Can STRESS be a factor of causing DIABETES? - How did I find out about my disease...?

in #life6 years ago

How did my Life Journey with Diabetes begin?


I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in November, 2016 and, how did I find out? Well, I felt extremely thirsty all the time and although I drank 5 liters of water every day, my mouth was always very dry. Something in my mind told me this could be the symptom of diabetes because for some reason, I had always been afraid of having diabetes and had read a lot on the subject. So, when I finally needed to go to the doctor, I asked her to check my blood glucose level, just in case. I will never forget her face when she saw the results. She literally looked like she saw a ghost. My fasting blood glucose level was 19,7 mmol/l which is extremely high (the normal level should be under 7 mmol/l) so she urged me to go to the emergency room right away. I thought I was going to collapse and started crying on the spot but, thank God my pregnant sister and grandmother were in the doctor’s waiting room, waiting for some medical prescription. It was great to have them next to me at that horrible time. I called my mum and I just cried on the phone for a couple of minutes without being able to say anything. As soon as she heard my voice, she started crying, too. Then I went home and she took me to the emergency room. I remember that my dad had just bought a very tasty sweet pastry covered with chocolate for me for breakfast that day, and it was just sitting on the table waiting for me. This is when my life changed; I wasn’t allowed to eat it anymore. So, I just stood there and stared at it with a growling stomach – trying to accept what was happening.

Back at the hospital, the doctors ran some tests including blood tests. They measured my weight, asked a few questions and they gave me a room because I needed to stay there for a couple of days to adjust my insulin level. They had no doubt that I had type 1 diabetes even though they hadn’t received the results from the LAB yet. I'm insuline dependent since then. (Type 1 is an autoimmun disease, which can't be reversed according to the doctors, and type 2 diabetes can be cured by a proper diet.)


The causes of Type 1 Diabetes can be:
– Genetics

– Virus infection

– Stressful life events

What was the cause of developing Type 1 Diabetes in my case?
No one in my family had Type 1 diabetes before so I can’t attribute it to my genes. How about a virus? Hmmm… I don’t remember anything like that but you never know. Anyways, in my case, most likely stress played a huge role in developing this disease. Here’s why…

I got married at the end of May 2016 after being in a relationship for four and a half years. The Wedding was spectacular; I couldn’t have imagined it in a better way. 180 people attended, the ceremony was held in Hungary’s most beautiful and prestigious Cathedral, the dinner and the party took place at one of Hungary’s most reputable winery, the music was perfect, my hair and dress looked fabulous, the decor was on point and the party went on for three days …. You can imagine! Everything was just perfect and I was the happiest person on Earth. That was until July 2016.

Now, let me back track a little and give you a bit of context. In my life, I had this good friend (we’ll call him Pete) whom I had known for 5 years. We worked together in a Summer Camp in the U.S. in 2012 and we had kept a very close connection. We had a lot of fun together, then we became a “couple” but, the relationship simply didn’t work between us so we broke up after only a week. Despite the breakup, we remained friends just like before because we really enjoyed each others’ company.

Once I met my ex-husband I stopped seeing him as a friend because he was very jealous of all my ex-boyfriends. Even though this one lasted only for one week… But that’s beside the point. After the wedding, Pete contacted me to let me know that him and his friends wanted to host a party to celebrate one of his best friend’s New Born in my family’s B&B. (Background story: I grew up in a famous wine region in Hungary which is a popular tourist destination amongst wine lovers, where my family owns a Winery and a B&B.) So, they came to celebrate in my hometown and I obviously spent the evening with them. I brought them to our winery, we drank some wine and partied together. Suddenly, my husband (I’ll name him Greg) showed up at the party just as Pete put his arm around my shoulder. Perfect timing … right?! By the way, I usually hug my friends but this wasn’t even a hug. After seeing this, Greg went crazy and went directly to his parent’s house which is 300 km away from where we lived. I usually felt very bad when we had a fight but at that moment, I had no bad feelings at all. I didn’t feel guilty because I knew I didn’t do anything wrong. So, I thought to myself, he is going to calm down at some point and is going to come back home. Well, I was wrong.

The days went by and he still didn’t come home. We couldn’t talk this through because he started getting drunk 24/7. First I didn’t tell anyone that we had a fight because I didn’t think it was a big deal. But when my sister found out what happened, she became extremely angry with Greg. I didn’t understand why and first she didn’t want to tell me, but then she started crying and told me what she had found out about him. Greg had had an affair with one of his colleagues that had just ended right before the wedding. Greg discussed the details of his affair with his friends at his Bachelor party where my sister’s husband was invited. So, naturally he shared this story with his wife. Imagine my poor sister… What would you have done in her shoes? Being in a horrible situation, not knowing how to do right by me, whether I’d be better of knowing or not knowing. So finally, she decided to keep her silence because she knew I would crash if I found out. I was so happy and excited for the wedding, I was stunning, I already had everything all set, she didn’t want to ruin the best day of my life. She hoped this would end up being a one-time thing and that him and I would still have a beautiful life together. However, hearing how crazy my husband went because of seeing my friend embracing me, she couldn’t stay silent anymore. Long story short, we broke up after being married for one and half month. Even though I didn’t feel depressed and tried to look at it in a positive way; feeling grateful for finding out so early before even having children, deep inside, it did hurt me. Although I believe that everything happens for a reason, it was a huge shock for my body mentally and physically, too.

So all of this happened in July 2016, I started feeling the symptoms 2 months later and I was diagnosed in November. Everything happened so quickly… The year of 2016 truly was one of the most eventful and life-changing years of my life.


I am so sorry that you were betrayed so badly. But it is better that you found out before having children. Diabetes is not the end of the world although it seems like it when you are first diagnosed. I was diagnosed when I was pregnant with my first son. That was over 30 years ago. I have four sons and 7 grandchildren so I can't say that diabetes slowed me down!

Haha exactly :) Actually, I'm also grateful for having diabetes. because it gave so many things already. Finally I found my passion, what I would like to do in my life, thank to diabetes. And I found the perfect diet which is healthier than anything, so I can eat healthy in the rest of my life. I love it :D
And you are right, I'm happy that I found out about the cheating so quickly, without having children, etc... I always see the positive side of everything :)

Nem lehetett konnyu, de legalabb tul vagy rajta es most ugy elsz, ahogy elotte el sem kepzelted. :)

Ahogy mondod kedves Zoli :)) Boldogabb vagyok, mint valaha! Imádom az életem, oda megyek ahová csak szeretnék, azzal foglalkozhatok végre, amit imádok, és végre önmagam vagyok :)
Köszönöm a kedves szavakat! Millió puszi

Egy jo kapcsolatban is oda mehetnel es azt csinalhatnal, ahova es amit szeretsz! ;) ha eljutok Mexikoba, remelem korbevezetsz!

Thanks for sharing your story. You seem to have come a long way from where you were! It is hard to accept life changing events, but when you do it's nice to look back at it and think how you were able to get through it and how strong you were and that you will be able to face the next challenge and make it through that.

Exactly :) Actually, I'm so grateful for everything that happened. I've lived so many great things since then. FInally, I found my passion, what I would like to do in my entire life, I can travel a lot without any problem, etc... I'm extremely happy now :))

Thanks for sharing lovely. Wow, yes it sounds like this could have been a huge contributor. A loss can really affect our physical body and it is important to give it time to heal.
Your ex-husband reminds me of an ex-boyfriend I had. He was extremely jealous and used to ban me from doing things. He didn't like me having male friends, or speaking to male strangers. Long story short, he cheated on me, and I have found it out from many sources. I by no means want to say that he was completely responsible for our relationship, and of course I was also sometimes difficult to deal with and I know I need to take responsibility for allowing him to ban me in the first place.
My experience is, we fear that someone will do something (e.g.: cheat on us) only if we have the tendency to do so ourselves. My current boyfriend is the loveliest man in the world and it would never cross his mind to every forbid me from meeting male friends, or making new male friends, hugging etc. When we start seeing each other as each others property - that is when things go down the drain. It is important to remember that we are each individuals and we need to be grateful for each others presence in our lives (rather than start treating each other like property).
Thanks for sharing part of your story!

You are definitely right. I know I deserve a much better person and I know I will find him :) And I'm not sad at all, I'm happy that it happened so quickly, without having children, etc. So I can still travel, do whatever I want, I'm totally free.

I'm so glad to hear that you've found that person in your life!!! I'm so happy for you my Dear!!!

Millió puszi és ölelés!!

Stress can do so many things with our body! Sad to hear that things didn't work out, but sometimes it is better to move on instead of living with your mistakes. Like you said, it is good you found out you two weren't meant to be together before you had kids. Big hug!

Thank you so much for your kind words my Dear :)) You are right, I'm so happy I found it out on time.

We have closed our roads to our own humans, so if we are somewhat more likely to have our pets inmunosuprimidos, we are so tired and habitamos that we have lost the libido, the diabetes have enclosed crónica mas no mortal, that if you have a diaspora, then you will have to activate the server for the rest of your time.

I'm sorry to hear that your marriage went out this way and even more that you got the diagnosis. In the end it maybe would have occured without that ending of your marriage as well but it's very likely that that was the reason. I hope you will recover the best that's possible!

Thank you so much for your kind words my Dear!!! I believe I can cure myself :) I have no doubt. Doctors say that only type2 diabetes can be reversed, but I'll show them that I can cure myself from type1 diabetes, too :)

Everything happens for a reason! I am so sorry for this situation, but I am glad you're better now!! How did you end up living in Mexico?

Oh my god, you just said my motto!! That's what I always say, that EVERYTHING HAPPENES FOR A REASON!! It is so true :) And actually, now I'm happier than ever before :)
I came to Mexico for a holiday last year, and I fell in love with it so simply ended up staying here :D

Stress definitely can be a factor, but its just one of them. I'm glad that you are better now :)

Exactly, it's only one of the factors. There can be many others. In my case, it was the stress.

@echowhale team swimming by with your upvotes

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