Programming Is The Future #2

in #life7 years ago


I often get the question of my siblings „Why don't you become a nurse? An educator? A teacher? Or a bank clerk? Something normal to earn money with…

The answer is so simple. The world is changing fast. A few years ago it was normal here in Germany to get a pension after you worked hard your whole life. Thats why people went to work because of the safety when they get older. But it is not like that anymore. The workers receiving lower pensions than they are entitled to. The state retirements do not provide the primary care any longer… So obviously it is out of question for me to exercise a „normal“ profession. 

Coding is not a fashion trend which is outdated in a few months. It is the future! It doesn't matter wether a homepage, apps, bots etc. So many things are possible in the new life of internet. No wonder that eight of the top 25 jobs this year are tech positions. A software engineer could just as easily find themselves working at apple as they could at an automotive manufacturer or in a hospital. I just read in an article that over 7 million job openings in 2015 were in occupations that required coding skills. The programming jobs overall are growing 12% faster than the market average. And these were the statistics of 2015!!!

The answer is so simple. The world is changing fast. A few years ago it was normal here in Germany to get a pension after you worked hard your whole life. Thats why people went to work because of the safety when they get older. But it is not like that anymore. The workers receiving lower pensions than they are entitled to. The state retirements do not provide the primary care any longer… So obviously it is out of question for me to exercise a „normal“ profession. 
Coding is not a fashion trend which is outdated in a few months. It is the future! It doesn't matter wether a homepage, apps, bots etc. So many things are possible in the new life of internet. No wonder that eight of the top 25 jobs this year are tech positions. A software engineer could just as easily find themselves working at apple as they could at an automotive manufacturer or in a hospital. I just read in an article that over 7 million job openings in 2015 were in occupations that required coding skills. The programming jobs overall are growing 12% faster than the market average. And these were the statistics of 2015!!!

 If you put in the hours and effort, you can master new skills and take control of your future! 

When I tell people that I started coding with HTML and CSS and it took me just a few months, they are freaking out. Where ? How ? Didn't you study ? Do you have a computer science degree? 

Luckily my mentor guided me to the right path as I told you in my very first post here on Steemit and showed me some great websites to get to know more about coding. There are a lot of online services on the market which offer online classes to learn any programming language you want to. You dont need any tech degree to understand what the teachers are talking about. It is unnecessary to study IT for many years. I am convinced that dedication is the key to success! With the right portfolio of skills and experience, you dont need a Computer Science degree to launch a promising career. You can go from beginner to job-ready in 3-12 months!It is not that difficult as you may think. Just stick to it and keep practicing. Anyone can be a developer and is able to learn to build amazing things!

Which language do I recommend for beginners?

It is such a matter. Every language has its pros and contras. You can use any language for different topics. For example 

Swift/Java  for creating Apps

HTML /CSS/JavaScript  for creating homepages

C#  for writing windows destop applications

JavaScript/C#/C++  for making 2D/3D games

There are hundreds of various programming languages. These were just some examples to see what you are able to build!
I did a little research and was a bit surprised. I had a look at the skills that tech employers are asking for. Java was most asked in 2016 than all other languages. With over 2900 mentions per million listings is Java way more in demand than C# which comes after Java with under 750 mentions per million listings. Java remains incredibly popular in the enterprise and job seekers can´t go wrong learning it. But my personal opinion is to take advantage of each languages special strengths as well!


Tip by Soldier - This is more for the parents here on Steemit! I just found an online service which offers coding for kids! How amazing is this?They can create apps, explore stem, build games, control robots, flying a drone and a lot more. When your child is a fan of computers, technology and apps this is a great way to teach him/her important skills in a fun way! 


Tip by Soldier - This is more for the parents here on Steemit! I just found an online service which offers coding for kids! How amazing is this?They can create apps, explore stem, build games, control robots, flying a drone and a lot more. When your child is a fan of computers, technology and apps this is a great way to teach him/her important skills in a fun way! 


Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
-Albert Einstein

The internet is evolving

There are several published articles which forecast how our internet and technology will develop!

  • Internet connection will be permanent and automatic
  • Virtual reality will play a major role
  • Privacy will become products
  • Machines might take over your jobs

All this wouldn´t be possible without programmers! Internet is the future and so programming will be...

I thought this post was important to mention because programming is really the future! We should start teaching kids at school and focus on the new technology!

Stay focused

Love, Soldier


Definitely gonna find a good coding course for kids. It should be a part of basic early childhood education.

Learn from scratch

Wow, that looks great! Thanks... I'd love to find something for toddlers too though.

There are some decent visual programming tools being developed that will eventually be really nice for young audiences. There are a few that are similar to scratch but a little more "stripped" down. For instance, there is Eve is really cool because it takes a declarative approach (akin to SQL) which makes it much easier to understand off the bat.

@piedpiper, I agree with @whd, use Scratch, it's the best tool for kids over 8-9 years. I use it with Succes at my curses. If your kids are younger that 8-9 years you can try

But what about kids not interested in coding?

Scratch like but for android platform

I don't know why but I thought you were a soldier! lol

I love when women do something that was previously reserved for men. My sister is an IT specialist and I'm so proud of her! <3

Nice !
No I am not a soldier in the army :P

Sounds great and I would recommend people not to learn coding if they are just looking for jobs. In my country, companies require degree, doesn't matter if you know nothing. I myself is keen to learn coding to build an empire on my laptop.

Thats true but swift (iOS) is also a great opportunity for becoming a coder. You can create and design apps by your own!

Yes, @soldier. I searched a lot about programming last year when I also decided to change my field, just like you. I was an accountant and holds a master degree in business. Very happy to see that people like you who work hard get success. I, unfortunately, haven't succeeded in my life yet.
Wrote a blog about my life, you can read it whenever you get free.

P.S Not sharing this article for your upvote but just wanted to share the story of my hard work and still going on.

What do you mean with job-ready? When is someone job-ready?

I don't know how to code.

But see, the thing is, I agree with you.

Remember how not everyone used to be able to read and write? It's because they didn't need to.

Now, theres no way you could get by in modern society without knowing how to read and write.

I think coding might end up being the "reading and writing" of the future.

Our whole lives are becoming dictated by computers, and thats only going to continue to increase as technology becomes more and more technologically advanced.

Like I said, I don't know how to code.. but it's certainly something I'd like to (and think I should) learn.

@Soldier, do you have a discord?

great point about how 'need' helps shape the decisions that people make.

Absolutely. It's all about necessity, and we should stay in touch with what the rest of the world is doing. Just in case ; )

Never thought about it like this, nice point of view!

Thanks! Glad you think so!

Totally agree with you. Coding is the future for sure. You said it could be like reading and writing today. But image being one of the first people who learned to read and write? They were able to create books and stuff like that which people are still reading today!

I have no discord, its like learning another language! Start now ! :-)

Haha no, discord is a communications app! A lot of the steemit community has been using it to chat with Ione another!

Quick feedback, there are a couple of paragraphs duplicated in your post.

Besides that, I agree wholeheartedly. I've been programming for nearly 15 years (wow that makes me sound old) and know that I have excellent job security. I've worked remotely for the last 6 years, you can't really say that about many higher salary jobs.

Before I started programming I had a pretty big mental block, but I applied myself and became proficient quickly. I really believe anyone else can do the same!

I'm a software developer and I approve this post. ;)

And everything will be on the blockchain! ;)

So true. I have been hard core programmer for over a decade. Have fun developing programs for embedded devices. Mind you there are billions of them. With iot, cloud computing,ai, deep learning and block chain, there has never been a better time to be a programmer

I do want to caution people though, lot of these programming can be automated.AI can just do that.For example majority of testing can be automated. Same with programming language , lot of code can be auto generated and reused.But if you know a platform, how to get a product out using that platform, it will be to your advantage.This is a life long learning process as well.many technologies and tools gets outdated rapidly.This is not easy money or job.If you have a passion go for it

It's strange or WOW But,My Mind driven by same philosophy about the choosing programming career, though I like programming bcoz I like to build things,A New things.

I read in comments that they don't understand programming,it is just an EXCUSE,I'm also not good at maths rather call it i mugged maths, But You know I'm keen believer in HARD WORK ALWAYS PAYS OFF.I'm driven by just one single thought when i'm learning programming,"DO WORK YOUR ASS OFF,NEVER GIVE UP".

For You Guys Who want to learn programming,I will post an article of programming resources where you can learn programming with great enthusiasm.

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