Everyone Seems Normal Until You Get To Know Them

in #life7 years ago


People Are Strange....

Something that has always fascinated me throughout my life are the strange human behaviors that people present as you get to know them. Some are just minuscule little quirks we all over look but its so common that everyone has that one thing that just is off and not a norm you will see in every day society. Maybe I am a bit too much of a people watcher but it intrigues me none the less what people secretly do without even knowing it themselves.

Did you know that many odd behaviors actually stem from many roots beyond just ourselves? According to one study the odd behavior of sticking your tongue out when trying to concentrate on something comes from the very humble beginnings of language evolution. During the period when mankind grunted and fumbled around pre-vocal language history it was a game of charades between humans to interact and explain to each other the environment around them. According to a recent study it appears that those of us with the quirk of sticking out our tongue when trying to solve a math problem or thinking hard on any problem thrown at us may have its history within this period when we had no resolve to speak out the answers to fellow mankind.

These are the kind of things I notice in people, just those little odd behaviors that make me wonder where these crazy quirks really come from

Another odd common quirk in humans is the fact most of us don't realize we constantly sigh with our lungs. We tend to associate sighing as distaste for something or sadness during a stressful moment but actually we sigh all day long every day without even realizing it. According to science, our lungs contain tiny air sacs called alveoli which is the exchange center for carbon dioxide to oxygen. Issue is these tend to collapse over time and when this happens the natural reaction is to sigh in some air to revive and bring back the alvoeli into working shape. We tend to associate sighs as a form of stress relief and honestly it is because when you go for a sigh of relief, you are actually reviving your lungs to carry on with the life giving art of breathing. Not such a quirk now is it when you notice someone doing this a lot.


The Elusive White Gummy Bear

Here is a little quirk of my own to share with you. How did this crazy article even come about in the first place? Well honestly it came from a bag of Haribo Gummy Bears and how weirdly I have this addiction to always hunt down the white ones which are my favorite. If they would just make the clear white ones I would probably buy that back vs the assorted ones we have. See people are strange when you get to know them. While hunting my favorite gummy bear flavor it hit me what a strange little quirk I personally have on this and what it all meant. Sadly science hasn't caught up to my gummy bear issue but I am figuring its only a matter of time before they do...lol.

What intrigued me though to write this is not really my addiction to a candy, big kid here on that one still even near 40 years old but what got me thinking is the process of thinking I tend to have. My true quirk that many don't know is my analytical mind, its always running and constantly on random from one thing into a slew of other though processes. This is how I actually come up with so much variety of content with my Steemit account and how I am always pushed to learn new things every day. Its a quirk of my personality that I live in my mind as much as I live in the world and that my friends is what got me into this writing about the human condition and how we act.

Can You Rightfully Label and Put Everyone in a Box?

Something I have noticed over the years is a need for more and more labels on people. How one acts is at a stage there is most likely a pill for that quirk. I don't know if its a societal fear of people being different from one self or if its truly that bad in human history where we are full of mental disorders but I tend to favor its society afraid to let people be the unique individual souls that they were born to be.

If we as a society are going to continue down to the path of conforming every soul on this planet like mindless robots then the true individual spirit will probably become lost. These little quirks and odd human behaviors do not need a nice little box with a label but more needs embracing for the beauty that makes each human alive unique. I can understand us wanting to find the answers as to why the world is the way it is but attacking individuality is a line I hope we as humans never cross.

So if you happen to catch me out on the streets, constantly pulling a handful of gummy bears out of a bag of Haribo Gold Bears, to grab only two and put them right back to hunt for me....that is just my individuality at play and a little human strangeness to share with you from my soul to yours. We are not perfect, we never will be but we are amazing for the inner things that we are and that is what being alive and human is about.


Everyone Seems Normal Until You Get To Know Them....And That Is A True Blessing Because It Would Be A Little Boring Without The Snippets Of Surprises In Life


Follow me @sflaherty


Welcome to the rather peculiar world of human beings…. There is nothing more foreign than that to which is most familiar…. JUST CALM DOWN EVERYONE - RELAX - EAT YOUR LUNCH and don’t be so sensitive…. We’ve Fallen Down, and We Can’t Get Up…. What’s on the menu Rick - Anybody…. Anybody at all…

One of my all time favorite movies lol. Does say a lot about the human condition in that film and how far society takes us down that road of strangeness.

That really is a great movie with an interesting psychological dynamic. Good post btw.

This is a gem of a steemit post - I find sanctuary in the fact my weirdness is normal and that I don't fit into the "standard square" or "mold", buck the labels!!


Old man you got this.gif

Really glad you enjoyed this post of mine. I agree, hell with the labels....we should all embrace the weirdness that makes us different...society has no clue how powerful it is to be unique

I feel you

I feel you.gif

Indeed true in this world you have to really work hard on something to get impressed but you know it is just simple being yourself everyday and being a perso with great values will make you all the person you are

Exactly....being ourselves and being good to others is essential to the positive growth within society and towards each other. Sometimes society wants to label and fix what isn't broken in people and that we have avoid in order to thrive as individuals. Great comment...really awesome to meet people that get it

Great post! I totally agree with the label thing, it seems so many try to do that now, in a way to try and yes understand people, but then it does take away their individuality in a way.

I also can't say I have ever had a white/clear gummy bear...now I feel as though I may be missing out and may have to start searching. I myself have a red kick. I love red skittles, gummy bears, etc. I will eat the others though.

I can say one of my little quirks is putting things in pairs while I am eating. If I have an uneven number I will eat the one or whatever it is to make it even. Then i will eat things two at a time. Grapes, candy, pickles, you name it (not with everything) but smaller things I do this with, I don't know why but I've done it for so long.

Anyways, thanks for the post. I really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great work. Upvoted. Check out my page too if you have a chance (I'm still pretty new to Steemit).

You haven't lived till you embraced the white gummy bear in life lol. Its just an odd thing I favor....think its stems from childhood and a habit that stuck with me in life.

I agree, we should always embrace the individual....instead of label and try to fix everything just let people be what they are and encourage the strangeness that makes us human. Well unless they are psycho's that we need to give pills for lol.

Its funny but my oldest daughter used to do the same very thing with the food needing to be portioned in even numbers lol. I think that is a common one I notice of people due to my daughter giving me such hell when she was younger to have it her way lol. I bet that stems from something in the human past to divide what little we had evenly in a tribe, just seems like that would be something that is passed down because I have seen so many people with that very trait.

Really great comment and I am glad to have met you here....welcome to Steemit, just followed and upvoted the recent posts you made...really great stuff so hope to see you go far with this community

Loving seeing a blog from you. I didn't know that about the tongue thing. I don't do it but have seen some people. I knew already about the sighing but still good refresher info from a different perspective. That's funny about the gunmy bears. MAYBE and i may be off on this but it could be those are free of the artificial dye the other ones have.
One weird thing about me with food is my absolute disgust of RAISINS! I've always hated them.
the only thing wrong with an oatmeal raisin cookie is the raisins!!
I asked a speech therapist about it once (she specializes not just in vocal pitch, etc, but also in good taste/texture/consistency).
My question was WHY do I like craisins but not raisins, my thinking maybe it was a texture issue which would not make sense obviously. ....turns out the little pitts in raisins granulize when they are dried. That's what makes a lot of people dislike them. Resteeming this

I am actually not a fan of raisins either, well I did like those California raisin commercials in the 80s growing up but that did not sway me into ever liking the food itself lol. Its a bitter taste about them that I am not a fan of. I will eat them if its in something I don't notice they are in but you have to trick me into that to get me to eat it lol.

I forgot to add but that tongue thing they say most children will put their tongue out to the left, in that study I mentioned they said that is due to the left hemisphere of the brain trying to allocate a language to something they don't understand and how they came up with the idea it stems from the past. I find that stuff fascinating lol....I am a guy with tons of useless knowledge, some reason I read and retain everything and probably why I think too much lol....me and @cryptofrygirl are the same in that way, you probably would sit in front of us noticing the two of us stare off into space thinking a lot. Me the less quiet type than she is though, I am able to multitask with the thoughts I guess while being a blabber mouth.

I figured hit up the old posts, still going to blog on a personal level now and then when I find time. Been so crazy in Visio this week its been hard to catch up with everyone....bad friend I know but I promise when I am the rich whale it will all make sense lol. Raisins need to be wiped off the planet but like you I do like craisins lol...tangy sour foods I tend to love.

Yes, even sand from a distance seems water. Mirage is present even in humans and it sometimes does quite a harm to other persons...i have peraonally been through.
P.S. After long Time seen your posts...

Very wise words. Such a great analogy. Sometimes from a distance things can seem safe but the mirage can fool you with human behaviors...that is something I have also seen in people myself. Great comment my friend. I been so busy lately over at Visio doing their marketing its been hard to sit down and blog but I am glad you liked this new one, do my best to do more when I can for you guys

Good post, thanks for sharing your stories, greetings from Venezuela

Greetings right back at you from Florida USA my friend. Glad you enjoyed, figured run with the idea before it slipped my mind lol

very interesting post.
I am more of a red and green gummibear-man.

I tend to label people a lot. Even when I have not exchanged a single word with them.
The way they look, walk or dress. I think "yep I know this kind of person, he is like xx or yy"
Sometimes I am right if I get to know them and sometimes I am totally off and they suprise me with beeing totally different then I expected.

It is a trade of mine I dont really like about myself.
The need to constantly catogorize people, I think it makes the world and its chaos a little easier for me.

I think we all tend to categorize people like that and slap labels where we maybe spot on or wrong with the label we place on a person. This I think comes from societal conditioning, the need to put an answer on the mysteries of life all around us. Nothing wrong with it but sometimes its a mission we do that tends to not always be a fact about a person. Trust me I do it too, I think people watchers tend to normally cast that label because we have that experience to view the world from the outside looking in. My thing is more against what psychology does with constant medications for every last quirk a person has, seems there is a pill for every aspect of who we are and I think its treading on a dangerous ground to conform the masses into mindless zombies so society can feel safe. Fear of human strangeness seems to have taken us to a level of making everyone the same, its just never going to work that way...we are all born with our own inner differences and that is the beauty of life and being human I believe. But its normal to label...we all do that and wonder sometimes why that is

Ohh then I totally didn't get your point :-)

but yes I agree with you. People who stand out of the masses seem to be weirdos and have some kind of illness or complexes and definitely need to get some medication ( I hope my sarcasm gets through here since it is sometimes hard through the internet).

But yes to be different is probably hard and comes with a lot of lonlyness if you dont want to give in. But I also think if you can find your "niche" and some support there it is managble.

All the people I admire seem to have broken the rules of society at one point and most of them say it was hard and they had often a lack of support or understanding. But they created something new or changed the world.

Embrace the difference.

On another note I just thought today "Steemit sometimes sucks people dont respond on their comments anymore" but you really proved me wrong there.

On another note that there is a pill for everything now is imo a clever mix of marketing and greed of a certain industry which makes pills. People will always look for quick fixes and buy them if you tell them long enough it will help solve problem x and y.

I kind of mind f@%Ked with this post lol....little hidden message in there but my oddness may have not come through within the writing but that is the glory of writing, it can be interpreted in a way that fits for the individual and not that author....lol.

Man do I agree with you about Steemit and the lack of interaction going on here lately. I have slowed down a lot here to take pause on what is going on with this community, well and I took a gig over at Visio with their marketing so its been hard to find time to write. My worry with Steemit is a flood of nonsense seems to be slipping in, the art forms this could have held high seems to be drowning out in the noise. I firmly believe in interaction though here, if someone takes a moment to write I feel its only right to respond...but I am a social guy always loving opinions from other sources than myself lol.

I am the same way, I am with more admiration for those that broke the rules and reached out to step above society to provide positive change. Risk takers with a drive for something better is ones I think we should all look up to.

I think we are at a strange stage in society, its kind of why I gave scientific facts about common strange habits then went into the spiel about the need to embrace the odd quirks people have. My view is this, does it really matter as to why we do what we do, the little habits and what nots? Sure the fact finding missions are interesting and I get the need to label and get answers on a lot of life's mysteries but is it really that serious if someone has a few odd behaviors that doesn't disrupt society? I notice the last few years its infomercial after another trying to sell something that will fix every last aspect of human behavior, from bad habits to true psychological issues we seem to want a pill for every occasion. Its worries me some, all these chemicals feeding into average lives with years down the road major consequences unseen yet.

To me it appears a dumb down platform to keep people in check, to kill the free thinking in some areas but maybe my quirk is a little paranoia lol.

Yes, you are right.

While I think some pills/medication has its place (depression fe), I have seen in my personal envirment how it can fuck with people if it is used as the endgamefix.

And I totally agree, if you have some small "tics" you dont need to bother getting rid of them. The world is much more colorful if we dont are all the same.

very interesting
I hope
We can become
the good friend in steemit. good luck.

Glad you liked, and friendships are always welcome this way. All the best my friend

Humans are a odd lot and the quirks is what makes life interesting makes ya wonder just how much is conditioning or genetics.

That is what i find fascinating, are we truly with free choice in the behaviors we carry or is it stemming from elsewhere? Biggest thing though, society to me is too hell bent on conforming everyone to be the same individual in their views....me, I kind of think its a blessing to be just a little off and different from everyone....its the odd ones that think outside of the box that bring positive change to the world usually. We are all odd in our own ways, what makes life amazing

LOL I am thinking the pioneer spirit removes the boxes from us..

Well set, it does tend to crush the boxes when you kind of think outside of that very box, great analogy

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