signature post 20180501

in #introduction6 years ago (edited)

contrary to popular belief i'm quite friendly when not attacked ... don't ask me "are you at it again" because you're at it again, if you weren't at it again, i wouldnt have started

at the moment of posting and/or last edit of this post my 100% vote is worth : .01029350711030130552

to be filled since that's not how it's done but too many people have been telling me

the smartest thing someone who has the clout to prove it here so far anyone said to me

you have to see the game for what it is

so i opened my eyes

if you need to you can call it bi-polar ... it's nothing that simple if it is anything at all other than me not being you it would be a severe multi-dimensional shifting borderline condition so if that makes you comfortable i don't mind as long as it protects me from your defensive reaction. I am not who i used to be, which seem to be very confusing for people talking about that guy they knew 20 years ago or about the kid ... you killed that kid and you broke the guy. The guy is broke and broken and neither of them are ever coming back.

i am me now, meoow....

to be used as a link so i dont have to repeat myself, imagine posting this at the bottom of every reply ? yea i thought so too, a link is better, and since i'm not an old nazi vampire, i tend to change as i grow or get wounded, so once a month seems fair, to be edited as it goes

i have no mission to save the world, i don't have the secret to make you rich while sleeping ... i have the intention to have a sustainable income, free from government, phoneboy, scam artitsts geolocation and people who tell me what to do
and how to do it
i can not give what i don't have, i have a pledge to give 10%, which means every 10sp i gain, i put 1 steem for someone in @steembasicincome for as long as they remain true to their original intention, if that changes, i'll find another way to stay true to mine

i hate content nazis and i believe a witness system is nothing but a repetition for duly elected officials which has proven to not work for thousands of years now

i dont do popular opinion

i dont do potter fan fiction

i dont live in a place thats rich with the last nature

and i dont have pictures from starbucks or travels since i'm alraedy rich , because i'm a total fucking bum

i wont lie to you, and i hope you respect that by doing the same

i was not going to have a second account or bot but i found a way to use one without begging or scamming for sbd, so @ubasti that is ... a distrobot that will divide all gains from every post equally amongts whoever voted on it, keeping its own share ofcourse, that's only fair , you don't have to like that, but i do that better than fanfiction and there's nothing to lose, only to gain. One post a day, barring accidents, and until someone helps me with the api it will be manual and after 48 hours on the developer discord channel i can only assume it will take a while. The project is up and running though, i have more time than money, i can handle one post a day manually

i got lots to say : comprehensive docs for steemit in a standard format so not only l33t coders with already bots can start and a potential expiry date for articles since you only get seven days to make money anyway, most cute puppies could be recycles, and most help i google is 2 years old and useless, but i know what a read-only ledger is so that would need compromise

tags worth noting :

#steemstem #steembasicincome

three people at random from my list

@darsico @zerotoherobot @truthbeyondlies

people i have enrolled so far in @steembasicincome
since unlike some i DO put my money where my mouth is
@dannyshine (who enrolled me , without who i might not have known about something that might turn out to be the superlative initiative ... might turn out to be, its still humans involved, who is a total anarchistic nut and someone worth checking) ... the rest goes by random picked from top voters with no one getting a second in the same month but possible the next since there has to be incentive after all and im not some marketeer telling you i have no self-interest, but i do what i do as a win-win for me AND whoever gets it, and THAT is the honest truth
so ... people lucky so far : @fishmon , @futuremind , @free999enigma , @mikebluehair42 , @lastditch , @darsico

none of these people have been notified by me, i will ask nothing in return, its a pledge and i stick to it

stuff i'm tinkering on (because i wanna, i KNOW there's zounds of libs but thats not what i need)

mind you can see how the original title remains the post handle ? if you simply add .json to that you get a lot of info which alas seems to be lagging behind the present abit

different places for different spaces :

ALLEYCAT (a server run from my bedroom in a mini itx case on a celeron , linux and lamp for hobby purpose only)

i didnt delete facebook cuz, i deleted it again cuz it was just the same as it was ten years ago, i don't do carrion feeding on the hippest target

google scratchpad (used for spitting so it doesnt come out on someone's face, gets deleted at least every few days, is of no use than what's on my mind right now, public so no following needed)

pOINC (youtube crud, i started on some gamedev but hellgium cracked me down again and i'm still recovering, if i ever do)

disqus forum, mostly torrentfreak subversice crud

shnull@slashdot (my first slashdot profile when the world was young enough to hold commander Taco ... ultracrank crud ...)

kingbenny@slashdot (my current slashdot profile ... if you dont know the place, scroll down past the top posts, ever since the election debates that lead to trump some crud always seems to hog the top words, somewhat below you would usually find the more tek savvy and knowledgeable elitists ... superultracank crud)

tv series (the site that ruined baywatch (=lol) tv-show crud, i dont fanatically keep track, however) (i got locked out of my original when google locked me out of my original and all the sites i used with google login locked me out ... movie-crud) (the one and only place for animists :p anime-crud) (off-the-beaten-travelcrud)


](DTUBE @rudyardcatling) i hear media is stored separately (which makes sense or the blockchain would hit petabytes in no time) so if anyone wants to be a bitch about a 20 year old sample i'll gladly donate the proceeds of said post LOL, or it can very likely be deleted IF YOU REALLY NEED TO BE A BITCH ABOUT FANFICTION

LINE: rudyardcatling
WHATSAPP: thats my phonenumber which i definitely wont share in public
SKYPE : its been so long i forgot but i'll edit the name in later (rarely used, mostly and practically only to call with my old folks when they're in france)

images i'll use regularly i stock here :


(@ubasti banner)




small lol

none of these images are copywrong so you can right click -> copy image and ctrl-v them wherever you like (im not sure about the cat, i got that one on pinterest)

no news from the hinterland worth mentioning in april

but a few things kept ringing :

this post will be edited as it will be edited, i dont do drafts, only real

if you got THIS far, please cio :

owh, maybe one more p.s.

if i see you run a blacklist, wether its the extortion kind or not (send x sbd to review and be removed and all that) i will mute you, if i see you spam around whatever account wrecking them down for whatever reason that is yours not theirs and its not kiddie porn i will mute you. That means i get a lot less dick to suck , rich dick but dick nonetheless.

feel free to mute me, for lack of a block button the system is prone to content nazis, and whatever system it is, it will ALWAYS be abused, this is NOT your chain, this is public and there's room for niche, if anyone annoys you you can mute them and they will never annoy you again


oowh i has answer ! ! ! reading to do but that wont be today cuz head is spinning, THANKSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! @hispeedimagins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehhe, take your time. It will be a lot of trial and error so you will have to be patient. But once you get it, its a piece of cake.

i got more time than money and i know how to pray to the 1e100 all i needed was a hook to hang on lol, i am immensely grateful you have no idea how i have been digging for a starting point !!!!!!!! gracias much

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