[dear diary] strangers in the night ...

in #life6 years ago (edited)


@ubasti is 64.06423611111111111111 days old and has distributed 8.679SBD to participants
@sakhmet is 59.67266203703703703703 days old and has distributed .562SBD to participants
@maahes is 8.18848379629629629629 days old and has distributed .032SBD to participants
@rudyardcatling was old when the world was young and has given out x botvotes by x , y by y etc to followers and voters

(auto-generated and included work in progress, clearly ... no votes from @kiwibot today so far ... ) voting power is at 90% so that shouldnt be too long then anymore i suppose ... i hope
the text was ready, i just need to insert the pictures ... ofcourse ...

well yes, vault-accounts with a social use to it ... do not complain pl0x ... a bit of a mess tonight as i try to straighten it out , luckily i have batchpay and autogenerated textbodies, it still takes a lot of time apparently ... security , you see, having a system running 24/7 with an unlocked wallet seems like a really bad idea to me ... call me paranoid so ... im thinkin an account that holds nothing to funnel the funds through for payment might be a nice extra barrier into getting to my goodies but accounts cost money so that'l be for later

edit::last edit(ihope) i forgot to re-steem in between, dammit .... messy night ... DID SOMEONE TRY TO CALL ME ? i dont see any missed calls on any phones, messengers, line, wechat or skype ?

i also wish to state : this section "dear diary" has text unedited since typing it other than for layout and pictures and videolinks inserted on posting time ... it portrays my mood and thoughts at the time when i typed it, i will not alter that for fake appearance of convenience, it might or might not correlate with how i feel and what i'm thinking right now, given my hyperthreading chaos zone they call brain i doubt that very much , i was told its a hard act to follow, i had only one thing to say to that



freshly posted already an entry

3:44 ...

it is totally repeating, like the number what was that one movie where jim carey acted ? that and the shiney thing ?

no matter what time of night i pick to go out, its ALWAYS the moment where 1 to 5 minutes after someone comes by ... the stalker car, this time two guys i never seen before, one of them staring at me like a triffid again ... some urban legend about me flipping when i'm stared at, its easy to follow trails if you let out a bat-echo

or a cat-echo .. you can see it come right back , especially in hicktown like this ... this place is SO cramped, i need me time and there is none, i cant move five metres without being in invadable space, i cant go out in the middle of the night without bumping into humans

my goal was set before i got stuck here and it will never change, how can i be me , living in a dump in a shithole i hate for over 30 years ?

i dont wanna shake hands, i dont want friends here, i want OUT

with my cat

before its too late

i will be saying that a lot, like that p.o.w. i keep mentioning, trapped behind enemy lines

serial number

i hate this fucking place, days dawning already ... organic & garden waste day glass waste day, ... put it out pop pill sleep ... wake up rinse repeat

hell is all about repetition

do you have my money, bitch ? every cent i couldnt make since the day you stuck me here ? plus intrest so i can LEAVE this place and pretend belgium never happened

10:24 ...

it woke me up at 8:30 ... telling me "they will be here this afternoon" , see i DONT hear voices its like someone tries suggesting while im sleeping, i suppose this time to get me busy at rising chickens at the threat of "them" ... so that would be so stupid as it would mean "they" are "a thing" and "they" control me LOL

its hot ... sunny, if i go outside now ill be itching in 15 minutes , i SHOULD have this morning at 5am but i was too tired because i wake up too early every day.

Lucky with the early, i found a box with some earl grey in it ... i love that fragrance ... even if its teabag tea, quarter lump of sugar, no more ... certainle beats coffee in periods of high stress. Voter went down from 0.043 to 0.041 overnight again, a bit less and i cant split it in two anymore again so i'll need more votes on myself which is less for others , damn shame if you ask me, i could be giving 5 to 10 payable outvotes by now if it wasnt for these manipulations

and thats that, its too hot to do anything and i have to keep my brain dead

i cooked food for two days last night, at best i'll do some cleaning in the house and wait for midnight ... and hope when i go out FOR ONCE I SEE NO HUMANS

14:23 ...

i'm gonna have to re-do my witness vote list , check some more out because clearly someone is messing with the payouts, it stinks of "thou shalt not bot-vote lest thou gets cookies from above" .. it does, the longer this lasts the more i see the more it reeks of it, and i cant have a vote for people supporting that, so i'll have to check it

i just saw my cat crawl on that litterbox, i havent seen that in over a year, after i said so yesterday, maybe he's feeling it too, this place is cramped and SMALL and outside is enemy territory

is the price right yet ?

otherwise ..o but my post is ready, definitely its 30 cents worth, and four times the backed content a 5000 dollar post gets :p

SO ... quod erat demonstrandum ... lets see what flixxo has to offer, i mean all these nice little dapps here are fine, but they work on the same blockchain so the more you use the more your votes get spread and i already have almost nothing to spare at the current price rates ...

14:45 ...

from that other bit

see? i got interrupted again, i get interrupted ... like that wynona in that movie which is funny because i'm not ... and "borderline" isnt an actual condition either ... its a SET of conditions in a venn-diagram flipping from one to the other, the layman or lowerclass psych would simply call it borderling , leaving out the actual conditions its flipping between but i'm not

i get interrupted ... in this place ... ALL THE TIME because everythings a trigger, see? what does this have to do with how to use svg for imaging ? NOTHING, but its HERE cos its coming out RIGHT NOW AS I TYPE

i think that's enough for one post since i wont get the 500-1000 votes needed to make it worth anything and its already a lot more than the famous get by being famous (yes , thats sarcasm precious, not jealousy ... i dont do jealousy ... i DO do hate though when i get fucked over, lifetime subscriptions there)

o well haveacookie.png maybe you can profile me to figure out how to get me "that job" which i'll never accept again, and if you force me i'll make you regret it

its not gonna get me what i need so its not worth it , i already have nothing so if i cant get what i need then it will be nothing , thats it

violation of my privacy is a capital offense, privacy , once screwed can never be un-violated, in this dump with cardboard walls and only a few metres of space to move without getting into invadable space, even at 4 in the morning where sapients just come stalking and there's nothing i can do about it, i dont own the sidewalk ... THIS PLACE IS TOO SMALL I CANT THINK HERE

a lot of that

all the time

every day

day after day
since im stuck here

until im out of here? hopefully it stops there but i think it will require a healing period after, what i DO know is that HERE it will never get better


feeding time almost, get pill ready ... frosty is the message and the way ... nothing much to do, post ready ... vote for myself since at these rates i have nothing left for anyone else ...
uh huh ... so what, i know but so what ? if my vote goes down the more money i pump into it it doesnt make much sense to me, but i dont give a shit since there's no alternative (see, thats where i bore myself having to repeat myself)

i guess i'll go over the witness blogs one by one see what their agenda is, give them a rating from intellectual anarchist over neutral all the way down to content fascist and base my votes on that

16:57 ...

pop pill ... feeding time ... another day of my life wasted in hell, a day i'll never get back , with nothing to do thats worth my while, nothing that gets me what i need, and nothig to look forward too, sadly for you, precious, although i sound suicidal to some

that's the last thing i'll ever do and IF that were ever to happen i'm not the kind to im-plode


darkness be my friend,

arise children of night, the day is gone the streets are quiet

the city ours for the taking (o look , ive seen posts like that too

<-- posts about that size, getting about the same as this ... so, like i keep saying unless you're good doggie, IT DOESNT REALLY MATTER)

17:49 ... sleepyvotes ... i would vote on replies but busy.org wont show them again so i cant use the slide so i'll just vote on one of my own comments



00:30 ...

all quiet ... suspicious ... vote down to 0.039 again ... thats no longer dividable by two then

coming from 0.06 in somewhat over a week i guess i should be panicking or something ...

pointless, nothing to do but HODL

trying to install peertube, but ofcourse it uses another server than apache ...

best i rtfm up on that

looks like steemit doesnt support it yet anyway

yea yea yea ... money first, honey, you know i dont function otherwise

01:50 ...

more earl grey ... waiting for ... something ...

"dont just wait"


mm hm

3:57 am ...

busy.org still wont show "replies" so i can do a split vote for two people so i guess i simply wont


amazing though ... just came back from the catwalk, for once no stalkers in sight

all posts for 2am ready before 4pm , cooked food for 2 days yesterday, for 2 more again today, i'm good til sunday all i have to do is heat up

amazing really how well i function if i work for me AND at night

without interruptions or "that is how its done"

but well ... whats the point lets see .. oh vote at 0.039 ... from 0.06 in a week i still cant believe thats just the price dump im starting to suspect content nazi maneuvers again like idiots who would up the dust treshold to 0.1 ... or maybe other Trumpians who would diminish the value of your vote if you vote on yourself, but what can i do like this ? i need all my vote power for me ?

tell you what, i 'll give 10 10% votes on my feed

that should get no one nothing

including me

thats better then maybe ?

i no longer understand whats going on here if its not the squashing of the plebs to create a small elitist fenced off group

feed, sleep, repeat :)

yay more hell tomorrow ... do you have my money bitch ? so i can get out of here with my last remaining cat before its too late to enjoy it

before its simply too late

i shouldnt have been here in the first place

i was doing FINE, achieving where i needed to go

you fucked all of that up

05:58 ...

well i was up and they pay came in for ubasti so

and what i saw made me eeuuuh ... my steempower nearly doubled with that one whalevote

in ONE post heh ... shows how stingey the fortune 500 is , here as in real life ...

on catling my account value goes down 6 dollar despite i get 7 steem power but my vote power goes up one promille ... this is the end of all logic , i totally fail to see the system here

imagine getting a few votes like that every month, everyone could be balling in no time

fucking stingey bastards

but A BIG THANKS TO @haejin ! ! ! ! !

it got distributed mate, thats what @ubasti does, i'm sure everyone will love you for that !!!

o no wait, the value didnt go down six, it went down 20 fucking dollar ...

i do NOT get any of this anymore

09:50 ....

unacceptable ... back to bed ...

10:12 ....

unacceptable ... too much day left to bear ... what do we have ? english blend okay ... wow, $1.07 ? TO THE MOON ... friday huh ? last day of school year ... that cant be good, shitty day expected

mmh ... like every day since i got stuck back here by third party interference

allright then ...

vote, wait, repeat, sleep, night

i got food cooked until sunday ... about everything except that fucking garden, i LOVE garden ... garden is good, but hear its just a patch of zero privacy with eight houses around you in every direction within 5 metres

and I HATE working in a garden about as much as i hate this place, its gonna have to wait till the last moment so i dont accidentally have to pick a weed twice

first of of all im allergic

second, sunlight makes it worse

three : thats one thing i cant do at night in a plce where everyone else lives within arms distance

four: if you woulda let me do, i wouldnt be living here and five

if you woulda let me do i could pay someone to do it for me

so, none of your bla is heard, talk to the hand and FUCK OFF

o yea good morning, i didnt have my morning sex and pancakes so im cranky

for years now , i wake up and it takes about five seconds to realize where i am ...


yes ... repetition ... yes ... a lot of that ... yes, indeed, a lot more to come i suppose, i dont see me getting out of here this year


still cant make sense of the whole computation between value and vote power atm, i got the formula, i can calculate it but how that relates to my amount of sp versus everything else at once i dont know, except if someone on top is messing with the reward pool or something can be fiddled with account vote weight ... from top ...
there's some section in the json somewhere that states "can vote" and "multiplier" and all that so it stands to reason that its possible


that would be a LIE

a blatant lie

this section is called "dear diary", not "Harry Potter goes Green Gables" ... i'll be positive when there's something to be positive about, i was doing fine they stuck me here, i havent had a day of life since, i have one cat left and i dont think i'll get out of here this year ... that's the situation, they try to break me into accepting fatalistic snickers money life but that gets me nowhere near what i need so i wont

so i bend

and i twist

yet i give away every day as i had intended from the start when i was getting where i needed before THEY STUCK ME HERE

serial number

its gonna be a long summer ... its too hot to think

its too hot to anything


its definitely too hot to do anything at all, the ants are back too, every year they eat a little bit of the house and invade that glass bit ... the bit that makes it unbearable downstairs during summer, its like a greenhouse, i wonder what it was like before i got stuck back here when they came home after six months ? a whole anthill in the living room ?

o dear yes, two lines of code ...


, not here for your entertainment either, as you are clearly not for mine

14:05 ...

defensive, you say ? that's not the word, but i see how you would, you hippie, no it's "damaged", damaged by too many of your kind telling me, manipulating or FORCING me into "that is how its done" , i dont get these interruptions when im in a place of my choosing but i get them under stress here with increasing frequency, and thats not gonna get better, DEAR diary ...

i wonder how that cleaning thing is done ... ive been mopping the floor downstairs for three days in a row, and it still looks like its been not for a week, makes me wonder about those houses i sometimes get to where you enter and its like they just un-froze time, right before you came in ... no matter where you look, not a speck of dust, loose papers or a book in sight ... ?

no cables having their own life twisting about, nope ... its like they just moved in there and Reddingtons crew cleaned it five minutes ago ... maybe i'm using the wrong mop ? or the wrong water ?

14:28 ...

grind some xp with poison arrows while cleaning a little while FORCING a few lines of code in between


well, i run around in circles anyway, havent had a day of life or focus so i have to weave it from the chaos little bit by little bit ...

makes me wonder if its still a good idea to leave my steam profile online 24 hours or all day or night ... now the WHO has declared "gaming disorder" an official disease ? i can see the bootcamps bursting from the ancient temple soil ... let me guess ... the U.K. first ? france, then germany in the name of extremists and what about the children, then greece and poland ofcourse and then after all the rest Hellgium because "that is how its done" ... half the crypto-community losing their daily bread because they're denied access to the internet until "they are cured"

into something the elders can recognize ...

hmz ...

yea well bla, and bla, dont care ... that world is dying, its normal it has spasms and tries to kill whatever follows it ... OOH SIRENS ... i can filter a siren out no matter where in town it is ... but only here, anywhere else a van can drive me by at 120km/h blaring i dont even jolt ... #fuckflanders, #fuckflanders, #fuckflanders ... maybe they are playing gangwars again ... cops at the school ... head mistress covering up ... then inch high youtube gangsters playing gangwar on someones front lawn ...

its not like i havent been a kid, right, and its like i actually HAVE been with the heavies ... so thats actually exactly WHY ... i try not to interfere but that becomes impossible when threatened, filmed and set up ... thats when it becomes vendetta

SEE ? i was talking dark souls, all it takes here is one sound in the distance ... and off i go



you dont like my update style ? its an update on the state of things ...

i tried voting for the guy who gave me a bump on @ubasti that nearly double my steem power in ONE VOTE ... (goes to show ..) for witness but it hangs ... now i dont really know the system since i try to AVOID politics like the plague, just like any kind of trouble since its all delay on getting out of here ... but does that mean only people who are already approved by the ruling tribal lords can actually GO for witness ?
well doesnt matter

i tried

dark souls ... yea thats inbetweenies ...

i wanted the dagger but first i got

then i had to re-do

so ... another question arises, seeing as some companies (of who i will never buy titles again lest they beat all others) are sueing KIDS over cheating online in games ? i mean not like for threatening to burn someone's house down or for selling stolen barbiturates or fighting on peoples lawns or stuff, no, for cheating in online games ... DUDE !

does backing up a savegame of a game i already bought twice + the sequels and finished so i dont have to re-do the whole thing for one achievement

count as breach of EULA ? like microshyte said "you have breached the EULA, we don't have to give you a reason" ... and all the data was gone

A+ for peertube and the upcoming lot

15:14 ...

got maahes into project folder tried and tested, i wonder if its against ancient content nazi morals to keep vault accounts and then actually use them for something like this ? i mean no way in hell i can fill it up with content all four, let alone if i get more (i do NOT feel safe leaving more than 500sp in one account with the current security ... not until i get something 2fakkie so i can recover, some insurance OR rich enough to not give a shit about 500 steem)

i mean who could have a problem with something that distributes money ? content nazis only, right ?

15:48 ...

o yea, they say it's therapeutic ... im not so sure of that, its luring at least , that it is ... kortje vande viern en nog ginne petat gescheldj OW AIT ... my potatoes are peeled up until sunday, under cover of the night ... so whats missing ?



3:31 am ...

spent the better part of the night since i woke up sorting out the systems ... i will need a web-api on my site (i dont like network folders) to post the bla is days old and has bla which i can wget from deardiary ... instead of usb-sticking it from pc to pc ...

strange car in my street at 3am ... so what does the cat do ? i can obviously not walk with my cat when there's cars around, so ... considering all the threats ranging from cousin bakneger will burn my house down to nonkel blue angel will break my face to cousin lorazepamneger met zijn dure kleren aan will call de bende van habib i get a little itchy when theres strange cars in my street at 3am ... (no racism intended btw ... but its stereotype acting like stereotype ... i have never had ANY trouble in molenbeek personally ...) STILL ... a threat is a threat, seeing as i used to hang with REAL heavies 12 years ago who, if they said "ill be at your door tomorrow" then they WERE ... i take these threats very seriously

so i take my bat and go outside, knock on the window and ask if the lost the way or something ... its a guy i know texting lol, he comes in the dead end street to be safe from you know who

well, .... yes i dont call police see, some think thats a problem but its how i was raised in any side on any level ...

no problem then , ... but a bit of tension there for a moment

for some reason "it" will keep threatening me too, here, because i dont OBEY ... it must some remnant from back when i was in that nationalist youth movement ... and also, the way the cops here act, its usually already settled if you already have a record, combined with the power of yokelgossip in large numbers , but who gives a shit, its not like i want friends here, i want everyone to leave me THE FUCK ALONE so i can make haste in getting out of here, and never have to see this place again
you can blame whoever pulled strings to break up my life and forced me get stuck back here, i hate this place since i was 15 , not necessarily the people, it only takes a handful of wormtongues to do serious damage, but i hate THE PLACE, the whole fucking lot, the whole country , its SO small , smallminded, it KEEPS people small

stay in your caste, do as you're told

it's no use otherwise


my mind was made up years before i got back here, it hasnt changed and it wont, no matter what, im not in your way, and you certainly dont wanna be in mine with every second of life i lose here never coming back

how much time did you spend on this shyte ?? way more time than your average 700 dollar utopian dicksucker post

but you have to be POSITIVE

but i prefer to be REAL ... its ME ... not a facade

allright, then now to the goodies, other than the goodies already listed on top

and the winner is :

@steembasicincome #steembasicincome #borderlessnation !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTHING is sacred, YOU have the right to question


people who are receiving daily votes thanks to yours truly @rudyardcatling because i got a share in @steembasicincome for me ... isnt that the nicest thing ? a pledge i made long ago when things looked a bit brighter right in front of me, 10% of every year, slightly distorted and applied (for now, with no obligations ofcourse)
shares will be given from different accounts now as i try to balance it between my vault-alts ... who double as distros or they would just be sitting there ofcourse, but always taken from @rudyardcating voters or followers, the effect should be the same for the other party

i have to thank @dannyshine for enrolling me (without telling me, i wouldnt have noticed if i didnt check my logs) so i dont tell the others and they wont know unless they read here or check their logs , just remember long after you use it before they implement it

@dannyshine, @fishmon , @futuremind , @free999enigma (x2), @mikebluehair42 , @lastditch , @darsico(x2) , @moeenali , @bobdos , @hfnetworks , @yehey , @travelkorea , @zoeyvalliant , @hispeedimagins , @xplore , @pinoy , @recordrealm , @lovelyboo , @tushar83904 , @naf , @pssf84 , @truthbeyondlies , @lemouth , @papa-pepper , @nanocheeze, @sammycakes, @qam2112 , @thedailysneak , @andre-verbrick , @dunstuff , @creepycrazylife , @crypto.piotr , @minpine , @cryptoasis
find #steembasicincome at @steembasicincome, they will reply on the feed but better on the discord
not sure if all those are still correct, i'll check it some time, but im sure you can find their feed if need be ... the rules ? blablabla, first of all i give away what i give away so i dont think there's anything to debate but first goes random from the top voters at the moment of 10X, if all top voters have had one within one month then it goes random from then 1000+ followers, MIND YOU : ONLY NON STALE ACCOUNTS, NON BOT ACCOUNTS AND NO ACCOUNTS THAT ONLY RE-STEEM or it would be a waste, so yea, there's two people who have two, they happen to be top-voters on my account, why would that be unfair ? and even if it is ... you're free to refuse a share if you get one, i dont get paid to diplomat
to be put up : also the outgoing botvotes (small ones) i usually give when i get payout that is over a certain amount of sbd ... since at current mechanics and rates its not really sound to split my vote up for anything other than exposure


(image from https://www.innovationtoronto.com/ )

i will ofcourse check the account before i send, if it's a 'stale' account then putting sbi bots on it to vote is 100% pointless

i think we can all agree on that ?


there we are, see you at 300 (im not sure i'm keepin track here i send the sbi way before because i keep the messages for content, open book, hyperthread, THINK MORE, work less unless its for yourself, symbiosis is the key to nature)

@rudyardcatling catta liiina , puts his cat in the senate then asks the powers that be : "if you see any whale with 2million sp give 10 percent out in daily vote shares instead of telling you to entertaim them ... you know, do a little monkey dance and tell a funny and maybe then you get a crumb ... give them a round of applause) ... i think that's it for now
i know its caligula, dude, but how does that rhyme with cat?

thanks for your patience

and kind consideration

owh .. by the way ->

i do not ask for anything in return nor will i refuse anything that doesn't come with strings attached, if anyone for any reason doesn't want their share , they can always give it back, it's all in the faq, since this is the internet i assume you know what that is, and where to find it
it's easy to be magnanimous and enlightened when you're pockets are ALREADY FAT

last but not least :

Re: Okamoto Killed in Fukuoka (Score:4, Insightful)
by cayenne8 ( 626475 ) Alter Relationship on Wednesday June 27, 2018 @04:46PM (#56853576) Homepage Journal
Sounds like they need "sensible knife laws" in Japan....
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.........
Moderated 'Funny.' 2 points left.
Flag as Inappropriate

Re: Okamoto Killed in Fukuoka (Score:?)
by KingBenny ( 1301797 ) on Friday June 29, 2018 @12:47PM Homepage
yes, i assume a savvy marketeer will soon come out with an all new unhackable "smart knife" patent ... after which all rocks in the country need to report for immediate lockdown ... bricks probably too, maybe sticks and branches later ... DEFINITELY boards , maybe best to amputate everyone's hands until we can figure out how to install "smart hands" ...
Free speech was meant to be free for all... how can anyone grow up in a nanny state ?


yea so i was gonna go to Iceland, instead i'll be here in van drukkerland ... counting the seconds until the summer has gone by


yes well not talking about persons here but about conglomerates who have been stripmining the planet for generations . To say their solely responsible for climate change might be scientifically inaccurate but to say they're responsible for pollution, increased cancer rates, poverty and crime certainly is not ... but HEY, its the taxpayers duty to blame it on the unemployed and the foreigners, so what are you waiting for ?

i just received a mail from mt. gox after (i lost count) how many years that i may be able to get my 1.5 BTC back at the prices from back then ... that stuff i gpu mined when the world was young ... which would have gotten me a LOT of money by now trading it ...

microshyte banned my login account email ... for no reasons given, i have NO CLUE what name i registered under back then so many years ago (i mean it was THEN, it was gox ... the myth of anonimity existed) ...

my point ?

paper law is useless to all but those who write it


it's what they used to call 'hacking' before hollywood raped the word ... free software and FINALLY an actual use for an iThing other than keeping the sales dept. in play


proof of space hm ?

so i should invest in petabytes in order to make money now?


It’s not clear how many ‘memes’ are killed in the process, but what many people describe as the ‘censorship’ that will ‘destroy the Internet,’ is already fully operational on the largest video sharing platform of all.

for lack of better wording myself


me : https://steemit.com/introduction/@rudyardcatling/signature-post-20180501

if there is any questions regarding the accounts : @rudyardcatling , @ubasti , @sakhmet , @maahes , feel free to joi https://discord.gg/TB4XDdU and ask away, i'm not always on keyboard but i check at least once day ... feel free to lurk and feel free to post any steemit links in the appropriate channel, you can ask questions by leaving a comment @rudyardcatling , i try to read all of them but i might not on the other accounts

well, if you read all that .... most people dont even read the comments on photos i post lol ... if you read all that you can have a hug


there's a lot here that's okay 6 miles long sometimes i wonder if it's all from the same person :) but okay!


Congratulations, your post received 92.09% up vote form @spydo courtesy of @rudyardcatling! I hope, my gratitude will help you getting more visibility.
You can also earn by making delegation. Click here to delegate to @spydo and earn 95% daily reward payout! Follow this link to know more about delegation benefits.

Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 9 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 19 SBD worth and should receive 200 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

thank you very much @trufflepig

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