The Great 24-Hour Steemit Disconnect for Fun and Sanity

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Ok folks - the straw that broke the camels back finally made it's striking blow the other night when I found myself face down in a laptop keyboard. Let me explain......

Steemit Love

I love me some steemit. Pretty sure many can agree with me on that, especially if you are here reading this.

However, that love and dedication may have turned into an unhealthy relationship. I cannot recall the last time I went even 12 hours without interacting on steemit.

Couple that with working a full-time job and all the scaredycatguide stuff outside of steemit, that's allow of hours allocated.

Face Down

I was writing a post after work on Thursday that I planned to publish that evening. I was exhausted after a few 12 hour days, but still wanted to get it out.

Then about an hour after I started that post I woke up face down in my keyboard, some drool on the space bar and my hand still firmly placed on the computer mouse.

Uhm....I may need a break.

Later that night (after my "nap") I ended up on discord speaking with @giftedgaia and @gonzo and shared this moment with them. They decided I may need a steemvention, which was pretty funny at the time.

So with that I decided to launch my first....

Great 24-Hour Steemit Disconnect


There are so many if you out there that probably need to do this too. Just a one day break from not only steemit, but just being connected.

This Saturday (tomorrow) at 9am EST I will commence by 24-hour disconnect and will not go on to steemit until 9am EST Sunday.

Discipline is Encouraged

If anyone sees me post, curate, etc in between those times I encourage you do down vote me and give me a stern lecture in the comments ;-)

A Shout Out

Let me also say, @kus-knee got this break time idea in my head. I believe he is taking the entire weekend off from steemit. That idea is great, but I'm not missing the podcasts Sunday. You have great choices between the STP crew and Pirate Radio.

Steem on!

Well atleast for the rest of tonight, then see you on Sunday! Have a great weekend ya'll!

Image Source pixabay

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Steemit is quite addictive to me, I spent several hours here since I have joined. On the other hand, I've found myself been neglecting my instagram and facebook at all ! lol
Have a nice vacation dude ! Happy weekend :)

I hear that. My physical social life and my exercise time has been cut into severely.

Truly, it can create some big imbalances in one's life. When I started working out again, for example, in the early January, Steemit had to go. I simply didn't have time or energy left for it. Now I'm exercising again, albeit more moderately. And I'm steeming – also more moderately. Moderation in everything and healthy balance in one's life are the keys, I think.

This is very true, thank you for the insights! :-)

COMMENT: At the bell has rung. Let the 24-hour disconnect commence! :-)

I'm support this message and volunteer to help your friends mediate though the steemvention

Wish you a very pleasant nd relaxing break!!!

I just joined recently, but I am gonna disconnect from everything for a few days here soon too! Just far sanity's sake!

Great idea, gotta have some balance!

Talk about TIMING!

I took a BREAK too.

Disconnected from everything.

It was easy for me as I regularly disconnect from many things in life.

There's a book - The Power of Engagement - that taught me this. To actually manage ourselves, we have to manage our energy.

That's what top sports players are taught.

So it's fun to say goodbye to what we are addicted to.

I do love this:

I started that post I woke up face down in my keyboard, some drool on the space bar and my hand still firmly placed on the computer mouse.

Because I found myself in the same position, with lights on, and me waking up wondering what YEAR it is.

No kidding. xD

All in good fun though!

Yeah, that's pretty spot on! lol

A break helps to make us better.

Enjoy the break and come back stronger than ever!

Thank you, I'm sure a day will feel like an eternity.

They usually do if you are waiting on something. We are moving in 2 weeks and every day seems like it lasts twice as long because we can't wait to get into our new place.

I can relate. My wife was asking who this other woman named Steemit is :)

Steemit, breaking up marriages since March 2016.

I'll have to keep this post away from my wife, she may get ideas about me not being on steemit as much! Hah

For real, right? Good luck man :-)

I usually just wait until she has fallen asleep, so far I've avoided falling asleep mid post writing...but I have also been real tired during the day since joining, ohhh well.

We need coffee flavored caffeine infused craft brew!

how the heck did you know what I was drinking? are you controlling my pc cam?

You should really put a piece of tape over that thing. There is some stuff I just can't unsee!!!

yeah, well, that's on you. I never intended for anyone to see,......well, ...that.

I'm going to have to look into what sort of caffeine we can get into beers...think you just gave me my next reaearch project!

it's easier said than done. my steemit addiction might be growing on a day to day basis.
let me know how you disconnect goes :) all the best!

The disconnect was awesome! Did quick 1 day roadtrip with a friend. No computers for a full 24 hrs. Feeling relaxed!

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