books. The book's become prison for you after a while.

Eventually you say to yourself I need a cure and to endure life you get marry and to forget life you make a children but after a while all these become your pathetic efforts and your prison becomes even smaller. Loneliness in theathers , movies even in internet. There are tons of lonely people in the crowds. Cronical dissatisfaction I definelty now what I don't want but I'm clueless about what I want . Say Hello to the lives that have been in the purgatory for years.

It is a strong feeling that you destroy yourself while you are searching a safe harbour for yourself.

As the poet said When sense of belonginess become chronical you get the hatred of the whookers and curse of the virgins. God bless you wont even have jesus or moses.


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